Alliance Insider Pascal Najadi: Q and Space Force

Blog reader Steve forwarded me this excellent article about former Swiss banker Pascal Najadi talking about Q and his personal role in Space Force. It is a must read. I am looking forward to watching the accompanying video (linked below). Enjoy.

Former [B]iden Press Secretary Jen Psaki defected to the dying MSM. She roundly condemned President Trump in a tirade reeking of guilt and fear. Is that even her...?? (43" video).


Thanks to Kat for the transcript excerpt from this video interview with Alliance insider/spokesperson Dr Jan Halper Hayes. Great stuff. The link to the full interview is below the transcript.

We are waiting for people to get their due.
Sometimes you have to see how horrible they really are
BEFORE they get cut off at the knees.
And that’s what happened to McCarthy.
I take that example.
It might not be a Tribunal.
It might not be all of our Navy ships
off the coast of Japan, AU, here in the U.K.,
or the Mediterranean
where the Tribunals are going on right now
but we will see signs like that
& it is those actualities that you can take

Goose-bumps. Thousands of Polanders marched in support and pride for their country. Love it (1' 17" video).

In less savory news...

New Zealand had a visit from [s]atanic entertainer Sam Smith. He/She/They filled an arena with 12,000 mostly young people, many wearing devil's horns. He/She/They presented an explicit sexually-themed show 'more appropriate for a late night bar' - and those words came from the journalist who wrote the story. The [s]atanists are openly flaunting their evil agenda in a last ditch desperate attempt for relevance. Not long now - they are toast.

I wish this meme was funny.

Finally, an update about Ascension symptoms. I am experiencing sudden quick bursts of vertigo out of nowhere. It happened today while I was walking. I am in perfect health so I know it is the energies. Speaking of dizziness, is anyone else also noticing the bewildering speed with which each day passes..? The word blur doesn't begin to describe it. I cannot fit into a day activities that would easily fit in just weeks ago.

Hang in there, Light Warriors. When you read testimony from Alliance insiders like Pascal Najadi and Dr Jan Halper Hayes, you KNOW the Alliance operation is proceeding smoothly. Sure, much of the action we would love to see first-hand is happening behind the scenes. No matter - it is HAPPENING.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Appreciate your ongoing descriptions and interest in ascension symptoms. I have some too, and they are often similar. You remind me of this element of activity. I tend to feel something is wrong with me and can get concerned, so your thoughts are reassuring.

    Vertigo has been an active one the past two months. A sound healer has helped me reduce that a bunch. Today I sat in the sun and read a book. Sometimes I feel an odd vertigo lasting only a few seconds, very quick. It does feel like it's the cosmic energies somehow that are affecting me.

    1. BillQ, I really appreciate you endorsing/confirming my vertigo. Yes, it is a very odd vertigo, only lasting a few seconds, coming completely out of the blue. It is not related to any activity or situation that might explain it. That's why I don't believe it is related to our physical health.
      Like you, I am spending more time outdoors - it helps to ground me.
      Crazy times, huh..?? Good to know that we are not alone. WWG1WGA, even with vertigo!

  2. Tourmalayne: "If you are thinking we should clearly announce our presence without landing, for example by filling your skies with so many ships that everyone sees them, or by very briefly taking over your media, that would be spun by your mainstream media and governments as an imminent alien invasion, and the majority of the population would be gripped with fear. Governments would successfully push through even more draconian measures. If you are thinking that we should just land, without first doing an intervention and removing the dark controllers, it again would get spun as an alien invasion.
    Which means that the only good option we have is to first do a big intervention and remove the dark controllers, and then reveal ourselves and land. It is my profound joy that it looks like Earth is finally on the verge of being freed."

    1. Thanks so much for sharing this, Wayne. Yes, all channeled sources agree that Earth is on the verge of being freed. Victory and liberation, at last.

    2. A November to Remember! Victory of the Light!

    3. It sure is shaping up that way, Doug...!

  3. Replies
    1. Lovely to see your purple hearts, thanks Caroline...!


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