QTSR Telegram Posts: 6th November

Thanks to Stephen for these QTSR Telegram posts - great intel.

Post 1


ALLIANCE MILITARY OPERATIONS SEND OPEN ⚠️ WARNING TO UN> DAVOS> SOROS> DNC >>>>> NGO's<<<<<CLINTONS/ Carnegie Endowment ( CIA ROCKEFELLERS operations)TRUMP statement  November 2023  “For any radical left charity, non-profit, or so called aid organizations supporting these caravans and illegal aliens, we will prosecute them for their participation in human trafficking, child smuggling, and every other crime we can find”☝️> TRUMP/Military OPS is sending a clear WARNING ⚠️ what's going to happen and these statements are connected to Executive Orders 👇_Executive Order on Combating Human Trafficking>By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, 22 U.S.C. 7101Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery.  Throughout the United States and around the world, human trafficking tears apart communities, fuels criminal activity, and threatens the national security of the United States.  It is estimated that millions of individuals are trafficked around the world each year — including into and within the United States.  As the United States continues to lead the global fight against human trafficking, we must remain relentless in resolving to eradicate it in our cities, suburbs, rural communities, tribal lands, and on our transportation networks.  Human trafficking in the United States takesmany forms and can involve exploitation of both adults and children for labor and sex.____I have been telling you for a long time the Executive Orders signed by Donald Trump is a connected to military operations that is designed to take down the deep state and the MASSIVE human trafficking networks that connect to UN. NGOs . SOROS. CLINTONS. ETC. Etc. Ex.ect.etc...>You are beginning to see the true operations to take down the UN( DAVOS] SOROS) etcDEEP STATE CABAL take shape<<<<It was important for the White HATS to let the UN ( DS] Carnegie Endowment ( CIA )initiate their plans to bring in immigrants from around the The world and traffick humans through the southern border giving them money and funding the[ DS] human trafficking operations>>> EVERYTHING IS BEING DOCUMENTED BY WHITE HATS  MILITARY ALLIANCE<<<<<____BEHIND THE SCENES>]: THE MILITARY OPERATIONS HAS BEEN TRACKING THE UN. WORLD BANKS. DAVOS GROUP. CLINTONS CIA OBAMA. CARNEGIE ENDORSEMENT ETC ECT ETC FOR OVER 16 YEARS WITH STORY ADVANCED DIGITAL MILITARY GRADE SPYWARE INCLUDING USING [ DS] PRISM COLLECT OF ALL INTERNET DATA, MCAFEE SOFTWARE, THE CLASSIFIED KRAKEN COLLECTOR, BLOCKCHAIN since 2012 , ( the military including the beginning origins of USSF under Air Force INTEL and military intelligence battalions all have different technology that has captured the world money laundering systems connected to human trafficking. Child sex trade. Drug trade weapons trade. World BLACKMAIL operations and world corruption through monetary banking systems and trade and internet currency ) ....._As The World Storm operations come into the final year TRUMP is letting you through military COMMS the ARREST WARS ARE COMING AND IMMINENT!______BEHIND THE SCENES>]; Tens of thousands of immigrants and military immigrants (military units from Iran)China) south America ) have already been debriefed and their testimonies have already been taken by the Federal agents ( white HATS) military operational agents, U.S. intelligence investigations  -___Their bank cards (RFID ) ID (RFID) PASSPORT ( RFID) PHONES ( RFID) already have been interred into federal/Military/ operations data base with their testimonies and records that connect them to DEEP STATE OPERATIONS AND FUNDING> UN > ETC ETC ETC EX ectect etc.""""""""" """ ''' .__Especially the past 2 years the collosal military white HATS operations have established a clear human trafficking, child sex trafficking trade and intensional smuggling of Iran , Chinese. South American soldiers, into the U.S.Post 2

by the Carnegie Endowment society ( CIA ) UNITED NATIONS operations and full financial backing ........THE TERABYTES OF MCAFEE DATA BASE COLLECTION ON THE DEEP STATE AND EPSTEIN SERVERS SEIZED BY THE MILITARY>>>>> ALL CONNECTS TO A MASSIVE WEB OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING INTO THE TRUNNIONS TRILLIONS OF WORLD WIDE CORRUPTION CONNECTED TO WORLD GOVERNMENTS. PRESIDENTS. PRIME MINISTERS, ELITES, CORPORATION, GROUPS, [ DS] MILITARY. CIA. UN. CARNEGIE ENDORSEMENT CLINTONS BUSH OBAMA ETC .'''''___TRUMP+ MIL is giving you COMMS letting you know, who ever was involved in Opening the southern border, financing the operations is also connected to World human trafficking, Child sex trade, weapons operations that is connected to CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER that is connected to a MASSIVE cover up of a MILITARY COUP. >>> That all connects to PLANDEMIC. Virus. Stolen elections. War mongering etc.Trump+ the Military is Painting a picture for the world///THE STORM 11.3


Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. I wonder how soon a near death nuclear event will happen triggering 11.3 ?

    1. I am sure we won't have long to wait for something of that nature to happen, Doug.

  2. Replies
    1. Lovely to see your hearts, Caroline. Love, Light and hugs to you.

  3. Ben Fulford update all about bank bail ins are close as 1000s are closing now and the over 300N has been withdrawn from US banks .. he didn't even mention the derivative risk the top banks all carry it's in the trillions they are bankrupt basically.

    1. The financial system is so close to collapsing, Doug. One significant event will see that fake House of Cards tumbling down in a heart beat. Bring it on...!

  4. Agreed.. might be bumpy for a bit but the satanic system has to be shut down then the QFS by the Alliance has to come online..


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