Ascension Thoughts Update

This is an excellent article about the current time-line split.

I often refer to Dolores Cannon's extensive body of work on Ascension. She talked about how people will fall out of your life as you get close to ascending. You will probably notice that this is happening more rapidly lately. It is a good sign - it means Ascension is very close now. 

Remember, there is no fault or blame attached to these relationships falling away. It is no one's fault. It is simply a case of mis-matched vibration. It is necessary for these mis-matches to be resolved for all concerned.

You WILL ascend with your soul tribe. There is no doubt about it. Right now, some of them may be in the middle of intense emotional battles with you and/or other people. It can seem very painful, especially when they appear to be alienated from you. But know there is real purpose to your pain (and theirs) - they are wrapping up their final 3D lessons to be free to ascend.

Remember, soul tribe is quite different to birth family. Every Light Warrior I know is estranged from one or more members of their birth family. Your birth family was designed to launch you into this lifetime. It was not necessary to keep the connection for the entire lifetime unless there is a genuine love bond. If there is no resonance with a birth family member, you are free to move on.

If you look around, you will see that nearly everyone you know is experiencing an intense struggle of some kind, whether it is physical illness, emotional clearing or spiritual crisis. This HAD to happen.

You may be experiencing a few last minute trigger situations of your own. Instead of resisting the triggers, see them as a gift. They are an opportunity to clear all your karmic blockages. I am learning to stay emotionally detached when I get triggered. I say, 'Okay, one less lesson to deal with...' It is the path of soul evolution.

People are finally confronting their fears, to be released so they can ascend. One of Dolores Cannon's regression clients talked about how the dark forces are losing their grip on humanity because we are confronting our fears...

'Fear is the way they have maintained power, and almost everyone in this world is in fear...there is a great deal of concern for those in power because now the fear is vanishing (due to free communication). Many things that are occurring, even the catastrophes, act as a catalyst to bring fear out so it is dealt with. So it is a cleansing in a way. But those in power don't want this process to occur...' (Dolores Cannon, The Three Waves of Volunteers And The New Earth)

My lovely friend Walt said that leading up to Ascension, we (humanity) are chess pieces on a giant chessboard. The game is being played in the dark. Currently we the pieces are busy shuffling around on the board to get into the perfect position for our Ascension. Because it is dark, we don't know what the other pieces are doing, apart from our most immediate connections.

When the Light comes on (Ascension/The Event), the chess board will be visible - and that is when you will know where everyone is positioned. Until then, rely on your intuition to guide you moment to moment, and your faith to trust in your Divine soul plan. All is well.

Finally, if you are tired, make time to rest and nap. Napping has become the latest thing among my Light Warrior friends - even the men! We are going through THE most powerful profound time in our entire existence (so far) as a soul. The intensity is off the charts. Take a break. Walk in nature, relax with a magazine or comedy TV show...or sleep. You have earned it.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. About watching comedy have you seen this movie, "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein" (1948)? . And you can go to this Russian video site, click video, and find many movies you can watch.

    1. I had to disable my AdblockPlus to watch youtube. Then I put it on again and so far no ads on youtube like before.

    2. Great stuff, thanks Wayne...! It's always good to get links to comedy, especially wonderful old comedy like Abbott and Costello.

  2. Yes we are experiencing the split with family and I have with friends to a degree especially over the plandemic. My wife saw this firsthand as well. She has really awakened herself she isn't sure about a divine intervention yet but she sees all the darkness and all the control tactics and she is so kind to all so she will ascend I need to keep living from the heart and not expect others to awaken and question regardless how many red flags pop up. ❤️
    I sure hope Q meant tmrw let's get this party started!
    Love and Light to all!

    1. Doug, it is so lovely that your wife sees the truth about what is happening - and we can ascend on kindness alone, my friend. The whole world would be a different place if everyone lived by just two words: Be Kind.

  3. Yes...being kind sounds so easy right but not in all circumstances I have found which makes it a continual work in progress if we get triggered somehow which I know means we are not staying in the heart 😉
    But man this world is a co stant test isn't it..sure monks leaving society aren't triggered but just leaving the house and driving ..we went to the pizza place the other day my wife did just as she should go over into the right lane to turn into the place and a large truck came by honking and yelling at us about learning how to drive. In reality they were in the turning lane not the fast shows me how people perceive reality and justify their actions ..of course we saw this front and center during the pandemic how quickly people would take away your rights for what they perceived was the greater good.

    Timeline split..I go back and forth because we also hear and read about most being evacuated to a planet in the Pleiades for healing who aren't able to handle the energies ..I assume the large arks around the world are for this..
    Only like 15% choose the old 3D timeline I thought per all I have read and listened to. I lik that timeline as many seemingly are too programmed to awaken...being my kind self 😊 I want all to ascend or have every opportunity but perhaps as article reads the portal remains open when they are ready. Love and Light to all!! So amazing to have a place to talk about all of this. ❤️❤️

    1. Doug, it is lovely to read your thoughts, thank you. When we share, everyone benefits. Your positive attitude is shining a bright Light into this community. Love and Light to you...!

  4. For the past few days, I noticed something different about myself. We are about to have a drastic change in our weather - from beautiful 80's (F) during the day and 60's at night to 47 during the day and 30's at night (snow weather, basically). For some reason, this year I was hyped up to get ready for this change... and even now, explaining it here, I hesitate to use the word "worry." Instead, I consciously made the choice, when explaining it, to say "Why this does weather change DISTURB me so much this time?" I believe some of it is because it is my first winter without my husband... and even though for the past few years he couldn't do much to help, I had the ILLUSION of support in that area. So now it's up to me to take care of the car maintenance, get the rock salt positioned in the house, make sure we have a shovel to chop ice and the ice breaker in the car, stock up on food in case we're in for a few days, make sure the tank is full of gas, etc. I'm even wondering if the feeling I'm having is not so much the weather change, but that something big is coming... and not necessarily something negative... it's like an EXPECTANT feeling. Is anyone else feeling this? Because usually by this time of the year, my body is gearing up to get into hibernation mode (winter in the US), but though I noticed that feeling at first, it has since changed to a bit of hyper-awareness. Again, I consciously refuse to use words like "fear" or "worry" and I've noticed that does change how I feel about any given situation. It really does feel great to take fear off the table.

    1. Deb, great sharing, thank you. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. Usually at this time of year leading up to Christmas, I have mixed unsettled feelings. However, this year feels different. Like you say, more of an expectant feeling. And I am having lots of deja vu moments which leads me to believe something big IS heading down the pike before Christmas. Love and Light, my dear friend.


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