'Get Yourself A Conspiracy Theorist Friend...'
There was an elite pedophile island, that was part of a larger intelligence honeypot/blackmail operation, used to control global policy decisions.
Meaning that the world is in fact, run by rich pedophiles. Meaning the Q followers were kinda right about that, while the media told you, with great confidence and hubris, that this whole thing was a psychotic Right-wing conspiracy theory, and you’re literally a domestic terrorist if you believed it in any capacity.
Well the “conspiracy theorists” turned out to be correct. While politicians, intelligence agencies, media, and social media, were WITTINGLY involved in burying this reality, and smearing/censoring those who reported on it.
Yet the deniers and MSM are just pretending like that’s not the case. No mea culpas. No apologies. NOTHING.
“Q followers” and “conspiracy theorists” were the most demonized and discriminated group of people in America for the last 7 years, and they turned out to be right about one of the biggest revelations in human history.
When will the world admit it?..' (Clandestine)
Speaking of the evil MSM, great to see this article from Real Raw News about the arrest of an MSNBC talking head. May there be many more to follow him. https://realrawnews.com/2024/01/jag-arrests-medhi-hasan/
Two intel links from Stephen. He said in the email he had not heard of the new French PM. Me neither. She didn't stay in the job long enough to register. BOOM.
The United Nations Headquarters has closed (temporarily, sure...) due to lack of funds. Translation: The [D]eep [S]tate has run out of cash. https://www.brusselstimes.com/863803/un-temporarily-closes-geneva-headquarters-due-to-lack-of-funds
French PM resigns.
This is HUGE news. Credible evidence indicates there were over TWO HUNDRED FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters at Capitol Hill on 6th January 2021. TREASON (first 36" of this video).
Thanks to my friend Lance for forwarding this review of an excellent TRUTH book titled The Great Taking by David Webb. I have included a profound quote from the book intro below... https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/great-taking-exposes-financial-end-game
'...Presently, as we well know, families are divided. People are experiencing a kind of isolation, perhaps not physically, but in spirit and mind. This has been made to happen through the dark magic of false news and narrative. This alone has been a great crime against humanity. The tactical purposes are many: to confuse and divide; to cause disengagement; to demoralize; to instill fears and to introduce false focal points for these fears; to manipulate the historical narrative; to create a false sense of the present reality; and ultimately, to cause people to acquiesce to what has been planned...' (from the book The Great Taking by David Webb)
A reminder of the TRUTH about the fall of the [D]eep [S]tate. Thanks, Kat. https://anonup.com/@KatistheSea3
Change of subject...
Molly McCord's astrology podcast for January is very interesting. Watch from 11 minutes - the first part deals with early Jan which has already happened (can be listened to at 1.25 speed). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2GZEL1stoQ
Ben Fulford seems to agree with the latest Q clock that something big will happen later this week. I'm super ready for the cycles of repetition/monotony to end... Let's get this show on the road!
ReplyDeleteHi CC, lovely to hear from you. Yep, let's end Groundhog Day. We are ready for explosive knock-you-off-your-feet action, and plenty of it...!
DeleteYes Ben was very sure we will see events happen within weeks and mentions the Q clock. Yes many qhht videos talk about the sky turning purple and a wave people can see to the east I think approaches them!
ReplyDeleteHow amazing it will all be right!
Yes I rem well questioning 911 and trying to show my family and friends and receiving silence or anger back at me..it was clear they didn't want the truth it was all too much for them to even consider. I assumed it would prompt them to do their own DD on the event but that didn't happen either. It's all from growing up trusting the mainstream news and as adults many are afraid to question as it would mean all they believe about the world and themselves in it has been a lie..which for the most part it has. ❤️
Love the update will check out the videos!
Victory of the Light!! 🕯️🕯️🕯️
You are right, Doug - questioning the narrative this late in the game will prove to be too much for many people on the Earth plane. They are still getting brain-washed every day by the MSM, particularly older people.
DeleteI hope we get to experience the Solar Flash, what an amazing event. Cue the tee-shirt: 'I was on Earth during the Solar Flash...!
Yes that's good!! "Got Flashed" ?
ReplyDeleteThanks Caroline, Love, Light and hugs to you. I so appreciate you.
DeleteA musical is coming out using Prince's song "Purple Rain"...coincidence? I enjoyed listening to Molly. she is so right that it is not our job to save others. We already know that no matter how hard we try they are staying on their path unless they ask us and begin waking up. Will listen to Kerry when I get time. I agree Events, not dates.
ReplyDeleteIndigo, Molly is an astute and wise astrologer, I love her work. Yes, we can only be here now for those around us. They must do the work. Indeed. Love, Light and hugs to you.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGood Day,Serra
ReplyDeleteGroundhog Day-movie
*Sim,vamos acabar com o Dia da Marmota-Serra* Yep, let's end Groundhog Day.
Pois é, assisti a esse filme Groundhog Day,algumas vezes ,quando me dei conta loop de tempo,e mais como quebrar o loop Enquanto ele agia de acordo com sistema:-*Pão et Circes* esteve aprisionado a esse círculo reencarnatório, repetindo a mesma série ,todos os anos, na escola.
E quando ele passou a usar o tempo como sapiência,quebrou o arco de tempo,que o mantinha prisioneiro.E a partir dessa percepção, dos filmes gnósticos assisti a alguns outros,com a mesma conclusão.
Mas a nossa percepção,infelizmente não serve aos outros,mesmo quando explicamos.
Descrevi o filme datalhadamente, para um amigo que é muito bem sucedido tanto de maneira profissional quanto financeiramente, que o assistiu e achou extremamente um clichê, não conseguiu ver nada do que lhe mostrei.
E o interessante é que quando encontramos a ponta do fio de Ariadne, não tem labirinto que nos aprisione. Passamos a encontrar os indicio e conexões que estão dispersas em todos eles e ajustamos a mesma trama histórica obtusa aos incautos.
Obrigado Serra
I wish I spoke Spanish right ? Looks like an informative post!!
DeleteThanks JAT, I always so enjoy your interesting comments. Lovely to hear from you...!
DeleteI have translated your comment for Doug and other blog readers...
Good Morning, Sierra
Groundhog Day-movie
*Yes, let's end Groundhog Day* Yep, let's end Groundhog Day.
Well, I watched this movie Groundhog Day, a few times, when I realized the time loop, and more about breaking the loop While he acted according to the system:-*Pão et Circes* he was trapped in this reincarnation circle, repeating the same grade every year at school.
And when he started to use time as sapience, he broke the arc of time, which kept him prisoner. And based on this perception, I watched some other Gnostic films, with the same conclusion.
But our perception, unfortunately, does not serve others, even when we explain it.
I described the film in detail, to a friend who is very successful both professionally and financially, who watched it and thought it was extremely cliché, he couldn't see anything I showed him.
And the interesting thing is that when we find the tip of Ariadne's thread, there is no labyrinth that traps us. We begin to find the clues and connections that are scattered throughout them and adjust the same obtuse historical plot to the unwary.
Thank you Sierra
great post today, Sierra. Watched Kerry and Molly... super resonated with both. The message to 'not share' has been with me for months now but, I'm stubborn and the teacher in me felt like 'I MUST' Oh... wow... I can now honestly say..
ReplyDeleteI'm over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's part of the freedom coming - and my individual is so happy!
Read somewhere that there is no compassion in heaven (no need for it in heaven) - it started an avalanche of awarenesses about 3D - I love love love love what's happening!!!!!!
Boo, I really hear you about pulling back from helping/rescuing people from 3D. Me too. And it's not easy. I feel as if I am fighting against all my natural instincts NOT to reach out and rescue. But it doesn't work anymore. Everyone has picked their lane.
DeleteI love that phrase, there is no compassion in heaven - because it's not necessary. Awesome...! And I too love what is happening. What an extraordinary opportunity to be here.