[E]pstein Client List Update

I am opening this post by stating that I strongly disagree with Light Warriors who believe the [E]pstein client list is 'just a distraction'. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH. 

Q made it very clear that [E]pstein is the keystone to destroying the [D]eep [S]tate. And to call that list a 'distraction' is a massive insult to [E]pstein's hundreds if not thousands of young victims who have to live with the appalling degradation of his actions for the rest of their lives.

Clandestine's latest newsletter packs a punch over [E]pstein's powerful connection to the [D]eep [S]tate. You can subscribe to his newsletter here...


...Now that everyone has seen the Epstein docs, lets talk about the global significance of the Epstein blackmail operation.

...A victim testified Epstein was targeting "American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders", so that he could "potentially blackmail them".

Epstein was about something much bigger than just rich pedos raping children. This was an intelligence operation to blackmail and control the most powerful people on the planet. Meaning that at a minimum Bill Clinton, and presumably Hillary, are compromised by Epstein and must do what he asks of them, or face the consequences of their heinous secret getting out. How much of the Clinton/DNC agenda has been at the behest of Epstein to keep him quiet?

If Epstein controlled the Clintons via blackmail, does that mean Epstein was functioning as the shadow President of the United States and Secretary of State? How many other politicians does he control?

This means that Epstein, or the people he served, could essentially control global policy decisions via proxy, without being elected. This is quite literally an intelligence operation to rule the world, via pedophilia honeypot. Don't take my word for it, the victims said it themselves.

The ULTIMATE question is, who did Epstein work for, and what were they trying to accomplish?

If the Illuminati truly does exist, this would be how. (Clandestine)

Stephen sent me a link to '[E]pstein's Black Book' which contains nearly 2000 names. Please use your discernment, as always. As Stephen said, there are NO CRIMES attached to these names.

Time to remind you again, with PROOF...President Trump did NOT visit [E]pstein's island or homes.
A reminder from President Trump's lawyer of a former US President who DID visit [E]pstein's island and homes MULTIPLE times. Bill [C]linton was said to have flown on the 'Lolita Express' at least 26 times (36" video).

Change of subject...

Regarding the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) that we Light Warriors are longing to see - I resonate with BP at Starship Earth. She is right: We will never get to 'go home again...' after the EBS.The EBS is not a magic bullet - it is just the start...

For those chomping at the bit for the EAS/EBS Emergency Alert situation triggered by the military... it's not to be taken lightly and cannot be rushed. It will happen at the right time, and not before because after that broadcast nothing will be the same. I hope everyone is aware, "You can never go home again."

Your old life will be gone, and when everything is new and unfamiliar, it is uncomfortable. The EAS does not mean the end of all problems or that everything will be sunshine and roses. It is the marker for a difficult path we will all walk with those who never saw it coming. PAIN. And if you know anything about Human nature, some people might just take it out on us so get ready to suit up, warriors...(BP, Starship Earth).

Finally, I love this meme. Awesome.

Light Warriors, it is getting pretty nuts out there. We are enjoying welcome rain here this afternoon after weeks of drought. I intend to park up on the sofa with a cuppa and a pile of mags very shortly. 
How's that ear-ringing going for you...? It's so ever-present and loud, I am surprised that people standing beside me can't hear it. Downloads are pouring in too. It helps to explain my immense tiredness at times.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light


  1. Epstein list is huge the Dam has broken watch the water!! Of course I don't expect our corrupt DOJ and the rest of them to take action. As Q said many times "Military is the only way" and I completely agree to minimize the impact of this information going public is ignoring all those children, teenagers and adults who were their victims!
    The Storm is upon us!

    1. Unleash the Storm, Alliance - we Light Warriors are ready. We Are With You...!

  2. Ear ringing as always but pronounced .Twitching muscles here and there new.
    Lots of love !

    1. Hi Aron, hope you are still enjoying warm sunny California. Yes, twitching muscles here too. I use magnesium cream and do a lot of stretching. It feels as if we are outgrowing our bodies...!

  3. Hello Sierra and all It really is nuts at the moment but enjoying it all as we see it all play out and ear ringing getting louder but not annoying but comforting and calming here comes the storm WWG1WGA time

    1. Hi Ar hie. Lovely to hear from you. Yes, I agree with you about the ear-ringing. It isn't annoying when you know why it's happening - and I have learned to find it comforting too. Storm incoming...! WWG1WGA.

  4. I would sure like to see and hear those 7 Trumpets! πŸ˜‰

  5. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


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