Ascension Thoughts Update

There is a lot of intel out there about the rapidly-unfolding situation in Yemen. Q forewarned us of a 'Scare Event'. QTSR's Telegram posts are forecasting a 'Scare Event'. The situation in Yemen certainly ticks the boxes for a potential (fake) world war scenario.

A total aside here...I am unashamedly a former Friends fan. Let's call it research. Actor Matthew Perry (now deceased, maybe suspiciously) played Chandler on Friends. Chandler impulsively fled USA to escape a potential unwanted marriage. His destination...? Yemen. Just saying.

...Back to using your discernment. I use the word 'bewildering' to describe the plethora of intel sources out there. It is an appropriate word. The only way to turn 'bewildering' into 'manageable' is to listen to your heart with every article and video. If you are part way through a video that everyone is raving about yet it is doing nothing for you - switch it off. I frequently do it. 

Only one person decides what intel resonates, and that person is YOU. Time (virtually non-existent now) is too precious to waste on material that doesn't make your heart sing on some level.

Speaking of making your heart sing...I think I shared this link in a previous post. It's a gentle uplifting Ascension FB page. You don't have to be on FB to access it. I have Bookmarked the page and will read it every day. Remember, Ascension is the whole point of Earth's liberation. We Light Warriors are advised to stay close to our personal Ascension journey and that of humanity.

Finally, a very dear Light Warrior friend has very delicately - and bravely - pointed out my need to provide all the answers in comment responses. Yes, I confess, that is exactly what I do. In my response to his brave and caring email, I said that for many years as a life coach I was paid to give people all the answers. Truly, once a life coach, always a life coach. 

When it comes to intel, I often honestly DON'T know. I try to find the balance between presenting the information and offering an analysis. It is a very fine line, like walking on a tight rope actually. And it is so easy to get overwhelmed by the avalanche of daily intel, hence my decision to not be on Telegram, right from the start.

I get a lot of advice and ideas on current issues from fellow Light Warriors but ultimately I must stand behind everything I write on this blog - every day. As my friend said, the final TRUTH will shock everyone, including us. I absolutely agree with him. We know that we are only scratching the surface of the vast horrifying story that has been 3D life on planet Earth.

We are all doing our very best to share Information/Light to help awaken humanity. It has been a long arduous task that has felt never-ending. Days on end...weeks...months...years...decades. How have we survived...? Frankly, I have no idea apart from my favorite AA saying: 'One Day At A Time'.

It's another hot summer day here so I am off to the beach with a fellow Light Warrior. We swim then sit in the shade at a picnic table and discuss the latest intel. Yes, even on my breaks, I am still 'working'...!

Thank you for all your wonderful support, blog readers. Your presence here has created a special communal hub where we can feel free to express our frustrations if we need to. It's okay, I understand about venting sometimes. I greatly admire the way we all pick ourselves up quickly afterwards, have a laugh, and keep on, keeping on...

One Day At A Time.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Well said Sierra! So many sources I visit and if they don't resonate I stop reading or listening but thankfully many have the same overall message we are ascending and we must observe 3D earth not allow ourselves to be pulled down into the chaos. It's tough the children and all that has happened here on 3D earth it's tough not to be emotionally upset at times. I want the best possible life for not only myself but for my family and of course for all of humanity as we truly are 1. We are getting there it's been a long journey 1000s of years since Atlantis went down and we basically started over again.
    The arks are coming online and rem those monoliths that were appearing all over earth I assume to help power the ancient energy grid to help earth vibrate up to 5D when the time is right to initiate the solar flash. I still think that will be needed.
    I can't see any 2024 election here happening justice must be served for the 2020 stolen election and then nesara implemented worldwide. I want my πŸŒˆπŸ’΅ now! πŸ˜ŠπŸ“½️🎬

    1. Thanks so much for your steady support, Doug. I appreciate your loyalty very much.
      Great to talk about the arks and monoliths - we tend to forget about some of the amazing things coming online quietly behind the scenes.
      Yes, definitely no 2024 election. I anticipate President Trump being reinstated in one swift movement, probably when we are least expecting it. Love your rainbow currency, good one...!!

    2. Sierra thank you for your daily sometimes multiple updates, it's very much appreciated and helps all of us a great deal! Enjoy summer it's 2 degrees up here now 🌑️

  2. "Ascension is the whole point of Earth's liberation."

    Martin Brodel: "If you can raise your vibrations you raise the vibrations of the whole Earth."

    1. Thanks Wayne - I like Martin Brodel, I will check out this link..

  3. Dolores Canon says in her book we are imprinted with memories before we are born. So these memories then are not real? When we do a past life regression or a reading where we are told of our past lives or even have strong familiarities that may remind us of a past life is any of this real? She says the souls that at the last minute deny these imprints have chaotic lives.

    So many questions and not enough answers, lol. Keep the body healthy as we need it to ascend and keep our vibes high. There is an easy way to know if your vibe is going down, consuming low vibe food and drinks affect your mind and this leads to all sorts of distorted thoughts. Controlling your mind is bigley πŸ₯°.

    My ascension journey did not begin with waking up first. I had a strong urge to do energy work on myself and clear any distortions in my field and DNA (via energy healers).

    1. @Indigo. (Per my understanding).Imprinting is when a soul wishes to experience a lifetime and all its corresponding energies and emotions. It's a way to gain all the wisdom of a horrific lifetime without actually living it. (This is a simplification, and I don't do it because I consider it "cheating")

    2. Hi Indigo and CC...I'll try and give my impression of imprinting via Dolores Cannon's work. Firstly, Indigo, I have experienced many regressions and regressed around 200 people. I personally believe that past life experiences are real. The emotions that flood in totally unexpectedly during regressions has always been my guide to the authenticity of the past lives. You cannot make up sudden intense emotions like that.
      Imprinting is a bit different. It is a way to save time instead of coming in the usual way, i.e birth/life/death.
      With imprinting, you can go to the Akashic Records, pick any life you want to learn from - including famous people - and 'pop into' that past life for a short time to experience it. Obviously it doesn't have the same visceral impact of actually living the life. But it is a time-saver when you are researching an era or subject. It is totally okay to jump into these lives. Fascinating, isn't it...??

    3. It is fascinating! Thank you both.

  4. I love your personal comments to people who post here, it really is comforting to know that you care. I'm always amazed at how much I resonate with your take on things. Thank you! Love and Light, Betsie I'm still looking at the sky every night when it's clear!

    1. Betsie, it turns out that my friend Emma who lives 15 minutes drive away, sees the SAME starships I do, at the same time. It's very cool...! Keep going. Your first starship sighting is a game-changer. Life on Earth is never the same again. Love and Light to you.

  5. The rooster takes the hen to save the chicks! The kitten was embarrassed. So funny and cute animal🀣

    1. Thanks for sharing, Possum, I look forward to it. I really enjoy these videos for light relief...!


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