DAVOS In Turmoil
Lead item in this post is a little video from the WEF DAVOS conference that is going viral for a reason. Enjoy (19" video).
Argentinian Prime Minister Javier Milei spoke his mind at DAVOS too. This is a short excerpt from his 24 minute speech (1' 07" video).
We cannot underestimate the impact of those two speeches at DAVOS going viral. They signify the final collapse of the [D]eep [S]tate House of Cards. In the first video, you can see the DS criminals walking out while the young man is speaking. They didn't have the guts to confront him and kick him off the stage. Instead, showing themselves to be the cowards they are, they walked away.
In the stuff of horror movies, coming to a town near you...a small US town is considering using a drone to detect people who have an elevated temperature and/or cough which could potentially be [C]ovid. Resist at all costs, people (2' 38" video).
Thanks to Kat for posting this graphic about King Charles, and Mr Pool's message. If you can be bothered, find an older photo of Charlie and compare it to this one. Not even close.

That's it from me today, friends.
We are enjoying some much-needed rain in my region. Our gardens were parched. So I get a day off watering-duties and can relax this afternoon with a pile of magazines.
It would seem the next big thing could potentially be the death of King Charles, maybe during his 'routine' surgery. We just need to see the deaths of [B]iden and the [P]ope and we have the trifecta final capitulation of the [D]eep [S]tate with the loss of the City of London, Washington DC and the Vatican. Any one of those prominent deaths could easily crash the financial system. Watch this space.
If you are more tired than usual, join the club. I have been feeling weary for a few days, despite sleeping well, and I welcome a quieter afternoon.
Take good care of yourselves, Light Warriors. Our part in the movie is about to be cranked up as we head into the final phase of humanity's liberation.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
I think it's gonna blow people's minds when they find out how many celebs and royalty are already long gone...Hear you about the tiredness Sierra. Sleep has been hard to come by, also peeing a lot at night regardless of water consumption. Maybe transmuting for self and the whole? Went outside about an hour ago and saw clear night sky for the first time in ages. Saw a bright ship near the moon! Didn't fully power up but wiggled and shimmered a bit. Glad to see Star-fam again. Much ♥️ and 💡 to All!
ReplyDeleteYay, CC - so glad you saw our Galactic friends. It's such a heart-warming experience. They always give me great hope and comfort.
ReplyDeleteThanks Caroline, Love and Light to you...!
DeleteYes sure appears Charles is next. Pope then Biden ..let's go! Great for the Argentinian President I wasn't sure why he was going there but now I know! Sweet!
ReplyDeleteBush Sr gone..Kissinger gone, Soros? So many more need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity don't they!
A drone to detect a fever..shotguns get ready!!
It's gotten so draconian for people to finally awaken!!
Light and Love to all!
Of course, I forgot about just shooting the drone out of the sky. We don't have many guns here in NZ so it wasn't my first thought...! Maybe instead of draconian it should be dronian, Doug. Tee hee.
DeleteClever! Imagine a drone coming over and then thugs pull you out of your home. I am convinced the liberals and woke here in the US would be fine with it the programming is still in place for many...I see masks still! It's hard to fathom people can be so controlled to kill themselves. Hey did you ever listen to a Karen Hudes...a Jewish attorney she passed now but she was amazing and she said what has been promoted as the holocaust..isn't true per her. Like she said no gas chambers existed that was added later and the 6M # was used prior to WW2 she said. She was explaining all about nesara and they had some type of model predicting it wld happen.
DeleteAnyhow she was remarkable with her info even explained the ET manipulation etc.
Doug, I remember Karen Hudes, she was a great Light Warrior. So many Light Warriors have done a wonderful job and they are now on the other side, cheering us on from the bleachers as Dolores Cannon would say.
DeleteBTW: The little video from the WEF DAVOS conference, feels fake.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all that you do Sierra!!!
I have the same feeling. The short video that goes viral seems fake. Perhaps the indicator is if there's too much drama it's likely to be fake. :D
DeleteYou are very welcome, Taylor! And yes, Taylor and JN, we have a link now that confirms that little video was satire. I will post the link and my thoughts about it shortly. All is well.
Excellent, thanks Borg. I will use this link in today's post and explain my thoughts.
DeleteSierra,Good Day !
ReplyDeleteSim o vídeo é uma trollagem>Mas independente disso,está circulando o mundo e despertando pessoas e tornando ridículo todo o DS e os seus fantoches .
Aqui abaixo tem comentário:
_O jovem iraniano Damon Imani mais uma vez mostrou aos seus pouco mais de 200 mil seguidores no Instagram que é profissional no quesito trollagem. Em um vídeo publicado nesta manhã (17/1) por ele em suas redes sociais, o criador de conteúdos aparece “participando” do Fórum Econômico Mundial de Davos. Em seu discurso fictício o rapaz diz que todos somos livres e continuaremos assim. Ao final, ele solta um palavrão para os governantes presentes no evento e é “ovacionado” pela “platéia”. Nas redes sociais, muitos elogiaram a façanha do rapaz. “Este homem está dizendo exatamente o que 99,9% do mundo está dizendo”, comentou um seguidor. “dizendo o que todos nós queremos dizer!”, disse outro. Imagens: Instagram/@Damonimani SE
Saúde e Alegria
Obrigado Sierra
Santa Catarina - Brasil
Thanks JAT - your comment is exactly what my response was when I learned that the video is satire. I will write about it in today's post. I have translated your comment below. Love, Light and hugs.
DeleteSierra, Good Day!
Yes, the video is trolling>But regardless of that, it is circulating the world and awakening people and making the entire DS and its puppets ridiculous.
Here is a comment below:
************************************************** ***********************************
_The young Iranian Damon Imani once again showed his just over 200 thousand followers on Instagram that he is a professional when it comes to trolling. In a video published this morning (17/1) by him on his social networks, the content creator appears “participating” in the Davos World Economic Forum. In his fictional speech the boy says that we are all free and will remain that way. At the end, he swears at the government officials present at the event and is “lauded” by the “audience”. On social media, many praised the boy's feat. “This man is saying exactly what 99.9% of the world is saying,” commented one follower. “saying what we all want to say!” said another. Images: Instagram/@Damonimani SE
************************************************** *********************************************
Health and Joy
Thank you Sierra
Santa Catarina Brazil
Another great post Sierra! It seems to me that the blatent truths being told by the fellows at Davos, RFK Jr, Trump, Margaret Taylor Greene, Tucker, Dr Malone and other doctors coming forward, and so many others, are happening more publicly and with more specifics because the White Hats are fully in control. It is so reassuring as we wait for the event that pivots the rest of humanity. I feel calm in the eye of this storm knowing all is truly well, in Gods hands and the hands of the Alliance.
ReplyDeleteThanks Alice...! Yes, the tsunami of TRUTH is underway and it is very exciting. I am also feeling calm in the eye of the storm. All is well, indeed. Love, Light and hugs.
DeleteI just thought I would share something that I have realized is happening to me. For the last 4 days, the weather here (TN, USA) has been such that we cannot get out of our house, due to the snow and extremely frigid temperatures. Usually, this causes me great stress... not just worrying about weather the heat will stay on or if we'll have enough food to make it until we can leave the house (I didn't even open the door to the outside for 2 days because it was that cold). I wasn't even this locked down during the COVID lockdowns, because at least then we could still go to a park, or drive around, or do yard work to stay busy (and have our windows open). But this time around, I noticed something unexpected - an INNER PEACE I have never felt before. I had no worries. I slept well each night. I did not fret over not being able to get out. I didn't even miss not working out - very much not like me. Even if outwardly I expressed a bit of frustration with the weather continuing, inside I was feeling almost SERENE. I like this feeling!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean Debi. Today was the first day here in MI above 15F in like a week. Also first day in a week to not shovel or snowplow🙄🤣 Both people and animals have been acting stir crazy, but I too have felt a calm acceptance. Not really any associated thoughts, just a feeling that all is actually perfect and about to get a LOT better... (Even if external circumstances and appearances don't immediately reflect that)
DeleteThanks Deb and CC - I know exactly what you both are experiencing. Me too...! I will share about it in today's post shortly. I am grateful that you both took the time to share these uplifting experiences. It helps all of us. Love, Light and hugs.
DeleteTarot by Janine did a look at Davos, and her cards show that it’s all fake actors and they are going to expose them. Does look fake!!
Awesome, thanks Alice...! I look forward to watching this video. Love it.
DeleteOh...Sierra and all...same no matter how much I sleep...tired and that's not me! Still working out and pushing myself but naps are key for sure. Take care all!