Up-Dated Q Clock

The Q clock has been updated. Please, please remember that I am only the messenger. I provide information - YOU decide whether it resonates with you or not. Debating the credibility of the Q clock is counter-productive because everyone has their own opinion. Thanks.

Very interesting turn of events - thanks to my friend Lance for spotting it. Click on the Twitter icon at the foot of the Q clock page. It takes you to this Twitter/X page...

Will there be Ten Days of Darkness leading up to Christmas...? That is for YOU to decide. My strategy has always been to act as if a predicted event could potentially happen and prepare accordingly. Then if it doesn't eventuate, I shrug my shoulders and keep going. I believe there WILL be a big event, it's just a matter of when. I promise you, I don't lose any sleep over dates and predictions.

Speaking of discernment, a blog reader has brought to my attention the fact that Q The Storm Rider (QTSR) frequently uses unsourced material. I trained as a journalist in 1973 (heavens, fifty years ago!). It was drummed into us to scrupulously avoid plagiarism. Source everything. 

Well, that was fine in 1973 - but the internet has forever changed the dissemination of information. I can honestly say that avoiding reading plagiarised material is now impossible. Not virtually, not maybe - it is straight out impossible to know if you are reading plagiarised material. That is why I always urge discernment when reading intel. Listen to your HEART and you will not go wrong.

The answer to the confusion about whether intel is authentic is not to go seeking more intel to test the credibility. The answer is to STEP AWAY FROM THE INTEL. Go outside and walk in the fresh air. Clear your head. Get perspective. Intel is actually a major distraction. When the SHTF you won't be frantically looking for intel to explain what is happening. You will be listening to your intuition and calling your loved ones (if phones are working).

Speaking of discernment and common sense, this 'news' about the dangers of mask wearing is...well to be honest, stupid. Common sense was common sense three years ago when those of us with it knew that masks make you sick.

Some light-hearted relief is so necessary right now. I still have tears in my eyes from laughing after watching this adorable little boy. Apart from his super-impressive carpentry skills, this lucky lad has a father who cares enough to teach him left from right. Enjoy (1' 11" video).

Oh, I want to live in Texas. Clear blue skies and no more chem-trails. This post is quite striking in that it officially confirms the existence of chem-trails while banning them at the same time. BOOM. BOOM.

Finally, thanks to my friend Emma for finding this Vincent Kennedy post about Betelgeuse. Emma and I discussed it yesterday and we both feel that it is significant.

The only question you need to ask yourself right now, Light Warriors is this: Am I ready..? 

Have I cleared my unhealed emotional trauma, as much as possible...? Have I let go of toxic relationships or people who don't match my values...? Am I living a simple calm life every day so that when the SHTF I won't get lost in a sea of distractions...?

If you can answer Yes to those three questions, make a batch of popcorn and relax. You are good to go for the end of this outrageous movie.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Great points Sierra. I watch all the dates and information from various sources with detachment. Yesterday I had several times of breaking down in tears and deeply releasing. Strange as I haven't felt much at all for a long time ... Hope my empathy is returning and there is good stuff to feel now!🙏🤞

    1. CC, I hope you don't mind me calling you that..! CC, I have not broken down in tears for a very long time. I get a little teary at times but the deep releasing for me all happened in my past. So you are not lacking empathy, you have just progressed to a different level...!

  2. I agree too something definitive will happen and we know all is speeding up and the original Q clock that was decoded stopped. VK stopped posting. Early Christmas was stated, I expected the Event already so I am used to not getting too high or low when it doesn't happen but if I were running the show..it would make sense to imply 2024 but take action now! The DS don't need anymore time to go hide around the world right. I also don't think they let the actors playing Biden finish his term or Trump initiating the military take over doesn't make much sense of another election happens right without fixing 2020? 12/15/2023 works for me shut the lie down and wake up the rest of the sleepers !
    Dates are tough but on the other hand when told it's a movie one can't help but assume it's all been planned to happen at certain dates as future proves past 😉 take care all and keep the faith! 🕯️🌞🕯️🌞🕯️🌞

    1. I love that theory, Doug - imply 2024 but take action now. Awesome. Catch your enemy on the back foot. And I echo Doug's closing words: Take care all and keep the faith!

    2. The Alliance is playing a brilliant game of 5D chess. Humanity is in safe hands.

  3. Replies
    1. Lovely to see your hearts, Caroline. You are such a sweetie...!

  4. In the past I believed the dates and made some bad decisions based on them. And like you Sierra, I was shocked and upset to wake up on 12/22/12 to another 3D day. Yet, as you say, I can see now how unprepared we all were for it then, and the blessing of the delay. There are likely many blessings from all the delays, as the dates come and go. I do note them, and always stay prepared in the event it really is GO time. That moment will happen, and in divine right order.
    💜💜. Thanks for another great post Sierra. 💜💜

    1. Alice, I recognize that I am a much stronger Light Warrior now than I was in 2012. I had not been tested. And I see the blessings...! Divine right order is exactly right. In God's time, not ours. Love and Light to you.

  5. its going to be biblical as we were told so the Light coming back on the 25th December sounds good to me

    1. Ar hie, we are in for an extraordinary time between now and Christmas. I can't even sense or see Christmas this year, unlike previous years - it is a big blank. And I am fine with that! Aroha to you.


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