Ascension Thoughts Update

Some background for newer blog readers and a refresher for old timers...

I woke up spiritually nearly forty years ago. Since then I have been studying and researching higher dimensional energy. I have lived alone for the last twelve years. I have spent a great deal of that time doing deep contemplative processing - healing old emotional wounds and trying to grapple with the intensity of the incoming energies. 

Yet, for all that spiritual work and growth, I am still finding it hard. If I am finding it hard, imagine what it will be like for the 'sleepers' to suddenly awaken into this whirlpool of intense unfamiliar energies...?

There is a quote from Alcoholics Anonymous literature (I have been in the AA program for 38 years). It goes...'Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point...' That is the stage we have reached in our Ascension journey. There are no half measures anymore. We are at the turning point. We are either all in or we are not. I am ALL IN. I hope you are too.
Navigating life in the unfolding 5D world means traveling every day without a map. It can be deeply disconcerting. The solution is to rely on our intuition moment to moment. We only HAVE the current moment. We need to go within and feel our way through this crazy time of personal and global upheaval. 

My life is almost a blank canvas at present - I have lost a lot of people and activities in recent months. It has been a struggle. I feel adrift but I am finally learning to make peace with this new state of being. The blank canvas is for creating my new 5D life...!

I have a quirky system for identifying 5D people in my life - do I smile when I think of them...?? Lately I have found myself smiling when I think of close friends and loved ones. It is a sign of genuine affectionate connection. I am learning to have deep gratitude for the people left in my life instead of focusing on the ones who have drifted away. They are on their own spiritual journey and will find their soul tribe members. If it is not a vibrational match, it was not meant to be.

I have been thinking a great deal about bravery. We often see that well-worn phrase about Light Warriors, 'the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong...' Truthfully, it is spot on. Unless someone has walked our journey alongside us, they can never appreciate what we Light Warriors have endured in recent years. Isolation does not begin to describe it. Yes, we ARE brave and strong - and getting more so with every passing day.

I am ending with the Light Warriors theme song 'We're Not Gonna Take It'. Every time I play it, I get goose-bumps. I feel so damned proud to be part of the Alliance operation in my own small way. Enjoy.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Yes! "We're Not Going To Take It"!
    A tune from my high school years that fits perfectly now.. Twisted Sister ..

    1. Awesome song, Doug - perfect choice for our anthem. Have a great day...!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, Much Love and Light to you from Springtime NZ.

  3. I am with you sierra i am ALL IN

    1. Hi Ar hie...
      I responded to your comment and pushed 'Publish' but nothing there when I returned later. Hopefully this time...
      Awesome, Ar hie, love it...!! WWG1WGA. I am looking forward to meeting up with you at the VICTORY parties.

    2. and what parties they will be be dee you there

  4. I can relate to what you are feeling. I can keep myself motivated but it is hard and we would all like to fast forward into 5D and stay there. All paths lead to the same place so some of us will get there ahead of our loved ones and friends. I would never have thought this journey would be so lonely. Than god for blogs like yours that let me know I am sane!

    1. Indigo, like you I can stay motivated, although some days are easier than others. And also like you, I never imagined this journey would be so lonely either. Matthew Ward said that humanity has suffered much longer than anticipated because of the tenacity of the DS in holding on for so long. This should have been wrapped up years ago.
      And doing my best to stay sane...!!


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