The Complexities Of War

I agree with BP at Starship Earth - the complexities of the war to liberate humanity are far above the ability of even the most astute Light Warriors to understand. We must have complete faith and trust in the Divine Plan.

'...Very few have the capability of seeing the big picture and while some have tried to explain the complexity, it falls on deaf ears sometimes. We strive here to define the many points in this gem of a quandary; an operation so vast that only the handful in charge know where the boundaries are. Too many believe they grasp the entirety of this mission when they do not...

...The whole, gargantuan picture cannot be explained to us because we haven't the means to innerstand it, so we'll just have to get over ourselves and watch the movie play out to its conclusion including as many epilogues as required because the more you know, the more you know you don't know. We only see the odd reflection of what is truly happening in multiple theatres...'
(BP, Starship Earth)

Awesome post from Elon Musk. Spot the 17. Very cool.

Mr Pool always post illuminating messages...
'WARNING: Once you go down the rabbit hole, there is no going back. Prepare to leave the world you thought you knew...'
I love this little video. No intro, just enjoy (1' 18" video). Tee hee...!
Check out the desperation of the MSM to cover-up the TRUTH about jab deaths and injuries. Warning: There is an image of dead deer in the featured story.
Coach Jerry sent me this amusing piece of nonsense masquerading as a 'news story'. Have a good laugh at the expense of the dying MSM.

Katie Hobbs was hanged at GITMO.

Finally, great find, Kat. Yes, indeed, this journey is all about Ascension. This is one of the last Q drops before Q went silent.

That's it for me today, Light Warriors. Today is the day after Boxing Day here in New Zealand so life resumes for many people who are working through this period. I am going to do my usual weekly stint at the op shop, helping to sort clothes. I really enjoy it because the manager is awake and we have some thoroughly enlightening conversations in amongst the coat hangers and piles of clothes!

Keep doing what you are doing. Nearly every Light Warrior I know is having a sense of 'going through the motions' this festive season. It has been a Christmas like no other. If it is the last Christmas ever, we will be fine with it. I am sure there will be wonderful 5D celebrations to replace it.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, Love, Light and hugs to you my friend. Your steady Light is much appreciated.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I do trust the plan ... the goal must be to minimize casualties and of course avoid a nuclear exchange all while pushing us to the edge to shock the rest to question this false reality they created for us.
    If rainbow currency does show up Jab 1 that would be HUGE!!

    1. Doug, we know that the Galactics have neutralized all nuclear weapons on Earth. It is impossible to detonate a nuclear weapon. Thank heavens for our Galactic friends.
      And yes, January 1st - ideal time to unveil the new rainbow currency...!

  4. Ha ha, love the JFK Jr. Video. He aged so handsomely 🐱 and is so brilliant in what he is accomplishing behind or not so behind the scenes…we have the eyes to see!.

    1. Hasn't he aged so handsomely...? WHEN I meet him and President Trump - you have to be positive to manifest your dreams - I will definitely be all swoony, but just quietly to myself. And yes, all jokes aside, his achievements in the operation to liberate humanity have been magnificent.

  5. Q clock now has message about LA and 4 days ...
    Yes I had heard all nukes were neutralized or wld be taken out ..that's a lot of nukes to keep track it's the dirty nukes that concern me. Let's go!

    1. Doug, the Q clock was very busy overnight while I was sleeping. Fortunately a lovely blog reader sent me some screen shots which I will include in today's post. It is up to readers what they make out of it. Let's go, Brandon...!!

  6. LA something big is coming - Q clock 4 days...🤔


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