Horrifying UK Jab Stats
This is a horrifying story and I make no apologies for opening the post with it. Please pass it on. Almost ONE MILLION jabbed people in UK have died since 2021 compared to 61,000 un-jabbed people. It is official data backed by comprehensive graphs.
What is interesting about the data is 30% of UK people did not get jabbed. When the jab was being pushed heavily here in NZ, I estimated that about 25% of New Zealanders did not get jabbed. Yet every night on the complicit corrupt NZ MSM television news - BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER - a banner streamed across the bottom of the screen showing that up to 98% of NZers had been jabbed. That heinous lie contributed to many reluctant people giving in and getting jabbed.
Anecdotally I am hearing stories of people who now deeply regret getting jabbed. This 'jab remorse' covers all ages groups from teens to elderly. Why? Because the health issues are appearing now, as we were warned would happen two years after being jabbed. Top of the list is turbo cancers, followed by heart attacks and strokes - in ALL age groups.
Change of subject...
Heads up, I have not listened to this ground-breaking interview featuring Elon Musk and Alex Jones - but I will be. Elon Musk launches straight in with a question for Alex Jones about Sandy Hook. BOOM (1 hour 35" video).

Elon Musk's opening words in the interview: 'These are tumultuous times, wild times indeed.'
He is spot on there.
I have been meaning to discuss a long-standing 'spelling error' by President Trump. Remember, President Trump only ever misspells deliberately as a form of code. It is the misspelling of STOLLEN for stolen regarding the election. STOLLEN is a German Christmas bread. Light Warriors are pondering whether there will be USA snap election before Christmas. Hey, why not...? Let's do it.
Great stuff, Roseanne Barr.

A lot of TRUTH in this meme.

Speaking of Elon Musk's wild times, right now here in New Zealand most of the country is experiencing wild winds, thunder and hail storms. Our Spring weather can often be unpredictable but the current weather patterns are off the charts. I look forward to the end of weather manipulation so we can enjoy blue skies and balmy weather.
I am going to end on a light-hearted note. Blog reader Cosmic Custodian left such a funny comment - I was thinking about it and chuckling on my morning walk. There was a discussion about our Light Warrior meeting Upstairs, where we volunteered for this Earth mission. CC said to his mates Upstairs during the meeting...
'I've been there (to Earth) thousands of times. Don't be pansies, it can't be that hard...'
Well, guys, we certainly aren't pansies but in the end it WAS that hard - and some. It's good to laugh, isn't it...? Thanks CC.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Thanks Sierra, for my daily Sierra lift!
ReplyDeleteWatched the Alex Collier webinar from last Friday, first time for me after taking a 3 month break from his talks, 2.5 hrs. Some of the things he said:
- White hats in New Zealand are in power at the highest levels. 25% of NZ people are sick from the jab. In a question about the man who was a whistle blower about the [j]ab in NZ, Alex had the impression his arrest was a white hat wake up the public type event, but he does not know this as a fact, inferring it from his info that NZ top levels are white hat now.
- There is a lot of fear porn.
- The coming finance transition will be fairly smooth, but it will be clear there was a collapse of the old system.
- We have more oil in USA than there is in Saudia Arabia.
- There are landmasses inside the earth, probably 7, that are as big as continents.
- Trump is Commander in Chief.
- Suns are frequency portals, that step down high frequency energies into our reality. There have been films of craft coming out of holes in the sun. Some star nations travel in ships as large as our sun, which is a small star.
- Frequency technology can be used to alter a person's voice to be exactly like someone else. Some talkers wearing rubber masks have this inside the mask while impersonating a known or unknown person.
- In India they tell people to stop eating wheat. it's been poisoned by chemtrails.
- In 1986 Reagan put in a law for the NIH to do a vaccine safety study every 2 years. No studies have ever been done.
You are very welcome, BillQ...!
DeleteThis is awesome intel, well done. And thanks for sharing it with us.
I particularly like the NZ intel, of course. And the information that our whistle-blower was potentially 'arrested' to wake up the sleeping people actually makes sense. It would need to be something on that scale.
I have watched Star Trek episodes where they fly the ship into suns.
Very interesting about Reagan's law that has been ignored all this while.
Thanks again, I am a fan of Alex Collier.
You are welcome. The NZ info stood out for me as I read your blog. He was very clear about this info, NZ is controlled by white hats, and the sad fact of what seems to be fairly concerning sickness in the 25%. He's careful about his facts, as he understands them. If he doesn't know he says that, when asked a question.
DeleteI take this mission too seriously sometimes, and have to remember life is eternal and to laugh more. I had a conversation with a friend a few years back. We joked that there was a brochure floating around in the higher dimensions that lured us here. "Come to Earth and experience a physical ascension! All you gotta do is show up and success is guaranteed! Fun and pleasures beyond your wildest dreams!". The pictures of a unicorn and winking leprechaun sitting on a pot of gold were very convincing. It was the p.s. at the end that sealed the deal. " Summon a make-your-own ice cream sundae bar with only a thought!". If I ever find out who made that pamphlet... Grrrrr 🍨!
ReplyDeleteLove it, CC. Yes, I obviously got sucked in by the same brochure...!
DeleteI do think the Galactics being removed from this dense matrix don't fully realize how hard it is to not focus on the 3D to just remove yourself, nobody really dies.. until you are immersed in this school and have bills that must be paid or they take your home etc.. It's understandable how we can get a bit impatient hearing about nesara and arrests for so many years now etc.. Also there is no time so to them a few years is nothing ..but 2 years here is a long time knowing what we do. It's hard to pretend to be engaged in daily life knowing it's all BS.
ReplyDeleteAny lessons we were supposed to learn don't matter alot to me I just want humanity to be free now!
I do think they perhaps under estimated the dark as so many expected the solar event already. We really could use that early Christmas present 🎁 😊. Of course we don't know the plan details and how it all fits together ..like all of you expectations are high for something like Nesara such a game changer for humanity. ❤️ Holding The Light Still!
Yes, Doug, it is widely acknowledged that Upstairs greatly under-estimated the tenacity of the dark forces. However we are finally heading in the last straight. There is a great deal of evidence to support it. Holding the Light..!
ReplyDeleteThanks Caroline, I very much appreciate your support.