Ascension Thoughts Update

I am opening this post with a wonderful article titled Ascension Weariness by Vidya Frazier. Thank you to blog reader Jaci for sending it to me. I resonated with every word, to the point I was saying out loud, 'Yes, that's me...' over and over. Highly-recommended reading for weary Light Warriors.

I want to share some of my own personal experience. Quick recap for newer blog readers...I 'woke up' spiritually in 1985 and have been on my Ascension path ever since. I 'woke up' to the global situation about ten years ago when my elder daughter red-pilled me about 9/11. I have been blogging about Ascension for about 15 years. I have been blogging every day about Ascension/intel for about ten years.

So....yes, I am tired.

When I have a good day, I wonder if it means I will wake up the following morning feeling buoyant. Will TOMORROW be the day that I finally bounce out of bed, throw back the curtains and greet the day with great enthusiasm...?? Aaaah, no. No matter how good the day was before, or how well I slept, I always wake up to this sense of 'Here we go again...' I am not depressed or sad, just...resigned. 'Here we go again...' As soon as my feet hit the ground, I am up and into the day. takes me over three hours to acclimate back into 3D life every day before I am ready to start researching and writing my posts. And I don't visit people until after 2pm. There are exceptions of course, with appointments and when my lovely daughters sleep-over which I always enjoy. However, in the average day it takes me a long time to get into the swing of things.

I live very quietly. I seldom eat out so I don't fit into the social norm which is heavily based around cafes and restaurants. My preference is to eat simple food at home. However, sometimes I meet my daughters in a cafe because they don't live nearby. It's about striking a balance which is an on-going mission for Light Warriors as we constantly jump between dimensions and timelines.

I do agree with Vidya that we are finally on the home stretch. I believe this with every fibre of my being. I am seeing evidence of it all around me.

For example, I am experiencing synchronicities almost every day. In the early hours of this morning I had a dream about a friend who said in the dream, 'I am painting the house..' It was most odd. An hour later I was out walking and bumped into a fellow walker - we often chat but I don't know her well. She said, 'Must go, I have to get back to painting my house....'. Goose-bumps.

Ask for signs if you are feeling doubtful or depressed. I get them without asking. But recently I was feeling blah and asked fervently in the morning for signs. I was inundated with them all day. It was amazing. Your spirit guides are just sitting around Upstairs waiting for the word, friends. Give them something to do.

Finally, the word of the day is BALANCE. I try to connect with a like-minded friend most days, whether in person or via Skype. It makes a big difference to my sense of well-being. The nature of blog research and writing is I spend a lot of time alone. I have been a writer all my adult life so I am used to the lifestyle. However, things changed with the [P]landemic. Now I need to make socialising with friends and my daughters a priority to counteract the craziness out there.

Remember, this blog is a loving global community. We are important to each other. We are in this together. After liberation I will be whizzing around the world meeting you all. Party time! 


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Hi Panama...Shifting to 5D is about frequency/Love match. A person could be asleep to the intel and jabbed yet still be a frequency/Love match for you. All those details won't matter at Ascension time. If you know your children genuinely love you and you love them...that's all that matters regarding Ascension. I hope that helps...!

  2. My dreams lately have been verified by published channeling and blogs as to what is currently transpiring so the veil is getting thinner. Our individual journeys to waking up is an experience that is so strongly felt to our core. I think allowing others to wake up on their own time while they are hearing truth bombs will make their journey unique to them. We have all grown so much as the triggers I felt in 2019 are now non existant, in fact I just don’t get triggered anymore.

    I don’t eat out either unless I am far from home and am meeting someone. I like to know what is in my food. I have been told that I can make healthy food taste really good.

    I also think many of us do shift into 5D with our consciousness that’s why we feel off when we have to deal with 3D stuff. Two of my sisters are coming over tomorrow and they think very 3D yet we all get along.

    1. Indigo, yes I agree with you about the triggers - I definitely don't get triggered as often anymore. There was SO much triggering when the jabs and lockdowns first came in. I think we Light Warriors released a lot of karmic emotional baggage during that time. Since then, it has still be challenging but not as traumatising as that time.
      We are skipping backward and forward between 3D and 5D constantly throughout the day. We have become masters at communicating in both environments. It can be tiring living a double life. Hugs to you.

  3. Weary and tired is true, but at least some of us did not get vaccinated; I tried to warn everyone I love but alas to no avail. The other day, however, this headline appeared in Norwegian MSM : "Vaccine-injured people organize: - It's a mockery to call the corona vaccine safe and effective" - --- So, our liberating snowball is rolling down the mountain now; faster and faster; indeed we've got this.

  4. What you have written in your post....describes my life, too. Except I woke up back in the 1970's! Wild dreams, too! The other day I was taking a late nap, was in a deep sleep when I was woken up by the doorbell ringing and I could see flashing lights out of my bedroom window! I ran downstairs to see who was there. NO ONE!!!! NOTHING!!! and Guess What? I don't have a doorbell. I could only hope it was that Clarion Call or Solar Flash. I see miracles and synchronicities every day, too! Thank you for being such an accurate "scribe" to all that is going on now. Love and Light, Betsie

    1. Betsie, lovely to know your name, thank you for sharing. Wow, if I am tired 'waking up' in the mid-80's, I cannot imagine how tired you are. What a long journey for you.
      I love your story about the mysterious non-existent doorbell. I have had several puzzling inexplicable situations like that recently. I think, 'Well I could spend a lot of time trying to figure this out and still be none the wiser...' So I shrug my shoulders and move on...!

  5. 222 on the clock yesterday, I also see "44" quite often as I am sure all of you do. In fact just checked the time just now 7:44 😊.
    We shall see how this movie ends I have heard the ending won't be for everyone but as long as the destination is that's all I care about 😉❤️

    1. Yes, Doug, many number sequences for me too. I am just glad that the movie is finally about to end, messy as I am sure that ending will be. The DS don't do tidy exits.

  6. Ascension over here is speeding up and coming with some new talents, some of which can be hard to describe. I "see" negative energy, lies, and the like as an intense dark aura, even over the phone or email. I've recently learned to use a form of "pendulum" as an extra guide. Amazing, but, oh, so weird. 
    A very good friend has the ability to see dark "sad or negative" auras around people, even in crowds. He had two devastating brain aneurisms about 20 years ago, lost but has since regained the ability to talk and walk, and has had this gift ever since. 

    I think we are gradually becoming the amazing humans we are meant to be. A gentle hand is guiding us.

    Shine on :^)

    1. I agree about the new talents coming on line, Pip. Yesterday I manifested the removal of a vehicle from my neighbor's driveway. It was an unattractive vehicle that was marring my view. I said to the Universe, 'Please move that vehicle out onto the street where I can't see it..' Well, within half an hour, guess where it was...!
      Shine on, lovely Light Warrior.

  7. Lots of positive comments, spirit connected, thank you. Would be delightful to see you in person Sierra, and others here too, when we get to that, it's always been a positive lift to be with others in person who are on our wavelength, grateful to have some in my regional area!

    1. I have really enjoyed these positive comments too, Bill, including yours. Yes, meeting up in person after this is over will be absolutely delightful - a joyful time for all of us.

  8. Doug, the average person is totally exhausted just trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. We have a critical housing shortage in my area. I know several people who are on the verge of being homeless due to lack of rental properties. When basics like shelter and food are unstable, it leaves no room for exploring the TRUTHS of this planet - which was precisely the aim of the DS. Good riddance to them.
    Victory of the Light, indeed...!

  9. Finn, good news about your vax-injured MSM headline - your country is well ahead of us here. I love your analogy of the liberating snowball rolling down the mountain. We've got this...! Love and Light from summery NZ.

  10. I've been ill but now am better.
    When my fatigue "sets in", I listen to or YouTube...

    1. Hi Mr E. So lovely to hear from you - I am pleased you are feeling better. And thanks for sharing the link for the music. Love and Light to you.


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