Look Up...

Last night I saw five starships within ten minutes. The night sky is alive with activity right now. 

All you have to do to participate in this thrilling show is go outside on a clear night - and look up. Yes, it really is that simple. Go outside at the same time every clear night, and look up. Be patient. If your first sighting doesn't happen within days, or even weeks, don't give up. Keep trying because our Galactic family is keen to get to know you.

Thanks to blog reader Finn for sending me this channeled message about the Miami mall alien incident (scroll down). Please use your discernment, as always. It is a thought-provoking theory, not to be discounted out of hand.

That channeled message is backed up by this message from remote viewer Elizabeth April. I resonate with her message, by the way - it makes perfect sense to me. Thanks to Maria for forwarding it to me (5' 33" video).

Dolores Cannon talked about this time in her books, when extraterrestrials will become visible on Earth...

'...(The ships and ETs) They are always here. It is only a time for them to become visible as the permissions open up, because it is a time of, not only free will as there is now, but also a time for others to claim their place in the new world. Not just the humans, but others who also belong there, but are in a different vibration. So partly, it is not that they choose to become visible, it is partly that the energies make them visible...' (from 'The Three Waves of Volunteers And The New Earth' by Dolores Cannon).

Not only will ETs from outer space appear in our midst - so will the Telosians who live in inner Earth. They have been 'in hiding' for millennia, patiently awaiting this extraordinary time of revelation. They are very keen to walk among us on the surface again.

Change of subject...

Aaaw, poor little Hunter [B]iden is so scared of Marjorie Taylor-Green that he ran out of the room just as she was about to question him. Consequently Congress voted that he was in Contempt of Congress (47" video). It's tough when you can't hide behind your fake Daddy anymore.

Interesting that I mentioned Ricky Gervais in yesterday's post - there are no coincidences. In this video he drops a giant red pill on his audience regarding illegal immigrants. Do they even know WHY they are laughing...?? (2 minute video).

That's it for today, Light Warriors. 

There are multiple significant events unfolding, any one of which could trigger the Emergency Broadcast System and crash the global financial market. Stay calm, open-minded and super-comfy on your observation post at the 60,000 foot level.

We are in this together. You are not alone. Look around you - I have several new Light Warrior friends that wandered into my life in recent weeks. Our numbers are growing exponentially. Not to mention the wonderful deepening connection to our Galactic brothers and sisters. 


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. The ETs arriving makes perfect sense to me.. nobody was harmed right? The presence of so many cop cars speaks it happened and per usual silence the officers with threats of losing their ability to earn $$ ! Once the control system of $$ goes away and all can live with abundance we can move beyond a lot of the lies and egos that have held us back. Delores Cannon amazing woman knew all of this was coming didn't she! The veil must be close to disintegrating any moment now. Fairies yes I believe like all the so called fairy tales of dragons and mermaids and mermen they are really historical accounts of of our real past. Clever to invert it all but then again all has been inverted to keep us enslaved for so long!
    I anxiously await the EBS!!

    1. All those cops descending on the mall was like some kind of bad C grade movie...! And all our ET friends were doing was wandering through the mall, as entitled as any one of us to be there.
      Dolores Cannon's work is extraordinary. I am always referring back to it. I am very grateful to have nearly all of her books, which I re-read constantly.

  2. Great post! In the eighties I use to have dimensional experiences with my space brothers and sisters. One morning I noticed a perfect complete indented circle that covered my whole back yard in Seattle. It stayed there for a few years until my then husband and I re-landscaped. I worked in the field on the line crews and would be building transformers in the back of my utility truck and these invisible beings would walk right up to me. At first I thought it was part of my crew coming up behind me and I would turn around and not see anyone but could feel their presence. It happened so often I would start talking to them. I was told that some how my energy working with the electrical lines made it so they could utilize the electricity. I had other encounters outside of work inside their energy fields that were intense as well.

    1. Wow Possum! Interesting to hear stories like this. We are all exactly where we are supposed to be in this world for a reason.

    2. Great sharing, Possum...! Yes, spiritual entities use electricity and water as conduits to connect with us. That's why we get a lot of inspiration while in the shower, walking by the beach or lake, or even filling the jug at the kitchen sink. And they have the ability to switch electricity on and off to get our attention - loved ones who have passed on can switch on lights, radios etc, especially on important anniversaries.

  3. Very interesting read indeed Sierra though wonder about their true intentions since they flew away after they realized they caused panic and fear.

    1. Scott, lovely to hear from you. I think they flew away immediately when they realized how afraid humanity was. It was a sobering exercise because it shows that humanity is still a LONG way from seeing ETs who do not look human.

    2. True Sierra even if that video was genuine and the description of them I'd be frightened too im a sirian myself and I'm not sure if I wouldn't run if I encountered a fellow sirian.

    3. Indeed, Scott. Dolores Cannon said that even the most seasoned and brave Light Warriors will be shocked by their first encounter with non human looking ETs.

  4. I continue to look up every night, however, we have had lots of storms here in Georgia to block the view. I'll let you know as soon as I have a sighting! Love Majorie Taylor-Green she's from my State and what a firecracker she is!!!

    1. It will happen for you, Betsie. You have set the intention - they will come. I saw SEVEN ships last night...!

    2. Oh, I do set the intention and I tell them if Sierra can see you....then I hope I can!!!

    3. Bestie, I would just change one word in your comment...then I KNOW I can...!!!

    4. Ooops! Typing too fast, obviously Betsie...! :)

    5. As soon as I typed that "I hope" I knew better...You are right I KNOW I CAN. Love, Betsie

  5. While I love hearing about the sightings you've had with your Galactic friends, Sierra, I got really excited to read the message from Adamas of Telos. For some reason, I believe I am meant to one day visit that city under Mt. Shasta... or at least meet some of the Telosians. That is the thing that resonates with me.

    1. Deb, this is so lovely to hear - if you resonate with the Telosians, then you will go there.


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