[D]eep [S]tate Desperation Is Mounting

This Real Raw News story outlines President Trump's reaction to the disqualification...'He is laughing at the Colorado Supreme Court...'

President Trump's lawyer stated in a Newsmax interview: 'This will result in a decisive victory for him, like the vast majority of cases...' Note the map showing the number of states trying to disqualify him. This is MAJOR [D]eep [S]tate panic (4' 47" video).

Clandestine summed up President Trump's disqualification perfectly (from @BioClandestine)

The Colorado Supreme Court have initiated what I call a “mass normie-waking event”.
Many unengaged citizens now recognize the severity of the situation, due to the unprecedented totalitarian behavior of the establishment.
This event will have a similar effect to the Mar-a-Lago raid and the nonsense indictments. The Biden regime go full dictator and overtly abuse government power to attack Trump, it only ends up making him more popular and galvanizing his support, waking up countless normies in the process. It happens every time.
Every abuse of power wakes up another batch of normies, and the abuses of power are escalating, making it harder for normies to ignore. The needle is moving.
They gotta see it to believe it. So let’s show it to them. (ends)


The [D]eep [S]tate is desperate to get rid of President Trump - they will do anything, including multiple assassination attempts to date. This video shows WHY they are desperate (42" video).


Brilliant - now there are calls to remove [B]iden from the state ballot. You are watching a movie, friends. How's your popcorn supply holding up...?? (1' 30" video).


Thanks to Kat for re-posting this post about President Trump's disqualification.


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
If you hadn't guessed by now,
the Supreme Court will most likely shoot down
Colorado's attempt to take Trump off the ballot
& this too shall backfire on them
& make Trump continue to look like
he's over the target like no one ever has.
It's going to get very spicy coming to 2024
as they will likely pull out everything they have
for the "final battle" as Trump calls it.
Keep your spiritual armor up high
& refuse to let their psyops bring you down.
God's got this. We will win.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Jan Halper-Hayes
I don’t know if we’re going to have 2024 [Election.]

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Juan O Savin
Trump has given pieces of it.
‘You know, we’re not going to have a next Election.
We’re going to have to take a pause.'
The pause is going to have to be for 4-years

in order to get everything cleared out πŸ’₯

Elon Musk is right. That's why Q drops state: 'We cannot tell the people; we have to show them..'

Finally, the Q clock has been updated again: 'THE END WON'T BE FOR EVERYONE'


It is the first color picture used on the Q clock. Dark to Light. As 'THE END WON'T BE FOR EVERYONE', so the Q clock won't be for everyone. However, if we stay open-minded, we can see that the clock is aimed at informing us and terrifying the [D]eep [S]tate simultaneously - which was exactly the purpose of the original Q drops.

As you can see, Light Warriors, the action is heating up as we head into the last few days of the year. This certainly is not a year that is winding down peacefully and gradually - it is the exact opposite. We can be reassured by the mounting evidence that wide-spread chaos is coming down the pike towards us. There needs to be a massive global shake-up of some kind to awaken humanity.

Keep your Light shining brightly and your Sword of TRUTH held high. All is well.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Yes! The Ending won't be for everyone, could be a bit messy and scary but it will be the end of the dark ones and a new reality for all of us! Unity vs Duality. Love vs Fear so much to look forward to! Replicators Med Beds, hover craft, jobs that actually benefit humanity! No more debt slavery to keep us all struggling and unable to really enjoy our lives. We can't have an election that would only legitimize the 2020 stolen election. Actor Biden needs removed now and CIC Trump needs vindicated for all to see!
    US Debt clock has been active with messages as is the Q clock.
    Merry Christmas πŸ•―️πŸŽ„πŸŽ

    1. There is lots of great evidence of forward movement, Doug. Very heartening for weary Light Warriors.
      Merry Christmas to you, my friend...!

  2. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks Caroline, Love, Light and hugs to you. Stay warm over there...!

  3. Oh boy what a roller coaster ride and it is ALL turning out so well❣

    1. KatLou, it is one HECK of a roller coaster ride at present. Phew!

  4. Okay... I've heard the phrase "The End Won't Be For Everyone," but that's not what the Q Clock is stating right now. It's got that weird picture of the guy with the bird beak that says MY TURN within it, but the words above it are Y2K3: A New World Begins and under that, Nothing Stops Teh Caw ... Nothing (with the THE misspelled - any idea what that is supposed to mean?) So where does it say "The End Won't Be For Everyone"?

    1. Wow, Deb, the Q clock is changing so quickly now that the image you saw has been replaced overnight with a new one. I didn't even get to see the image you saw...!
      Remember, we each individually decide the relevance of the Q clock. Personally, I believe it serves a useful purpose at the pointy end of the mission for those who like to be kept informed. Others might think it is just a silly distraction.


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