Happy 11:11 and Remembrance Day From New Zealand

Happy 11:11 from New Zealand...! It is actually 11:11:11 this year because the entire date adds up to 11. Therefore it is a triple 11 day. Very powerful. Make the most of this super special portal. I am going for a walk on a beautiful stretch of coastline to enjoy the ocean and sunshine.

UK tarot card reader and channeler Amanda Ellis did a lovely 11:11 tarot reading and meditation. It is long but can be listened to at 1.25 speed.

On a sombre note, and one of immense gratitude....

We honor all currently serving military personnel and veterans worldwide on Remembrance Day. This song was the unofficial anthem for Vietnam soldiers - it is also a perfect anthem for ascending humanity. The Animals: 'We Gotta Get Out Of This Place'

Our prayers are with our Icelandic blog readers. Astrologers predicted volcanoes and earthquakes for this time period. We Are With You. Please check in and let us know how you are doing.

Thank you to blog reader Maria for emailing me this interesting tweet. Potential US government shut down on 17th November with banks shutting too. Please use your discernment, as always. However, we are looking for a big domino to fall - and Mr Pool has had some intriguing predictions.

BP at Starship Earth posted this tweet in her 10th November newsletter. It endorses Mr Pool's information about the 17-20th November time-frame. Bring it on, I say.

The Final Act!

• IlDonaldo Trumpo posted "It's......TIME (https://rumble.com/v3t3adm-trump2024.html)".

• Dan Scavino posted a music clip (https://t.me/realKarliBonne/204690) from "Sum Of All Fears" in a scene called "Payback" from a song called Nessum Dorme.

• Donald J. Trump stated (https://t.me/THEPROTZMANIANS/106201)today that THE BIGGEST EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY we will have in November.

• Turkey will notify the International Criminal Court of Israel’s war crimes (https://t.me/real_JohnQuent/44362). Bibi will be brought down!

What does this represent? /_\
THE SUM OF ALL FEARS. (https://qalerts.app/?n=194)


Join: John Quent (https://t.me/real_JohnQuent)

Imminent financial system collapse...??

Thanks to Stephen for emailing me this headline. Good stuff.

Thanks to blog reader Stefan for posting this tweet about [E]pstein's flight logs in the comments section.

WayneTech SPFX®️
Nov 8
Flight logs. Epstein. Files. MI intel:

#REPORT 116 pages of Jeffery Epstein's flight logs have been leaked online

I'm currently going through them.

Credit: brianhirsh

And thanks to blog reader Wayne for posting this quote from Douglas MacGregor.

Douglas MacGregor: "I do not think we will ever get to the 2024 election. I think things are going to implode in Washington before then. I think we are going to find out the banks are closed 2 or 3 weeks and nobody can get into them." (www.rumormillnews.com)

I greatly appreciate the dedicated input from blog readers. As I often say, it takes a village to compile the posts. Loyal support from blog readers makes my daily mission task much easier.

Finally, a note of levity that we all sorely need right now, Light Warriors. No hints. Enjoy (one minute video).

That's it for today, my friends. Sunshine and ocean awaits. Loving and leaving you - I am outta here.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. WOW!! I have read the Q posts many times stating " the hunters become the hunted"!! Its now happening! November appears to be the month of major transparent events!
    We need this to awaken the rest of the zombies!!

    1. Oh yes, Doug - I forgot to mention that Q connection in the post. Great spotting...!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Greetings !
    We here in the land of ice snow and fire are just fine :)
    We are more than used to this and well prepared. We know it is only a matter of time for the 3rd eruption in just a few years on this peninsula. I personally walked up to the last two and even took my son in his stroller to the first one. It was absolutely fabulous! We only need to make sure the powerplant and the town are safe and that should all work out. The luxury hotel is iffy but who even decided to build that there ?
    Deepest of gratitude as always for putting this blog together Sierra! It is my first stop in the mornings !

    1. So glad to hear from an Icelander! What an amazing place to live never been myself but from what I have seen it's rigged and beautiful.
      No active volcanoes here in the Pacific NW USA where I live though we have several of course Yellowstone would be devastating if it erupted.

      Stay warm we lost our natural gas here but is being restored quickly.

    2. So lovely to hear from you Aron, and that you and family are safe and well...! Do keep in touch with comments - it's always delightful to hear from you at the furtherest end of the planet from me here in NZ.

  4. For the first time in my life, I feel like I have some legitimate intel in my possession! Only it disturbs me that D. Trump is on this list (around 1997). What should we think of that?

    1. Deb, Donald Trump once flew on an [E]pstein flight that was NOT to any of the islands. He has always been upfront about it. He has nothing to hide, as we know. Also, we must remember that he was working undercover around these evil people, gathering intel.


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