Time Travel: The Alliance Operation

I often say that the Light has already WON on the continuum outside of time and space. What if the Alliance has access to time-travel and is able to circumvent the restrictions of time and space...??

This video about President Trump, Tesla and time-travel is a must-watch. Many of you may already know this story about Barron Trump and the book from the 1800's but it's still an interesting and fun refresher (1' 29" video, turn down the loud distracting music).

I think the time-travel aspect accounts for my lack of interest in the day to day details of the Alliance operation. BP at Starship Earth said much the same thing in her latest newsletter. The operation is unfolding exactly as predicted by Q - and Q is certainly connected to time-travel. There is no other explanation.

Maintaining a 40,000 foot perspective makes for a peaceful life. From up here at 40,000 feet I can see that Jim Jordan will be made Speaker of the House...President Trump's kangaroo trial is part of the plan to show people he did nothing wrong...the Alliance is taking out DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) in the Middle East with 'earthquakes' at 10 kilometres deep. Light Warriors know that 10 kilometre 'quakes' are explosions to destroy the DUMBS.

Meanwhile here in Spring time New Zealand, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. It really doesn't get more simple than that.

There is a great air of expectancy worldwide. It is like a very long slow inhale that will suddenly explode into a huge spluttering exhale that will catch most people on Earth off-guard. The exhale will change life forever. Nothing will ever be the same again.

Instead of being bored and frustrated with this last little waiting period, go back up again to that 40,000 foot perspective. See and appreciate the ACCURACY of predictions like Q and time-travel. It would be churlish of us Light Warriors to take these gifts for granted. Imagine what the last six years would have been like WITHOUT Q drops to inform, guide, encourage and inspire us.

There was no intel in this post about US politics or the Middle East situation. I'm just not feeling it, friends. Ascension is a much bigger journey than petty politics and false flag operations. 

Watching the political change of guard here in New Zealand reminds me just how petty politics can be. Our local MP has grinned like an idiot at every photo opportunity for many years. He lost his job because of the election result. Afterwards, when a parliamentary reporter asked him a polite reasonable question, he told her to 'F--- off'. Seeing the truth behind the facade now.

Keep appreciating the small joys in your life. I am still rocking my Gratitude notebook every day - it has made a huge difference to my outlook in recent months. Some days I don't get to write much but other days I merrily write a long list of things I appreciate.

Merry is the word for today. It's a good old fashioned word and a great way to live.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Donald Trump: "I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. We are going to go through a very tough two weeks. This is going to be a very painful two weeks."

    1. The headline yesterday said, 'President Trump 'BIG Things In Two Weeks'. That is not my understanding of what he said as his first sentence said "the hard days that lie ahead".

    2. Wayne, I think the inference is - after two weeks, we will see a major breakthrough.

  2. Project Looking Glass..it's so interesting Sierra that you mention Q and time travel because I was just thinking about that and it hit me that they have to be accessing some type of time travel tech like looking glass to be so precise with the events and the date about HRC!
    Expectation is the key word, we are all expecting a lot to happen now in October!
    My wife hung an Autumn decoration over our toilet recently which made me smile, it reads
    "Welcome Autumn Harvest"
    I smiled as I thought of those Q posts showing a corn field ready for harvest and Sen Grassley mentioned ..

    1. Doug, I had forgotten about Senator Grassley's corn harvest. Hmmm...! Such interesting times ahead, my friend.

      Acreditamos que o precursor ou o próprio LOOKING GLASS

    3. Yes I recall a post I think stating "Trust Grassley" right ?

    4. Yes, Doug, there is a Q drop" TRUST GRASSLEY.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Replies
    1. Lovely to see your cheery purple hearts Caroline, hugs to you.

  5. Bom Dia-Good Day
    Gostamos da referência 40 mil pés acima. Sempre acreditamos que muitas pessoas formam as suas análises ,às vezes pueris, a partir do degrau da escada onde se encontram. No degrau onde nos encontramos fazemos conjecturas e suposições, a partir do que vemos. Mas, quando subimos mais um degrau ,passamos a ver e ter opinião diversa da paisagem anterior E por isso muitas vezes, infelizmente, esses que querem avaliar do cenário a partir do degrau que se encontra são presas fáceis dos antagônicos, dos oportunistas e "desalmados" pois é o que tem de mais abundante para desinformar e plantar fake (sofismas) nos desavisados .E Infelizmente é muito difícil despertar essa gente. Não é o status financeiro ,social ou cultural é uma alienação,um filtro que bloqueia a LUZ.
    Obrigado Serra

    1. Good morning Jaques, lovely to hear from you. Once again, you have written such an astute comment I have translated it below. All I can add to your excellent summary of the benefits of the 40,000 foot perspective is....Ditto...! Love and Light to you in Brazil.

      Here is Jaques translated comment...

      Good morning
      We like the reference 40 thousand feet above. We have always believed that many people form their analyses, sometimes puerile, based on the rung of the ladder where they find themselves. On the step where we find ourselves, we make conjectures and assumptions, based on what we see. But, when we climb another step, we start to see and have a different opinion of the previous landscape. And that is why, unfortunately, many times, those who want to evaluate the scenario from the step they are on are easy prey for antagonists, opportunists and "heartless" " because it is the most abundant way to misinform and plant fakes (sophistry) on the unsuspecting. And unfortunately it is very difficult to awaken these people. It's not financial, social or cultural status, it's alienation, a filter that blocks the LIGHT.
      Thank you Sierra

  6. Jaques Teixeira
    Santa Catarina Brasil

  7. TIME TRAVEL! OMG! Just watched an episode of 'The Unexplained' with William Shattner last night about TIME TRAVEL! The Philadelphia experiment was real!! Men stuck in ship! The USS ELDRIDGE skipping across time! And I open up Stargate this morning and see this!!! The Galactics are making themselves more visible, the great reveal is very near!!! Thank you Sierra!!!

    1. Hi Karen, lovely to hear from you. Yes, the Philadelphia experiment was shocking - men stuck between dimensions. That's the problem with the dark forces, they don't think of us as sentient beings, rather toys to be messed with. However our Galactic friends are now stepping in - with our and Creator's permission - to speed up humanity's liberation. Bring it on...!!

    2. Wow Sierra! You seriously made my day/week! I had seen other comments about how close the revaluation / reset is - ABSOLUTELY!!! BRING IT ON!!!!


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