Vengeance For President Trump

Vengeance will be sweet for President Trump. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has been arrested for treason for his role in stealing the 2020 election.

Ben Fulford discussed the Q clock in his latest update - the preview is here, I will post the full update when it arrives. He speaks positively about the Q clock. Use your discernment as always.

BP at Starship Earth put this red-pill video link in her latest newsletter. I will watch it later (51 minutes).

I enjoyed the Kash Patel interview with Glenn Beck that I posted in the previous post (link below). I am not sure if 'enjoyed' is the right word, maybe 'appreciated' is more fitting. The depth of [D]eep [S]tate evil and psychopathy never ceases to shock even hardened Light Warriors like myself.

Thanks to Kat for this great post about masks, with accompanying video (below). Charlie Ward is right - the special effects team with access to sophisticated technology as witnessed in the video COULD have made perfect masks for [B]iden. The idea was to make it obvious for people like Light Warriors who are looking for evidence of the Alliance operation. Brilliant.

You & I know Hollywood, Jan.
They COULD make [masked] Biden perfect. But they’re not.
They could make Hillary Clinton perfect. But they’re not.
They could make King Charles perfect. But they’re not.

My UK Royal Marine sent me the video
of πŸ‘‘ King Charles taking money out of his pocket
& having to pay for a magazine.
Then he sent me pictures & said, “It’s not really Charles.”

Correct. The ACTOR would have to pay.
Just because you’re playing somebody
doesn't give you the same privileges as if you were real 🀣
They’re all telltale signs. All part of the waking up process..
The Frequency changes are happening right now
& we’re seeing PANIC play out in the pantomime
Certain members of the Royal family
+ politicians in America, Europe & AU,

πŸ‘‡πŸŽ₯ @ QrashTheMatrix
CIA. Masks. Performance.

Video about CIA special effects masks ( one minute).

The actor paying for his own magazine as mentioned by Jan Halper-Hayes is a big clue that it is not the real King Charles. UK royalty are famous for never carrying cash. Queenie's handbag only contained a hankie, lippie and treats for the corgies. No money.

We have often seen footage of the [B]iden actor carrying his own luggage into and out of non-official cars. Does the REAL USA President carry his own luggage and travel in non-official cars..? Of course not. Once again, evidence for people with ears to hear and eyes to see.

This thought-provoking quote makes sense, especially during this chaotic time on the planet.


That's it for me today, friends. We press on in our Light Warrior work, gaining satisfaction with every new piece of TRUTH that gets revealed. The case against the [D]eep [S]tate has reached monumental proportions so it is only a matter of time until everyone on the planet knows what we know. Hopefully within days...!

Enjoy some relaxing time. On that note, I will share my favorite Christmas song with you. Regular blog readers will remember it from previous years.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Martin Brodel: "They are going to collapse the old financial system worldwide. You don't take something away from someone unless you have something better to offer them. The QFS system needs to be a smooth transition."

    1. I agree with this statement, Wayne. Why would the Alliance take money away from people who are already suffering..??

  2. Gold and Silver bring down the FRB and usher in Nesara/Gesara!
    GA was as bad a Arizona a Red State going to Biden and then to a WEF Hobbs for Governor.. there is simply no way these were legitimate results. As my neighbor who owns a home in AX said, all you see there are Trump signs!! I hope hope these arrests are happening and I anxiously await when it will all be told to the public. πŸŽπŸŽ„❄️πŸ“½️

    1. I am certain the RRN arrest reports are authentic. The Alliance knows that we Light Warriors need information to keep our vibrations high. Information is Light.
      Public disclosure is THE big domino we are all awaiting.

  3. Had a house plant for about 20 years that just died. Also went with my parents to the vet to put down their beloved cat today😿. Tough to say goodbye, but seems like all life knows something is coming and making a choice to go or stay...

    1. I am so sorry to hear about the cat, CC. Putting down our family cat years ago was terribly sad. And your house plant too. I do think you are right - people (and plants) are picking their lanes now before the big Event.


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