Israel Explained: James Gilliland

James Gilliland's latest newsletter is long and full of interesting information. I have included two excerpts here. The first excerpt gives excellent background to the Israel situation. The second excerpt is uplifting - a beautiful view from the 40,000 foot perspective and beyond.

...We are in no way supporting or downgrading the atrocity of what was carried out by Hamas. It was brutal and heart wrenching! 


No one is asking why, what drove them to this extreme hatred. Palestine was their land and now they have been reduced to a 5 by 25 mile postage stamp over the years. The Rothchild's, Khazarian Jews created Israel which over the years displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians taking over almost the entire country. To this day they are treated as second class citizens. Know your history. Here is a map showing the history of Palestine. 

There is a difference between Khazarian Jews and the Jewish people. Know the difference. Do your research. Did you know that Ukraine used to be called Khazaria? Any bells go off? Anyone connecting the dots, figuring out who is really in control? Could it be Khazarian Jews, the International banksters who financed every war since Napoleon? A Satanic/Luciferian death cult that has infiltrated governments globally? Most cannot handle the truth. You will never hear this on mainstream news because they own it. Most of social media as well. 

...What they (dark forces) did not factor in is a higher power, a greater plan, an event no man/woman can stop. It is the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is an event backed by God/Creator/Great Spirit itself along with the beautiful many Ascended Masters, Saints and sages, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders. It is cosmic in nature, measurable, and has to do with grand cycles. There are also those of noble character in positions of power and influence who see the writing on the wall. The world the war and disease profiteers desire is unsustainable, it is on a downward spiral leading to social, economic and environmental collapse.... (James Gilliland)

The fake actor [B]iden in his tight latex mask didn't come off well in this interaction with reporters. For goodness sake, we are supposed to believe this buffoon joking about war is the leader of one of the (previously) greatest nations on Earth...?? Give me a break (51" video).

Here he is again. Watch his handlers work hard to avoid him answering questions (48" video).

This is truly shocking. Many great Light Warriors have sacrificed their lives in the battle to liberate humanity. We honor the lives of Senator Doug Larsen and his family. You will not be forgotten.

I watched this five-minute video right through as a reminder of what we Light Warriors endured during the mask mandate madness. This woman remained calm and she HELD HER GROUND. We must never forget the indignities, the lack of common sense from every quarter that held humanity in a vice-like grip. History will judge this time on Earth as a low point indeed (5 minute video).

Finally, thanks for sharing Ascension symptoms, lovely blog readers. It really helps to share our experiences on this journey - we all feel a little less isolated. Always remember that we are in this together, from the top of the planet (Iceland) right to the bottom (NZ). There is only Antarctica south of New Zealand...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site. 

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Since the subject of the globe came up again have you seen the spinning globe picture from Alex Collier? Lightworkers are against the vaccinators who inject poison into our bodies but they promote the brainwashing spinning globe into our minds. Both the poison and the brainwashing lowers the vibrations of the world making it harder to ascend.

    1. Wayne, many Light Warriors like myself have not committed ourselves to any particular shape of Earth. It is not a priority for me. I have ideas how it might be - but there is so much we can only guess at. Meanwhile there are plenty of other issues to be concerned about...

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Could not find the James Gilliland article at his website, have often had this experience. They had it on another website at this link

    1. Thanks BillQ...I could have used that link myself, duh...! I will add it in the post. Yes, I tried to find it on his website too. It was my preference to use his original link at his website but I have never had any luck there either. Great to hear from you.

  3. We are indeed all in this together :)
    We are well spread out.
    You know Gene Decode talks about the whole North and South idea we have been fed is backwards. That what we commonly know as South pole is actually North. So in terms you might actually be on the top!
    It's fun to bring it in to the pile of stuff to think about :)
    By the way I recommend the new Interview with Bo Polny and David Nino Rodriguez. It's on YouTube. Really nice faith boozters those two.
    Lots of Love πŸ’•

    1. I was thinking of you when I wrote the post, Aron...! I read that recently about the poles being backwards. We Kiwis have been so used to living Down Under we wouldn't know how to handle living on top of the world. Tee hee...! Lots of Love and Light to you.

    2. I don't understand the point of North being South or vice versa. What difference does it make? They are just conventions and calling one thing one way and calling its opposite another way. Or why "to the right" is to move forward and the opposite is to move back. So the hands of the clock go forward, because we understand that time goes forward. However, the Earth rotates counterclockwise! Hmm. But if you are in the South and consider North to be the South Pole, the Earth would rotate clockwise (Properly!πŸ˜€).

      The concepts we use seem to have a positive or negative implication. Up = "good", Down = "bad". Standing is good, being on the ground is bad. Above is heaven, below is hell. The light is above, the heavy is below. The north is rich, the south is poor (this happens in many countries, it is very curious). Right is "good", "correct"; Left is "bad", "defective" (let's leave politics aside here). Is the above really better, is the North better? Oil floats on water, but does that make it better? To me, the Antarctic (with its Antarctica) seems much more interesting than the Arctic with its floating ice.

      Does anyone really know if, in a Cosmos in which everything is in constant motion, the planets around their star, the stars rotating between constellations, are rotating in their galaxies, the galaxies rotating around large clusters, or their universe, and universes rotating Regarding others... Does anyone know how to say, I repeat, with certainty, what is above or what is below?

      They are just concepts and words, to be able to understand each other.

    3. Great comment, Ric, love it...! Indeed, what is up or down...? And of course does it REALLY matter...??? We live in a hologram that each of us is creating every day with our thoughts. Now THAT is a rabbit hole worth exploring...!!!

  4. It truly is sad to know how the Palestinians have been treated for so long. With the amount of land taken away from them, too many have been killed. It is the Khazarian Mafia and not the innocent Jews and Palestinians that are responsible, yet the MSM does a good job triggering anger amonst the innocent so that they continue to hate each other. I had met a Palestinian girl in summer school during my highschool years and I had no idea how deep this hatred was until she began talking about the details.. She was way too young to be holding such heavy energy.

    In regards to the Earth being flat, I have not taken sides either. Sharon Stewart had said this was a distraction to the mind. COBRA said planets are spherical. COBRA also says we are sandwiched or compressed so perhaps part spherical and part flat, lol.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Indigo. Your experience with the Palestinian girl reminds us of the heave burden being carried by people in the region affected by this misery.
      Regarding the Earth round/flat/hexagonal/ issue...yes, a major distraction, I agree.

  5. James Gilliland. Waoo Grazie Sierra , ho condiviso tutto in italiano Ti Amo Grazie Infinite. Andrea Vitale

    1. Sei il benvenuto, Andrea. Seguo il lavoro di James Gilliland da molti anni. È un grande Guerriero della Luce. Amore e Luce a te nella bellissima Italia...!

  6. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks Caroline, I absolutely love your purple hearts...!

  7. James is missing the point that Creator Source loves Israel . And Hamas is satanic not just frustrated over not enough land . Otherwise why set up rocket launches in hospitals ?

    1. Faith, it is up to each of us to use our discernment regarding any intel. I post a wide range of material and I often remind people to use their discernment. Not everything will resonate with everyone, especially at the moment when the DS is working very hard to divide us all.

    2. No Doug I don’t believe Biden and MSM. I like what Indigo commented . Both sides have been manipulated to hate and mistrust each other . Only God can sort this out and He will .


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