I am opening this post with some thoughts on Ascension.
This morning I had an enlightening discussion with a Light Warrior friend about Ascension. We agreed that Ascension happens after we have mastered ALL our lessons from the third dimension. That's when we ascend spiritually.
Sure, at present our physical bodies are still in 3D. When humanity ascends en masse, we Light Warriors will take our physical bodies along for the ride. Until then, we are still here to serve humanity as best we can, without compromising our own Ascension.
Think about it. Have you worked extremely hard in recent years/months/weeks to master aspects of your life that have caused you stress and emotional pain for a long time...? Many of us Light Warriors have done some very deep emotional/spiritual work around healing our core wounds from childhood in this lifetime, and issues from past lives.
This is our LAST life in the third dimension. It is no accident that many Light Warriors (including me) volunteered for a super challenging last life - to mop up all outstanding karma accumulated since we first incarnated on Earth. I have been regressed to several painful (physical and emotional) past lives that help to explain why I have suffered so much in this lifetime. It was time to release it all forever so I could ascend to the higher dimensions.
Pat yourself on the back if you have achieved great progress recently in clearing karmic blockages. It is not a task for the faint-hearted. Most people on Earth would rather watch sport or eat junk food than face their unfinished business head on. But not you - you did it. Go, you...!
Moving on to other things...
Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts shared good news about the steady failure of the evil World Health Organisation. The battle is not over yet but this latest win is a strong victory (5' 15" video).
BP from Starship Earth included in her latest newsletter a little piece about Israel and the Jewish people. It is recommended reading to understand what is happening there.
...To be clear, we do not demonize the People of Israel. They have been powerless to stop the monster invading all our nations for decades. They are just trying to make sense of it all and survive. They have been victims of the tyrannical cabal just as we all have. That is why "The Great Awakening" must take place.
We encourage people to use the term "Jewish" loosely because we know the Zionist/Khazarian monsters only pretend to be Jewish. The cabalists worship Satan and have always been at war with our Creator (BP at Starship Earth)
I am aware of the controversy around General Flynn vigorously bagging the Q operation during an interview with Dave at the X22 Report. I have not commented on this subject because I am waiting for more information to be revealed. Having said that, it feels like a strategic Alliance move to me.
Tucker Carlson reveals yet another [D]eep [S]tate lie: George Floyd was not murdered. Surprise, surprise. Many Light Warriors knew it was staged on the day it happened (13' 13" video)
A reminder of why the [D]eep [S]tate is desperately creating deadly global distractions. Q drops refer to [E]pstein for a reason. He is a keystone in taking down the whole DS empire (apologies for inflicting his photo on lovely blog readers).

Finally, I am enjoying our lovely sunny spring weather here. Looking forward to a beach walk with a Light Warrior friend this afternoon. There is so much to be grateful for if you hang about at the 40,000 foot perspective. Life can be sweet - if you choose it. It's all about attitude (and altitude!).
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
I opened a article about some cannibal club sp cookers and pedos of Hollywood on rmn. It made me sick to my stomach and this is the first time I can say this because I tend to avoid graphic shit like that. I think humanity collectively will vomit and be equally disgusted at this stuff when it comes out.
ReplyDeleteScott, I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes I accidentally see images when I am scrolling that make me sick to my stomach, and you can't unsee them. I think the Alliance will spare humanity the full force of this graphic horror. However, there will be enough shown for them to understand the massive scale of evil depravity that has taken place here.
DeleteYeah I read once that humanity would literally go backwards into 3d if everything was revealed and I live with 2 3d oldies and I try to limit my time around them.
DeleteI must admit I had a great childhood growing up in a small town here in N Idaho ..great parents as well lots of love and safety and a lot of fly fishing our beautiful Lochsa River as a kid.
ReplyDeleteWe all have our own karma prior life's but I often ask if it's all a holographic illusion and we aren't supposed to focus on the dark but rise above it doesn't karma only exist if we manifest it by placing our attention toward thinking negatively? As far as I'm concerned the entire experiment was a bust and we became prisoners of the dark ones who continually broke cosmic law as they enslaved us more and more.
I guess I am looking forward I can't change the past and what err happened was part of this messed up 3D experiment that went off the rails when the galactics allowed the negative ones to invade us knowing full well we couldn't stop them.
Just my 2 cents. Like you Sierra I am so drawn to WW2 Europe..I can't say for sure but it sure feels like I was involved as well.
Be cool to ascend and be able to see all we lived thru the good and the bad..alot of tears I imagine
Love to all as we hold the light for all of humanity the best we can!
I believe the Earth experiment went pear-shaped in a far worse manner than was expected. Therefore the solution has taken far longer than imagined too.
DeleteI agree with you Doug - it will be VERY cool after we ascend to see the entire bigger picture, to understand just how incredibly brave and awesome we have been...!!
Read Starship Earth...I completely resonate with it.. she states basically we need divine intervention to ascend from this prison planet with so much tech used against us..I concur.
ReplyDeleteThis last life, thank God! It has been tough, full of challenges and yes we are still here. When we clear our own Karma it affects our ancestors as well. I know I have cleared some dark energies and curses in my family lineage. I felt like a heavy zombie in the late eighties and slow but sure I persevered. This is a big part of how we are helping humanity and generations of distorted DNA. We sure have come a long way.
ReplyDeleteI liked what BP said about Israel
DeleteWe have come a very long way, Indigo. I am amazed at the amount of soul growth I have achieved just in the last few months. It indicates how close we are to the finish-line - we are cramming in our last minute lessons...!
DeleteI have recently read about some things related in this article. That our hardest incarnations are the first and the last (we must "settle the account"). That our first 3D incarnations in this Universe date back about 3 million years and there have been no "new" souls incarnating until very recently.
ReplyDeleteI share the point of view of BP Starship.
I do not have full confidence in the so-called "White Hats" or the so-called "Alliance." I think there are many "Gray Hats" with an agenda that, without being sinister, is very much motivated by personal interests and maintaining or obtaining privileges for themselves. That said, I find "gray" preferable to "black." And with all this said, I am quite optimistic about the future of this Humanity.
Ric, I am also optimistic about the future of humanity - very optimistic.
DeleteRegarding "Most people on Earth would rather watch sport or eat junk food", this is really disheartening, indeed. But this must also be seen from a certain height and not lose sight of the fact that many of the people we see populating this hologram are just biorobots, "filler" people, props.
ReplyDeleteIt is true there are many 'backdrop people' as Dolores Cannon refers to them. Also, I believe I exaggerated when I stated that many people on Earth would rather watch sport and eat junk food. A lot of people are waking up to these distractions, thankfully.