Astrologer Pam Gregory: Solar Eclipse 14th October

We live in the most intense of times, don't we...? Astrologer Pam Gregory has an excellent video about the Solar Eclipse on 14th October. If you are particularly interested in USA politics, watch at 26 minutes (47 minute video). She emphasizes that October and November are very powerful months both personally and collectively.

I watched this video of body double Hillary [C]linton because I was mesmerized by the mask line on her neck. What else can it be...? Also fake HRC is clearly much younger than the original. She follows a well-rehearsed script along with her [D]eep [S]tate interviewer as she recommends re-education camps for Trump supporters (5' 40" video).

'Maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members (MAGA Trump supporters). Somebody needs to do that...' (Fake HRC)

Australian Senator Pauline Hanson grilled a Pfizer executive about jab mandates/forced vaccinations.  Pfizer continues to spew out their standard response - the same one used recently by our NZ Prime Minister Hipkins over the same question. Here is their playbook script: 'Everyone was offered the opportunity, no one was forced to be vaccinated...' We knew this time of non-accountability from the evil perpetrators would come (3 minute video).

This is a fascinating little clip from the History Channel about Tesla's ambition to create free electricity for NYC. Those two antennae remind me of the Back to the Future movie scene where Marty whizzes down from the top of the building (1' 14" video).

While we are on this kind of theme, check out this video from the great Tartania mud flood researcher. Squint your eyes when you look at the blonde girl in the picture. Wow. Subliminal imagery everywhere, folks ( 1 minute video).

Light Warriors, I hope you are enjoying the show. President Trump just endorsed Jim Jordan for US Speaker. The plot just got very interesting. Alliance in FULL control. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.


Me too...!

It's a lovely Spring day here in New Zealand. Northern hemisphere fall colors will be looking beautiful about now. Enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature - it was designed to soothe your soul and it does a fine job of it.

Every day I am intrigued by the 3D/5D separation that is manifesting around me. Everything might LOOK the same in the movie - the scenery has not changed - but characters are falling away at such a rapid pace. They are still in our lives, physically, but they (and we) do not have the motivation to stay connected if they are not a vibrational match. 

It is the exact scenario that both Dolores Cannon and Allison Coe described in client regression transcripts. The people who are still closely connected to us - after all this extraordinary turmoil - are a VIBRATIONAL MATCH. I love and appreciate them, and I wish well the people who have drifted away. No one did anything wrong. It is about Ascension.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thanks Sierra, for mentioning Dolores Cannon again. Have not delved in yet, but attracted toward her books. My housemate was mentioning her today too.

    Marting Geddes wrote a thoughtful piece, fairly long, on how we, the non vaxxed etc, have had an irreversible change in our worlds, and how the contrast with the general folks, our family and friends of the past, has contained grief and other things. A couple bits from it:
    There is no way in which my old friends will be able to relate to what “anons” have been through in the last five years. We have had to stare into a hellish abyss of evil — bioweapons, mind control, psychotronic torture, child sex slaves, weaponised AI, ingested nanotech, ubiquitous poisons, captured institutions, genetically and physically mutilated youth, and so on. The void does gaze back, and it affects you at a deep level. A bio-digital war is made more gruesome by its imperceptibility, not less. We have endured the psychological equivalent of trench warfare, but with invisible wounds to the psyche.
    The way we ultimately prevail in this war is to begin living again in “peace mode”, and transcending the combat mindset. We cannot spend our whole lives as “preppers”, anticipating yet more shocks, and curtailing our activities to those we deem safe in a conflict context. These active hobbies and craft endeavours that help to save us, since they take us away from the fallen institutional world.

    1. I know you say that it's time to stop "preparing for doomsday" and begin to "live in peace mode". And while I make a conscious effort every day not to be judgmental, and to help others as much as I can if I see someone struggling, I do not as yet know how to actually LIVE in this new world. Regardless of the fact that my husband of 30+ years passed only 5 months ago, now that I am free of having to care for him, I still have a son with Down Syndrome that I care for. For this reason, I do not feel "free" to just start up a new project or go out there to find new friends, and especially not to travel, when I would be a woman traveling alone in what seems to be mostly hostile environments (with all that's going on). I'd love some advice, a direction... something. I've asked my Guides to help me with this, but so far all I am getting in terms of messages is what NOT to do. So I feel stuck. Is there a reason I am meant to simply stay here and be the Light, and not much else (though I know how important that is)? I just don't know. But yours is the first message I've received that says it's time to stop "preparing" and start living. I will take that as a GOOD sign and start looking for more of the same. Thank you for that.

    2. Hi Deb...I know exactly how you feel. Navigating life in the unfolding 5D world means traveling every day without a map. It is most disconcerting. But the point is for us to rely on our intuition moment to moment. We only HAVE the next moment. My life is almost a blank canvas at present - I have lost a lot of people and activities in recent months. I feel adrift but I am learning to make peace with this new state of being. The blank canvas is for painting my new 5D life...! (I will include this response in today's post...)

  2. You are very welcome re Dolores, BillQ. I have nearly all of her books and refer back to them constantly. Dolores and Matthew Ward are my 'go tos' for information about ascending to 5D Earth.
    A friend sent me the Martin Geddes article. Martin is a great writer. I love how he gets straight to the heart of what we Light Warriors have experienced in recent years. We are battle-scarred yet those scars are invisible to the unawakened people around us.

    1. Thanks, I'm a Matthew Ward fan too, have not read any books but read the monthly updates.

  3. Hakann: "You lightworkers are the ones who have done the most truth-seeking, self-development, and going-inwards work. You are incredibly brave and hard-working. People treat you worse than they treat sleepers. Despite this most of you keep going on. This is incredibly impressive and inspiring to us. You are doing amazingly well.

    You are the wayshowers, the lighthouses in the darkness, the energy workers, the consciousness pioneers on Earth, and we are very grateful to you. When we finally land you will have a place of honor among us and be more than welcome to live among us. We cannot wait to meet you."

    1. Wayne, thanks so much for sharing this excerpt - reading it made me feel very emotional.


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