GITMO Military Tribunals

I am opening this post with a Real Raw News story about former Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs being convicted of treason at GITMO. 

It is important to remember that military tribunals have been happening behind the scenes for years. For newer blog readers, GITMO stands for Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, the main US military base for [D]eep [S]tate tribunals. There are other military tribunal bases scattered around the world, including Guam and USA. 

Thousands of DS criminals have already been convicted and executed, including many leading [s]atanic Hollywood actors. Their places were taken by body doubles to prevent mass hysteria if the truth was known too soon. 

Humanity needed to be acclimated to the massive scale of horror that has been the [D]eep [S]tate reign on Earth. It covers all fields including politics, entertainment, religion, education and medical institutions. Q said the full TRUTH will never be known because it would put 99% of people in hospital.

Speaking of full TRUTH, top Trump insider Kash Patel did an interview with Glenn Beck exposing details of the [D]eep [S]tate operation. I haven't watched it yet but will definitely do so. Kash Patel and Dan Scavino are powerful members of President Trump's trusted inner circle  (48 minute video).

Here is proof that you are watching a scripted movie - can you imagine any respected USA President being targeted like this at a major sporting event...? President Trump received a rapturous welcome at the same event (9" video).

President Trump did a Q air sign at his latest rally after stating that he would be the 47th President. Awesome, sir. We love you AND Q (10" video).

Kat reposted this message. Please use your discernment. However, we WANT it to be true, don't we..?

🇬🇧🎉 12-16-23 Charlie Ward
This is from somebody in a position of authority.
I just received it this morning:

“There is going to be a switchover very very soon
from the matrix negative system
to the Quantum STARLINK.
about getting food in
or the electric grid, internet & phones going off
as everyone will be very very busy purging
& getting the body online
Every electronic transmission is negative:
WI FI, Bluetooth, Mobile Networks,
Radio & Television broadcasting, Radar,
even the electricity going through the grid.
That’s when the Emergency Broadcast will be made
*IF* the change does not run as smoothly
in some areas across the globe.” 😹🎉🇺🇸🥳❤️🪖

A warning to USA blog USA friend Jim is recovering from food poisoning after taking a sip of poisoned milk. It wasn't just 'off'. You may recall a recent warning to beware of poisoned milk. Be careful - sniff before you drink.

Profound meme.

Yesterday I had a long chat with a Light Warrior friend. We agreed that the energies are super intense. Tiredness is one of the main symptoms of the current energy wave. I am treating quieter days as enforced rest days. I don't naturally do rest very well. My natural state is fairly full on. I have been likened to a famous NZ battery add featuring the Energizer bunny, which just keeps on going...!

However, recently there have been times in late afternoon when I have been suddenly overwhelmed by tiredness and I have taken a long nap.

Keep up the great work, Light Warriors. Your calm positive attitude is making a big difference in humanity's Ascension journey. Remember there are tens of millions of us worldwide. That is a lot of calm positive energy.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I can feel the traditional power generation when it's in the walls and overhead...🙄. Loving outdoors so much lately. Weather permitting, can't we just camp out a lot more?🙏. And yes so many celebs, politicians, popular athletes loooong gone. People will be horrified when they realize how far they've been misled.

    1. Yes, I am also loving outdoors lately CC. Went for my first sea swim of summer today - it was heavenly.
      Off planet sources say that people will angry as well as afraid over the scale of deception. Hence the need for the military.

  2. Yes we all have had time to absorb that almost all we believed and were told was a lie.
    I know truth was interwoven but so much was inverted to keep us in the dark consciously it's just astounding isn't it. All along we were and are these amazing divine beings in these bodies having an earthly experience but it's time for us to ascend and it's time for this movie to end. 🕯️

    1. Great comment, thanks Doug. Yes, we ARE amazing Divine beings having an earthly experience - and the experiment is now over. Roll the credits.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Caroline, Love and Light to you...!

  4. Replies

    1. È un piacere sentirti, Franco. Amore e luce per te, amico mio!

  5. Hey Ben Fulford's update today, he mentions the Q clock and adds credibility to it! Says on Dec 15 a power station in NY was taken down he assumes this was used to make arrests in key areas. He also states Q is tied to Trump and the White Hats..not exact words but it's legitimate which I think it sure is based on all the proof we have seen.
    He also states Israel lost support for the Gaza war only 6 nation in the UN voted to continue. All small nations no G7.

    Cleanup is underway now he says!! Woot woot! 🍻
    I do think we are getting very close it's exciting isn't it!
    I played competence chess as a kid, the game just came easy to me, there is a clock used and even if you know you have your opponent beaten based on the key pieces on the board they could keep stalling really prolonging the game, not the outcome. 🌞

    1. Doug, that is great re Ben Fulford and the Q clock. I look forward to seeing his update.
      I love your story about competitive chess - its' a perfect analogy for what is currently happening with the Alliance plan. That's why Q refers to chess moves in drops.
      And of course time travel technology means we know that the war has ALREADY been won. We are just mopping up the minions.

    2. I know time travel is real it's just so hard to explain it or visualize it, does anyone have a good way to describe it? It's as if our history is a movie that can be not only viewed at each chapter but can be edited as well which is so hard to explain to someone . Time is a construct in our minds but clearly Atlantis did go down X years ago right so could the galactics go back and change that event thus changing the fall in consciousness or was this the plan all along? 🤔😉

    3. Doug, Dolores Cannon explained it well - she said it is impossible for us to understand higher dimensional concepts with our 3D brain. Instead, we trust the evidence. The TRUTH is there for those of us with ears to hear and eyes to see. Q: 'Future Proves The Past' is great confirmation of time travel.

    4. Hi Doug, I've had some pretty vivid dreams about being in Atlantis when it fell. I wasn't scared, just felt terribly disappointed at the missed opportunity. I think it was kind of an experiment to see what the minimum number of awakened souls was to trigger a planetary ascension. Needless to say, it didn't work that time but WILL now!

    5. CC, I have had vivid dreams of the fall of Atlantis too, being there. As you say, it was terrible disappointment and sadness for the loss of the beautiful vision for humanity.


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