TRUTH Bombs Raining Down...

Opening this post with an awesome TRUTH bomb from Tucker Carlson. Pass it on, friends (50" video).

Another awesome TRUTH bomb, this from Geerts Wilders, upcoming Netherlands Prime Minister. Pass this one on too ( 37" video).

[S]atanic Democrats in Congress are BLOCKING the release of [E]pstein's flight logs. Jesse Watters on Fox News interviewed a highly credible whistle-blower, a former CIA officer (3' 22" video).

Interesting post from Clif High about the potential for vigilante action against media personalities who pushed the jab from people who are jab-injured or lost family members to the jab.

An article about the mental health of adolescents with conservative parents being significantly better than adolescents with liberal-left parents. The tide is turning in the right direction, pun intended.

This is so funny - a jet bound for the [D]eep [S]tate global warming conference in Dubai is frozen to the ground on a runway in Munich. Love it. Supreme irony, much.

A great post from Kat about [D]eep [S]tate advertisers pulling out of Twitter/X after Musk called out Pizzagate. The PUBLIC implosion of the DS is underway. Thanks, Kat.

😼 Some DS corporations pulling their X advertisements
AFTER Elon posted #pizzagate

What do they all have in common, besides Child trafficking?
They're all on Jeffrey Epstein's Client List 💥

WALMART [biggest child trafficking shipping co. in the world]
DISNEY [biggest child trafficking co. in the world]

Elon’s response?

11-29-23 Elon Musk interview
If somebody’s going to try to blackmail me with advertising?
Blackmail me with money?
Is that clear? I hope it is.
Hey Bob [Iger/Disney] if you’re in the audience.
That’s how I feel. Don’t advertise‼️”

A reminder from Vincent Kennedy. And yes, waiting for the 'sleepers' to wake up can be excruciating at times.


There are no words for this MSM headline from Western Australia.

An excellent meme that describes the Light Warrior journey perfectly.


Finally, here is an excerpt from the regression session I facilitated with a loved one on 12th December (12:12) 2021. I have shared excerpts from the session in previous posts. I believe that the timing is NOW for the information in the excerpt - humanity was not ready two years ago. Please use your discernment, as always. I share because it's important to me and may be important to blog readers too. I am an experienced regression facilitator so I know the authenticity of this content. It's just about TIMING.

'Something will happen before Christmas...Because of the shake - or whatever happens if it's a metaphor, whatever event happens before Christmas - the IDEA of Christmas will go. Suddenly it will be about PEOPLE not presents. Because of what everyone had been through before Christmas, people come together still but we are just grateful to have each other. That's the point. Christmas as we KNOW it, or as you PLAN it, won't be the same. People will reach out to long-lost people. It's like a day of reconnection and celebrating being a human...' (Regression session 12th December 2021).

Thank you lovely blog readers for your support in the last few days. There was a wee glitch in the Comments section but we are back on course and I expect no turbulence for our starship from now on as we traverse this exciting phase in Earth's history. As Picard would say on the bridge of the Enterprise: 'Engage...'


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thank you Caroline, love your purple hearts - so cheerful.

  2. An early Christmas Present is exactly what humanity and Gaia needs! 🎄❄️🎄❄️🎄❄️

    1. Wouldn't that be wonderful...? You might want to include some sunshine symbols to your lovely icons to represent us summer Christmas people Down Under. Tee hee...!

    2. Sierra that is so ironic you mentioned that because I have many friends who I consider awake about the election and the V etc but not about ascension yet and many think earth is flat and I don't argue with them of course as that's not a concern right now but just today I mentioned to a friend I think it's a sphere with seasons as a blog friend in NZ is currently experiencing summer 🌞🌞🌞

    3. Doug, the seasons on this planet have always been an interesting thing to me...!

  3. I'm surprised there was no mention of the fact that the Q clock has now changed to THE FINAL COUNTDOWN... due to stop on the 15th of December, which goes with your prediction about it happening before Christmas.

    1. Deb, I have decided not to focus on the Q clock. I know I said I would post when it updates, but unless it is a major update, I will leave it for now. They have already mentioned The Final Countdown. The pre-Christmas prediction is something I have tucked away in the back of my mind. I am hopeful one day at a time.

  4. Was it Q who said also there would be an early Christmas or was that Trump?

    1. Good question, Doug, I was wondering about that myself. I am not sure, to be honest.

  5. We`ve got this seems good right now and this Christmas time around the energy around us or maybe I should say within us! does seem to be more active this year could be an interesting month, WWG1WGA

    1. Ar hie, the energy does feel different this year heading into Christmas. Nothing seems the same as previous years. Bring it on...! WWG1WGA.


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