QTSR Telegram Posts: 20th November

Here are the QTSR Telegram posts for 20th November - thanks Stephen.

Post 1


WIRES>];Military Operations & continuity of government in BRITAIN taking Place<BEHIND THE SCENES>]_ White hats have taken control of The British government and only a FRONT ( FAKE) government is intensionally COLLAPSING Britain  ( [ THEY] are being forced to play parts and being forced to keep their charades going ) .... It WILL all bring in EXPOSURE to the MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE PEDOPHILE RING >>>>>>>CONNECTED TO THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, INTELLIGENCE, ELITE AND UK MAJESTY CORRUPTION RING *EU*/////>EDWARD HEATH the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom brought the country into the European Communities (EC) which would  become the European Union. Edward ( Ted) Heath was a colonial in the military and eventually became Leader of the Conservative Party, President of the Board of Trade,Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, Minister of Labour, Government Chief Whip in the House of Commons,  Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, Father of the House of Commons,Member of Parliament and would become the Prime minister of the UK...... >But behind the scenes and known to military intelligence , Elites and the Majesty Edward Heath was a known Pedophile who never married and he collected children for satanic rituals and pedophilia through > JIMMY SAVILE ._ JIMMY SAVILE the UKs most notorious and known pedophile came into the UK Majesty power through the Queens CousinLord Mountbatten who was a British statesman, naval officer, colonial administrator and relative of the British royal family. Mountbatten, who was of German descent, was born in the United Kingdom to the prominent Battenberg family. He was a maternal uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and a second cousin of King George VI and was part of the Royal Navy....>after Lord Mountbatten's death it was exposed he was a pedophile and he and Jimmy Savile procured children for the Royal family, government ELITES//))It's well known now Margaret Thatcher the Prime Minister of Englands cabinet was full of Pedophiles, they were part of Jimmy Saviles pedophile ring and blackmail operations. ( Even Margaret Thatchers own father was a pedophile) ..._Long before [ EPSTEIN] there was [Jimmy Savile ] .... And the MI6 . Intelligence of the UK., The Majesty the Government all knew Jimmy Savile was part of MI6 pedophile operations and blackmail rings._THE MASSIVE MASSIVE UNITED KINGDOM PEDOPHILIA RING AND PRIME MINISTER WHO SIGNED THE UK INTO (EC) WHICH WOULD BECOME THE EUROPEAN UNION WAS ALL CONNECTED TO MI6 PEDOPHILE EXTORTION BLACKMAIL RING THAT ALSO CONNECTED TO THE CIA PEDOPHILE RING OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE ELITES .>> THE ROTHSCHILD BANKS OF THE UK AND EU .What wasn't known was Ted Heath was a book writer,, but all secretly recorded all the pedophila and elites involved in diaries,  books, Audio and video >>> he had become fearful of exposure, so wanted assurance through blackmail that he would never get caught or charged//// before his death in 2005 military intelligence and white hats gained all the information from him and unknown to the deep state Ted Heath was a turn coat, mole,  ( became a double agent for the Military Alliance and continued giving evidence of UK ELITES pedophile that led directly to the top UK.  Majesty. Government, banks,  military and entertainment)/////____THE WORLD STORM_As the Ukraine war was pushed by cia.mi6 mossad KZ davos ELITES to capture Moscow has FAILED_The COLLAPSE of The United States Corporation has FAILED and the fiat system is being denied through the world for trading and major oil dealers no longer runs on the U S. Dollar_The FAILURE of turning Kazakhstan into the central Asian source point for the human trafficking trade, money laundering system and NEW banking by the globalist DEEP STATE has FAILEDPost 2

_Bringing in the New pandemic has failed_Starting new vaccines and booster cycles has FAILED massively_Stopping The World Great Awakening on a mass scale has FAILED_STOPPING THE EPSTEIN EXPOSURE HAS FAILED AND A POWERFUL TRUTH IS BEGINNING IN THE U.S. SENATE AND CONGRESS >>> THIS EPSTEIN SAGA WILL ONLY GROW</ INSURED!!!_NATO IS FALLING. FAILING and inside the NATO U.N. COUNCILS, COMMITTEES AND MILITARY HEADS>>>THERE IS CHAOS AS INFIGHTING AND MISTRUST IS AT AN ALL THE HIGH>>> with tensions rising and Turkey causing turmoil inside of NATO////*What is evident is a Major Collapse is happening through the U.S. CANADA. UK. MOST OF EUROPE and major countries...Why did the Rothschild hide there money and go private? Why did Switzerland hide there money in the mountains with military protection? Why did the Vatican ( cia) Jesuits and nights of Malta 33rd recall their money from all countries?🔥👇> LARGE PART OF THE ANSWER<👇🔥_i had told you 3 months before Queen Elizabeths death announcement, that her death announcement would be made. ( Real TRUTH she was already dead for few years , but a power struggle was already happening inside the Royal family, UK military and INTELLIGENCE and ELITES..... the powerful struggle was over the Power to control 15 Commonwealth countries and money abd influence, from resources to data to minerals and more......... BUT a huge factor was the EXPOSURE OF THE UK PEDOPHILE RING<CONNECTED TO [ DS]  MILITARY. ELITES , GOVERNMENT. ROYAL FAMILY////*BEHIND THE SCENES>]; THE MILITARY ALLIANCE ( EU) OPERATIONS +TRUMP+ CHEYENNE+ USSF+++ ALL WARNED THE TOP UK ELITES AND [ DS] MILITARY THAT WHITE HATS HAD IT ALL<<<<<ALL THE EVIDENCE OF UNITED KINGDOMS PEDOPHILE BLACKMAIL/ CHILD TRAFFICKING SEX OPERATION RING THAT CONNECTED TO CIA.MI6. MOSSAD> [ EPSTEIN] SAVILE + /+/+" " " "_NOW the UK Government is under Continuity of Government and hidden military operations controlling the government is already in place.(now the deep state is forced to carry out some of their evil plans.... But it WILL all be EXPOSED IN TIME FRAMES..... And the EXPOSURE> WILL CONNECT TO 2024 UNITED STATES FULL CORRUPTION> EPSTEIN EPSTEIN EPSTEIN [EPSTEIN] SAGA<<;;;;; >>>>>> and WILL CONNECT TO LATE 2024 EUROPEAN CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING RING/ BLACKMAIL OPERATIONS AND EUROPEAN BANKS ABD ELITES<<<<<<<_____We are inside a massive Storm Patriots.A Storm that WILL uncover the world pedophia ring connected to banks. Leaders. Governments. Entertainment industries. Deep State military and it all connects to a MILITARY COUP OF THE 2020 ELECTIONS AND CREATION OF THE VIRUS<Have Faith world Patriots.It had to be this way.The PLAN to save the world


Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. So glad you resonate with it, Caroline. These QTSR posts are packed full of great intel.


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