NZ Whistle-blower Evidence Of Jab Deaths

Opening this post with a very important video. Please note: It is presented by a political party person but it is not related to politics. Liz Gunn from the NZ Loyal Party released the video AFTER the election. 

Liz has heart-breaking statistical evidence from a whistle-blower clinician of the high number of deaths and injuries caused by the jab. For example, 30 people were jabbed on one day at the same location - they are now ALL dead. That is not a coincidence. Please pass this video on and support the call for a criminal investigation in New Zealand (8 minute video).

New Zealanders do not have to look far to see a new trend in this country - sudden deaths and turbo cancers. People around my age (mid-60s) are suddenly contracting aggressive terminal cancers. Years ago it was a rarity - now it is common place. We all know someone with aggressive terminal cancer. 

A criminal investigation is vital to ascertain why suddenly tens of thousands more New Zealanders are dying every year. What has changed in the last three years...? The jab.

I sincerely hope the whistle-blower has the courage to step forward with the data and end the jab murders forever. Anecdotal evidence is mounting with people discussing the high cancer rates. The whistle-blower data would be met with more open-mindedness now than if it was presented a year ago.

Change of subject...

Even the MSM is weighing in on the [B]iden family's criminal activities. How long will it TAKE for impeachment etc etc...??

There is a lot of discussion among Light Warriors about 'hat colors' - whether players are White, Black or Grey hats. Personally, I consider the hat color debate to be yet another distraction. It's a bit like the shape of the Earth. Each of us draws our own conclusions about hat colors and planet shapes. If you are comfortable with your own conclusion, allow other people to be comfortable with their conclusion. Ultimately there are far more important issues to confront on a daily basis.

As you may already know, I don't watch long detailed intel videos anymore. I don't feel guilty about not watching long videos. It's my choice and I am happy with it. The focus of this blog is more about the bigger picture, with some sprinklings of detail to add flavor...! And I would rather be outside in the fresh air, to be honest.

Finally, always remember that Ascension is the point of humanity's liberation. We Light Warriors are helping to liberate people so they can choose to ascend along with us. They might decline that option, as is their right - but we are giving them the opportunity right up to the last minute.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Much Love and Light to you, my lovely friend.

  2. I am still blown away at how so many people were so willing to be jabbed even bragging about it on Facebook and still today Walgreens has tv ads promoting the jab! The message of course is saving humanity and your neighbors and friends of I get the jab which ironically is what the elite think by depopulating earth we are saving earth and humanity that remain.
    I know people who have died suddenly and I think sadly my brother who was already battling cancer this only made it worse as he passed July 25th.
    Still my younger sister and brother in law don't seem to see any correlation even with him getting a blood clot on his lower leg recently. I rem hearing the zombie apocalypse is coming we are living thru it because so many are so unaware of what is really happening and totally without any critical thinking totally believing it all. To even try to explain ETs..our real origin our real history the system inside the matrix feels almost impossible at this late pt. The common thread is most all still think Nine 11 was real that's what I have concluded those who know it's not didn't take the jab..even Trump supporters here...we know got jabbed ?? I can't fathom why anyone wld but again they are fast asleep.

  3. Doug, the masses are finally awakening. It is really happening. It took such a drastic situation to cause that awakening, ie Scamdemic. But we must remember that the DS was planning the Scamdemic for decades. During all that time, we, unsuspecting humanity, were just trying to survive day to day - while they plotted to kill nearly all of us. The scale of evil is incomprehensible. However, the Light has ALREADY won...!!

  4. Agreed the scale and planning all to hold us back but ironically it will hold them back now.

  5. G'day Sierra,
    Thank you for all your work.
    My understanding of Trump's role in Project Warp speed is at:
    You may be interested in my 'take' on banking & its enslavement & impoverishment of our world.
    Modern banks are totally fraudulent.

    The current global financial & banking systems will be abolished after the coming collapse of those systems. Then, supervised by the International Treasury Controller (ITC), every nation's Treasury will create the nation's money and currency on an asset backed & Interest Free basis; & all national money/currency will be emitted on PAR with all other nations' money/currency. That will prevent financial rorts. The international trading currency will probably be called the Globec.
    Private fractional reserve banking will be abolished together with illegal and unlawful government income taxes. The result will be almost immediate prosperity and abundance for all, as currently the Rothschilds' Central banking systems probably creams off up to 95% of all national productivity in the nations that allow them to operate.
    Peace & Blessings

    1. Great to hear from you Ron. I am thinking Aussie or Kiwi with that G'day...?? And thank you for sharing your take on the financial situation, always interesting...!

  6. I'm tired of the Biden bad/Trump good/Stolen election issue. We are at the end of 2023 and the next elections in the US will soon be, and the "bad guy" is still sitting in his chair and traveling on Air Force One. Fake White House, actor or puppet with a mask, Washington DC deserted and with closed buildings where no one goes, ok, everything ok. And...? If a puppet falls, another can be put in its place. It is profitable to steal elections and no matter how blatant this may have been, scandalous enough to have canceled everything and turned around in the first two months of 2020, here we continue to put up with these imbeciles, thieves, blood drinkers. I am optimistic about the change in the planetary situation, but for reasons other than the theater that they make us contemplate (and here I also include many "patriots"), and considering other actors.

    1. I understand your frustration, Ric, I really do. It was that immense frustration that inspired me to move my focus up to the 60,000 foot perspective where the annoying details don't get a look in. I feel free to enjoy life.
      Also, I am putting my attention on my personal soul growth which is not affected by the DS playbook.
      Love and Light to you.


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