Merry Christmas Northern Hemisphere Readers...!

Merry Christmas to northern hemisphere blog readers...! Sending warm Kiwi summer wishes to lighten and brighten your day.

This morning on my daily walk, it was hard to believe a different world exists outside the idyllic scenes I was blessed to enjoy. The tide was in on the estuary - there were swimmers, paddle-boarders and kayakers. Happy families everywhere, enjoying the sun and water. At one point I thought of the intel and shook my head in disbelief. It is a bizarre feeling living in two totally different time-lines.

Change of subject...

I want to refer to the alternative media coverage of Janet Ossebaard's death/disappearance. It is difficult being an intel commentator because sometimes I misread a situation. In the case of Janet Ossebaard, we don't know the full story and can only speculate which is not helpful or respectful. We may get more information at a later date. Meanwhile, let us honor her memory by ensuring her work lives on. Here is a link to the website to access her brilliant documentary series, The Fall of the Cabal.

Great clip of Kari Lake talking about the corrupt media. Her words carry a lot of weight because she worked in the industry and knows it well. Please pass link on and help awaken people you know. As I have often said, the NZ [P]landemic MSM narrative was sponsored by PFIZER (57" video).

Another great clip from the same Kari Lake interview. She outlines the MSM's deep fear and hatred of President Trump (52" video).

Awesome Christmas meme. Love it.

Lovely Christmas message from a Light Warrior. It's a 'Ditto' from me. Thanks to Kat for posting.


I was chatting with blog reader and friend Jim from Minnesota just now via Skype. He said they are having a record-breaking warm Christmas Day. There is no snow and green grass is growing - in the middle of winter...! Temperate climate the world over is underway.

Finally, please continue to find joy in the smaller moments. This morning I popped in to see my lovely elderly neighbors and spent a delightful half hour with them. They have both had a terrible year with health issues but they are still laughing and cracking jokes. I admire them immensely.

Keep laughing, Light Warriors. 


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thanks for your positive and insightful posts Sierra! I spent Christmas day making some apple pies from scratch. Can't wait to try the experimental one with brown sugar instead of white.๐Ÿ˜‹. I can't even describe how fast linear time is collapsing. It's taking all my concentration to stay present and grounded. (I was never that good at either anyways๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฃ). It feels like something more then just a physical change is about to happen on Earth. Divine Intervention? I'm excited to find out! Much ♥️ to all, and the (re)birth of the Christ Light within us.

    1. Merry Christmas CC - such a delight to hear from you on your Christmas Day...! I was still editing the post and saw your comment pop up, so decided to answer it immediately. I love the sense of connection this community creates, closing the geographical distance between us all.
      Yes, time is collapsing fast in a bewildering way. I do believe it contributes to my bouts of dizziness.
      Yummy re apple pies. I miss them. If you make a sugar-free version some day, I will pop by and enjoy it with you. Hugs...!

    2. Is it weird that I almost SMELLED those apple pies as I was reading your comment, Cosmic? I should make an apple pie from scratch; haven't done that in years. I know exactly what you mean by having a hard time staying grounded. And time is just FLYING on by! And I also FEEL that something really big is coming, and very soon.

    3. Deb, it is not weird at all - I could smell them too...! My sense of smell has become extremely heightened. It means that lovely smells, such as the gorgeous scented lilies my daughter gave me for Christmas, are divine. And smells I don't like are horrible. I have been giving away cleaning and body products because I cannot handle the smell. I am super sensitive to it now.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Debi, they did turn out super yummy! It's not a healthy recipe, (it has lard in it) but the best I've ever found. My Grandma would bring some to a bake sale and all the church ladies would snatch them up before the public could๐Ÿคฃ. If interested, I'll share the recipe. Sierra, I've become super sensitive to chemicals too. Pine Sol, perfume/cologne laundry/dish soap, etc...๐Ÿคฎ

  2. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    1. Merry Christmas Caroline, so lovely to see your purple hearts on your Christmas Day, thank you!

  3. Merry Christmas all! No snow but cold temps 29 here in N Idaho. Take care all as we all prepare for an amazing 2024! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ

    1. Merry Christmas again to you, Doug. We have almost 29 degrees here too, but Celcius...! We Light Warriors are definitely primed and ready for an amazing 2024. Bring it on...!!

  4. Sierra...I'm sorry about my cross words yesterday in my comment. I'm just so sick of the conflicting reports and the toing & froing from so called 'intel' all matters.

    1. Hi Aidan
      We are in an intense war situation. We Light Warriors are only being given hints of what is actually taking place for security reasons. Hence the on-going speculation by intel providers. They are all doing their best to analyse the rapidly-developing situation. They know we need reassurance and hope so they are working hard to provide us with information. It is up to US to discern what is TRUE FOR US. eg The Q clock. Everyone feels differently about the Q clock and that is absolutely fine.
      Aidan, Deb is a dear personal friend - that is why I removed your comment about her.
      Love and Light to you.


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