MSM Capitulation Is Happening
We are watching the MSM capitulation right before our eyes. This scathing opinion piece in the New York Times about the [P]landemic would not have been published six months ago.
This morning on my walk, I had red-pilling conversations with two people, separately. The first person is becoming aware of the TRUTH and is interested to know more. The second person already has a high level of awareness, to the point where I discussed military tribunals and GITMO with him.
I recommended to both of them that they follow Tucker Carlson. He was the first person who came into my mind as far as presenting TRUTH on a global scale. Tucker has a massive following of 10 million people. Here is the link to his Twitter/X account. His pinned post: 'Always trust your gut. If you feel like they're lying to you, they are...' Indeed.
I wasn't prepared for those two red-pilling conversations but I will be from now on. Sending people to Tucker Carlson's account is a good place to start. He is highly intelligent, an excellent genuine journalist, and he seems like a thoroughly decent guy. Also, importantly, he has the ear of top Alliance leaders which is a reassuring sign.
I have decided to update my response for when people ask me, 'What do you do...?' I usually reply, 'I'm retired...' From now it will be, 'I am an on-line TRUTH journalist. I write a daily blog about what is really happening in the world...' That will create an opening for a stimulating conversation with people with ears to hear and eyes to see. Now is the time for Light Warriors to come out from under-cover and be available.
Change of subject...
Happy 63rd birthday to John Kennedy (Not Jr). Hope you are having a wonderful day...!
Awesome news. Newly elected Argentinian President Javier Milei met with the producer of the Sound of Freedom movie Eduardo Verastegui who is running for President of Mexico. They just signed an agreement to work together to eradicate child sex trafficking (11" video).
This Real Raw News article is both disturbing and satisfying to read.
A shocking video about US Air Marshalls being assigned to track innocent people for THREE YEARS. Please pass it on (4' 40" video).
Thought-provoking meme.

Finally, on a personal note, there was an incident recently where I wish I had done better. Nothing serious, just not my A game. This morning I realized that I must learn to forgive myself for those situations. I did the best I could under the circumstances. Also, we must constantly bear in mind the intense energies we are all experiencing. A major factor in not delivering my A game at the time was distraction. Forgiving myself needs to be part of my daily recovery as a chronic people-pleaser.
Thank you lovely Light Warriors. It is always a delight to see your cheery comments (and purple hearts!) on the posts. This community means a great deal to me. YOU make it the special place it has become.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Thank you for your honesty and open heartedness Sierra. All Lightworkers/Warriors do our best here on this meat grinder planet. I'm certainly not perfect and still screw up here daily. But like Yogananda said: "You only really fail if you stop trying". Let's keep picking ourselves up off the mat and keep fighting. Evil will NOT win this final battle!!! ♥️
ReplyDeleteMeat-grinder planet - yes indeedy...! And it is true that we keep picking ourselves up from the mat and keep fighting. Evil has ALREADY lost this final battle, my friend. Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it.
DeleteSierra we all have those fact .. the more one knows they are in a matrix controlled by Luciferians for eons one tends to lose their patience 😆 I was actually much calmer before I woke up and my wife will confirm this. Staying in the heart is so tough sometimes when surrounded by zombies LOL..but yes people are waking up and we are ascending I have to keep reminding myself until we see that first domino fall!
ReplyDeleteLet's go!
Doug, you are so right about losing your patience more easily when you know the TRUTH about the matrix. That is such a good point. It means that we Light Warriors have to work extra hard to maintain our composure. Go us...!!
DeleteI often associate it with the 80s movies I grew up with where if the group of teenagers would just stick together they could defeat the killer but instead they always split up and were taken out 1 by 1. There's even a great commercial parody about it where a car is running but the group won't use the car and instead hides behind a row of chain saws! 😉 Anyway..we must be understanding to ourselves waking up is a blessing but a curse in some respects right knowing is why we came but once you know you can't unknow and watching others follow along blindly to their own demise takes me right back to those horror movies like Friday the 13th. Take care all thanks for letting me digress a bit..helps me a lot..
DeleteI agree it is easy to lose patience. This is the tough Earth assignment we took on and experiencing the resistance from asleep people makes us even more aware and smarter in how to act, speak, think, and navigate this world. I am finding that people are waking up slowly in some cases but not to the extent we are at. Ascension is described as a personal journey so I am patiently accepting the fact that we are on a planet with varying degrees of frequencies and everyone’s free will needs to be respected. I always try to put in my truth bombs where I can though. My awakening came in small bursts. I first heard of reptilians when I was 21 years young and there was no internet at that time. I couldn’t really understand but kept it in the back of my mind for years.
ReplyDeleteI was feeling very tired for the last couple of days and the ringing in my ears got very loud and then yesterday my ears were silent, interesting. This morning I could hear a faint ringing.
DeleteAwesome comment, Indigo, love it. Thank you. You summed up the Ascension process for a Light Warrior perfectly.
DeleteI have been feeling extra tired the last few days too. And the ear ringing can be very loud sometimes and hardly noticeable other times. It's all to do with down-loads.
What an extraordinary journey. Thank goodness we can share our experiences here...!
ReplyDeleteThanks Caroline, much Love to you - you are so appreciated...!
Deletehello Sierra and all with my recent experience I think we have to be carefully with our thoughts as I think our manifestation's are beginning to quicken NCSWIC
ReplyDeleteHi Ar hie. I totally agree about being carefully with our thoughts. Manifestation is becoming almost spooky - hardly any gaps now between thought and outcome. WWG1WGA...!
DeleteJust rem law of one .. we are all in or were the 3rd D but the frequency scales are unlimited so some it said are at the lowest level not unlike animals at the highest 2D level..per Law of One.
ReplyDeleteThanks Doug. The good news is everyone and everything will ascend during this journey. It's a lovely thought, isnt it...?
DeletePS With the exception of the dark forces, of course.