'Something In The Atmosphere...'

This morning I was chatting with my friend Lance on the phone. He described the current intense energies so well, I wrote down his words...

'There's something in the atmosphere, like people can taste or smell something before rain or snow. But this is different. We can all tell that something BIG is about to happen. There is huge activity on the sun, and earthquakes. The BIG thing could be a natural phenomenon that the bad guys know is coming and are trying to capitalize on it in some way...' (Lance)

After that chat I talked to my friend Walt. He talked to ten clients on the phone today - he said every one of them is totally underwhelmed regarding Christmas this year. It is definitely a theme. Most people I know have made quite different plans to usual, eg husbands and wives going their separate ways for the day to be with family, like my lovely elderly neighbors.

As Lance said, even the unaware people feel that something BIG is about to happen. We ALL know - it's just that some of us know consciously, while most know unconsciously (on a soul level).

The Q clock has been updated again. It is getting updated so fast, I completely missed an update overnight. Lance and I agree that the Q clock has its place in the current intel climate, keeping Light Warriors updated and reassured during a tense time in the final battle to liberate humanity. It is particularly reassuring to see President Trump's pic in the latest update. Well, it was on the update when I wrote this post!

The pace is quickening - Marines have already arrested a Colorado Supreme Court judge who voted to remove President Trump from the ballot.

Please pass on this video of President Trump pleading for peace on 6th January at Capitol Hill. The [D]eep [S]tate deleted his Twitter account to prevent the video getting out. It's the TRUTH.

Here is one of the [B]iden actors peddling LIES about President Trump and J6 (22" video).

Blog reader Maria forwarded me Ben Fulford's full update, very interesting read. Thanks, Maria.

Thanks to Stephen for forwarding me this thought-provoking post. Between all my friends, I have hardly done any work for today's post.

I will say what I told a few others. This is to get the Cabal to do something before they are ready as a last ditch effort to stop their own demise. The US Military has everything. The Epstein Blackbook is just a tool among many to force their hand. Which is why they are waiting a week to see what that move may be. 
We the American people are the collateral damage in all of this because we are the hostages and don't know it. So they need to use things like J. Epstein to weed out possible attacks. 
Remember the explosives that went missing? Remember the emergency phones that were given out to congress? Remember the list of those 17 cities? All of this is still in play. 
Releasing all the names with no redaction and not having everything in place for possible retaliation while also sitting on things like "The PEAD Act" and the USSF would endanger assets. 
So everyone who is prepared for fall out has time between now and the new year. Because it's no guarantee it will have the desired affect before the other side is forced to do something else that can elicit the action they want to warrant a full blown offensive that will result in many inconveniences to the average citizen that could involve a myriad of things. Blackouts, explosives, floods, mass shootings.

Wow, Disney is retrospectively ADDING CHEM-TRAILS to old movies with clear blue skies. Evil, much (2 minute video).

Speaking of movies, it's been quite a while since there has been some humorous light relief on this blog. Let's fix it. Sit back for 1' 45" and enjoy some great old-fashioned movie comedy from my era.

Finally, a quick update on my Ascension 'symptoms'. I will start by admitting that I regularly feel as if I am going crazy. It is a most disconcerting feeling. I KNOW I am sane. Secondly, loud ear-ringing. I am almost used to it. Almost. Tiredness of course, although I get days when I feel energetic and motivated - those days are a revelation. Weird dizzy spells out of nowhere. And I am completely over the endless cloudy days which is unheard of during a typical NZ summer. Chem-trail madness.

Mostly I am very grateful for the rapidly growing global circle of Light Warriors surrounding me, on this blog, via email, and in person. Thank you, one and all. You support me in ways you cannot know.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. The Q clock, by my calculation, next ends or resets, on 12/26/2023 10PM EST. I recall hearing about returning to the Julian calendar. If so, let's initiate the EBS then. Begin disclosure and the 10 days of darkness. Return to the Julian calendar and bring in Nesara. Have Christmas twice plus the 12 days of Christmas.

    I bet Christmas number 2 will be the better of the two.

    Happy New Year.

    1. Great to hear from you Mr E. Love your idea of Christmas number 2. Maybe that's why subconsciously no one is feeling Christmas number 1 this year.
      Happy New Year to you! WWG1WGA.

  2. I think it's cool that even regular peeps are seeing through the distortion of Christmas. Darkness using the birth of a great (maybe the greatest) Avatar and twisting it into a commercialized free for all. Instead of focusing on Jesus/Yeshua, focusing on Santa(Satan). Christianity got duped in other ways also. Look at Communion, eating flesh and drinking blood. Pretty sure that has nothing to do with Jesus or his real original untainted teachings... (I was raised Lutheran and went to Christian School, something always felt so wrong about communion). Wow, not sure how the general population is going to react when they realize the full extent of the lies 😬. And don't worry Sierra. We are the rare ones who absolutely had to know the full truth. Only in a world of total lunacy does the truth make you look and feel insane.😡‍πŸ’«πŸ€ͺ

    1. CC, we have something in common - I was raised Lutheran too...! My brothers and I saw through the BS at Sunday school at a young age. We argued with the Sunday school teacher who never had credible answers to our queries. So my awakening started then and I have been questioning ever since.
      Love that quote: 'Only in a world of total lunacy does the truth make you look and feel insane...' Brilliant!

  3. I noticed old movies with chemtrails already! I knew it was retro editing ...to normalize it for people ..wow this is how diabolical Disney is...we need the ebs and those documentaries if they are still part of "the plan"?

    1. I believe the EBS and TRUTH documentaries are still part of the plan. It's the only way to awaken humanity with a jolt.

  4. Yes raised Catholic drinking blood of Christ and eating his flesh to be saved...yes saved by Lucifer!! I have tried to pt this out to friends still practicing this ritual every week to no avail. They still believe in hell and the church. Trying to explain ETs made our bodies and we have all had many many lifetimes is simply not possible. Many have their image and self worth based on being Catholic. To lose that for many will be like losing their identity completely. They will need some serious healing.

    1. Doug, many devout religious people won't be able to handle the truth about their beliefs. You are right - it will take a great deal of healing and time for them to ascend.

  5. I agree with the loud ear ringing…I feel like a walking “tuning fork”. The Q clock changed once again from what you posted. Now it says “Define Anunnaki: We never left”. For those who do not know who the Anunnaki are here is a good description from Lisa Renee’s website called Energetic Synthesis:

    The main groups of Negative Aliens, the Annunaki, Drakonians and Necromitons that source out of the Phantom Matrix spaces in the parallel systems, formed alliances to take control over the earth, which are referred to as the NAA. These groups used technology to open Wormholes that were blended together to create the power required to attempt to pull the earth body into the Black Hole System leading into the phantom matrix where they exist, and then could gain total control over the planet and humanity. The parallel system of which these entities came from is called the Wesa system. This is a universal time matrix and its parallel of which many of the Anunnaki and their hybrids originate from the Wesedak system, while the Drakonians species are coming from antiparticle universe called the Wesedrak system.

    1. Q clock also says “ STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU ... YOU JUST CANT SEE.”
      I believe they (Anunnaki) have always been around us keeping us from succeeding in life and causing havoc in our lives. Keeping our frequency high is their nightmare.

    2. Sierra, I apologize for the multiple posts here, however I came across some more important information that I believe can help other old souls who have been here for awhile understand our journey. Again this is from Lisa Renee:

      As those awakened with inner light, the true light warriors for God, we undergo the decension into the hell realms to fearlessly face the dark experiences, and during travel into the hell realms, we are exposed to some brutal energies in so that we can hold these experiences into Compassionate Witnessing. We are recollecting the time records and recording what really has happened here. This can be exhausting, but it is important to keep focused on why we are here on this earth, to help liberate her, to help liberate earth humans from their alien oppressors, even when they are so traumatized they cannot recognize who the real oppressors are. Humans suffer from Stockholm syndrome, and fight to enforce their enslavement into the alien structures that have stolen their consciousness away and filled them with darkness.

    3. Indigo, please don't apologize for sharing intel about that Q clock update. I was taken aback by it so I appreciate this intel from you. The explanations you shared will help a lot of people understand the background to what humanity has endured for millennia on this planet. Hugs to you.

  6. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks so much, Caroline - Love, Light and hugs to you.

  7. Czekam na objawienie caΕ‚ej prawdy , jestem przygotowany. Waldemar z Polski

    1. Waldemar, I translated your comment to share with our community. Lovely to hear from you in Poland!...

      '...I am waiting for the whole truth to be revealed, I am prepared. Waldemar from Poland...'

  8. Hello Sierra, I have to agree something big is coming into everyone's view, all around me people are being affected in there own way, and yes big ear ringing for me

    1. Lovely to hear from you Ar hie. Great to get confirmation that people are being affected all over the world. And thanks too for the confirmation about ear ringing.
      Stay warm over there...! Love and Light.


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