Citizen Journalism Rules
This is how you learn the TRUTH about what is really happening on the planet. It's called citizen journalism and this young man is an excellent example. Watch and learn, friends (36" video).
Ben Fulford's latest newsletter is full of great intel. Recommended reading (at this link).
Real Raw News story about WHO arrests - this is important intel because it confirms that [D]eep [S]tate attempts at creating another [P]landemic are dead in the water.
Thanks to Lance for forwarding this article about Google going into full censorship mode. Desperation, much.
Awesome find, thanks to Stephen. Love it.
From @newstreasonupdates on Telegram:
🟨 What time did Hunter show up to Capitol Hill? 10:07 <> 17 How long did he stay in the hearing before he walked out? Exactly 17 minutes All part of a scripted movie 🍿
I want to share a little story that illustrates how easy it is to stay unwittingly in the 3D matrix. Every morning I walk on a foreshore track beside an estuary. It is a busy gravel path frequented by hordes of cyclists and many dog walkers. Some days it is like playing dodgems. I have walked on this particular path every day for about ten years.
It is summer here in NZ and I am wearing walking sandals because of the heat. Pebbles from the path lodge inside my sandals which is irritating. Several days ago, I looked at the grass either side of the track and thought, 'I will just walk on there instead..' Wow. What a revelation. Why on Earth did I not think of it earlier...? No irritating pebbles, no hordes of cyclists and no dog walkers.
This little incident showed me how easy it is to mindlessly keep walking the well-trodden 3D path (literally). It takes concentration and effort to walk the 5D path less travelled. If I am day-dreaming, I still automatically walk on the path, because that is what I have always done. With awareness comes change.
Finally, the starships are still active out there, Light Warriors - I saw seven starships last night. I chat away to them and they appear in response to my queries. It's such an uplifting way to end the day. Interestingly, their visits feel quite familiar now. In the early days of starship spotting, I was overcome with emotion with each sighting. Now - well, these ships are part of my Galactic family.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
I have noticed being outside is really helpful right now. Things like Wifi/people/EMF do have negative effects on us indoors. Haven't been able to skywatch, it's really cloudy in winter in Michigan. I can handle calamity and chaos, just please no more looping Source! Don't think we'll have to wait too much longer... 🙏🤞
ReplyDeleteCC, I agree about the positive impact of being outdoors. I am really enjoying my second walk of the day, in the cool of the evening. We are experiencing heat waves here in NZ. Well, heat waves in NZ terms, certainly not Arizona or Western Aussie terms...!
DeleteBarefoot on native Bush treks in NZ is next level connection to mother nature...
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Mikaera. Lovely to hear from you...! Yes, indeed, deep in the hearrt of NZ native bush is the most serene place on Earth.