Ascension: It Is Why You Are Here

Opening this post with an uplifting post about Ascension that was included in Starship Earth's latest newsletter. I resonate with a great deal of this information. 

My mission on Earth (apart from this blog!) is to be an Ambassador for the Galactic Federation when the ships land. On that note...I was visited by two star ships last night. After a lengthy absence, to my utmost joy, they are back. There is nothing to match the bliss of connecting with Galactic brothers and sisters. Their flashes of brilliant white light are much needed balm for this weary Light Warrior.

Yesterday I made a new soul tribe friend. We already knew each other socially, but over the course of two hours we realized that we are both fully awake to Galactic energy. It was very exciting. She is nearly 40 years younger than me. At one point she asked: 'How do you cope with straddling two different realities every day...?' I paused before responding. I simply replied: 'It's hard...' 

I woke up spiritually ten years before she was born. It has been a long isolated journey. However, the isolation is rapidly dissolving - yesterday's meeting with my new soul sister is an example. We Light Warriors are strengthening our existing soul tribe relationships and welcoming in new ones. The veil between dimensions has gone, freeing us to be with our people.

Now for intel...

The Q clock is updating so rapidly, just writing about an update renders it obsolete almost immediately. I admit to being thrilled by the latest update (as of writing these words). Remember, the TRUTH can always be found in your heart. Listen to your heart and you will never go wrong. Latest Q clock message...'Y2K3: 4D>5D UPGRADE. EN ROUTE.'

Starship Earth's latest newsletter gives the best intel about the President Trump election ballot circus as connected to the Q clock. There is a lot of other interesting information too.

Maine State Representative John Andrews is moving to impeach Maine Secretary of State Sheena Bellows for removing President Trump from the election ballot.

It seems that Bellows may have back-tracked already. Priceless. Q: 'You cannot tell the people; you have to show them...'

Speaking of Q, thanks to Stephen for this Dan Scavino post. Stephen researched the Q drops and there are TWELVE references to 'BUCKLE UP...' Exciting stuff.

Here is another intriguing Q connection to 'BUCKLE UP...'

Finally, an awesomely cool meme of President Trump. Bring on 2024...!

It is a hot day here so I am heading to the beach for a swim this afternoon. Sorry, northern hemisphere readers. Remember, five months ago I was hopping around bare-foot on frosty ground while you were sweltering in heat waves.

Enjoy the anticipation of the imminent big shift. That is my best advice. After years/decades of waiting for this extraordinary time to arrive, create space to ENJOY the efforts of all your courage and patience. You Light Warriors are, without doubt, the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. It has been a loooong road Sierra... I've felt like a fish (dolphin) out of water here on this planet. So looking forward to all the celebrations and reuniting with family and friends! Really soon!

    1. I hear you, has been such a long road. And I too have never fitted in on this planet. Very little of daily 3D life works for me: food, clothes, entertainment etc etc etc. I have felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole for my entire life. I was considered the 'black sheep' in my family.
      Yes, bring on the VICTORY celebrations. Happy New Year to you...!

  2. I don't think we have another election but this is a great way to show the people just how corrupt the system is to literally try to remove a President from the ballot! Anything they can do to try and stop what is coming. Desperation is happening now.
    I am sure hoping Jan 1 we see US Treasury notes in our ATM machines!! 🎇🎇🎇

    1. Doug, it would be awesome to see the new rainbow currency in your ATMs on 1st Jan. That would be huge cause for celebration for Light Warriors.

  3. Scavino's post .. 44K views 😉

  4. I went on to read some of Kab's older posts on Twitter...Quite interesting, he says Q is a Pleiadian manifested to others as an NSA agent & Trump has always been in contact with the Pleiadians. All that we see on media are puppets staged by the Black Hats as White Hats will never lie or put on a show. Humans can be cloned rapidly in 5 months. And the best part is probably from this post whereby he says "...This 3D duality is a temporary experience that will soon end at the Shift, and humans will reunite with Galactic Federation as family. It will happen in your lifetime." Glad to know it will happen in our lifetime!

    1. Thanks JN...yes, I have read from many sources that it will happen in our lifetime. The global shift is SO close now. Bring it on...!

  5. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Lovely to see your purple hearts, thank you Caroline. Hugs to you!

    Comment under this article;
    The Maine Court document says the reason Bellows et al gave for justification of Trump being removed from their ballots says, “Trump has already served TWO TERMS”. They are admitting that Biden has not been President for the last two years!!! We know that Trump has been CIC for the last two years, but that Trump gets to be PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC FOR FOUR YEARS!

    1. Thank you Unknown. This is such an excellent RRN story, I am turning it into a whole post. It is vitally important intel. Thanks for sharing...!

  7. Kab the Twitter video...he states no solar flash...the Plaeidians decide when and initiate a portal around earth and those, I assume 51% or more in the heart, can choose to enter the portal?
    So many qhht sessions describe an energetic pulse that causes all
    Life on earth to be impacted energetically and it takes down the remaining dark AI and dark ones etc . Then we have 3 solar events after that or 3 chances to ascend. I love the portal plan just a bit confused about all the channelings describing a solar flash does help all awaken so they can prepare for the subsequent 3 solar events. What does everyone think about how this will all play out?

    1. Kab responded to this question he said for those who will ascend to 5D their DNA is being upgraded now ..for those remaining in 3D a new earth will be created and some will remain on old earth. Hmm

    2. Doug, James MacConnell channels One Who Serves. OWS has said several times that the solar flash might not be necessary if humanity can make the leap without it. I think Matthew Ward said something similar.
      Whatever the details, we know a GLOBAL shift of some kind is coming VERY soon for humanity. We are ready, my friend...!


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