Reminder: You Are Watching A Movie

Opening this post with a powerful reminder that we are watching a movie, Light Warriors. Who can forget the football being passed between these two great men. I think they even winked at each other at the time.

Farmers throughout Europe are taking their protests to the streets with maximum effect. The revolution is underway and We The People will NOT be stopped (8 minute video).

'Mess In the West'...this Gateway Pundit article outlines the scale of the unfolding revolution across TWO continents, USA and Europe.

Change of subject...skim through this Real Raw News article to remind yourself that the evil monsters responsible for murdering tens of millions of people with the deadly jab did not get jabbed themselves.

This meme is very true, sadly.

Thanks to my friend Emma for sending me this adorable little clip. Enjoy.

Light Warriors, it is so important to remain at the 60,000 foot perspective. I cannot emphasize it enough. We are watching a MOVIE. 

When we go to the movies, do we intensely analyze every screen shot in order to figure out the ending...? No, we sit back, munch on popcorn and lose ourselves in a pleasant distraction for an hour or so, knowing full well that the story is designed for our entertainment. 

That is how we need to approach the Alliance operation to liberate humanity.

Many Light Warriors believe that events we see being portrayed have ALREADY happened. The trials/executions etc etc - already done. The movie was produced to gradually awaken the unaware population so they could process the shocking information without going into hysteria. 

The plot twists and turns are getting gnarly. Texas convoy or no Texas convoy...? The rumors are flying. As I mentioned in a previous post, we have arrived at the part where your head will be spinning if you attempt to chase down every detail. 

Step back from the intel often. That's my advice. 

Enjoy some innocent delight, like Emma's little video. Find ways to endure the upcoming maelstrom - which is definitely coming. No doubt about it.

Walk barefoot...pause and listen to the birds...hug some comedy. Whatever it takes to center yourself in higher dimensional energy so that you remain calm in the eye of the storm.

Here ends my life-coaching session for today. You are welcome...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thanks so much Caroline, I really appreciate your support.

  2. Great post! Stamp out problem/reaction/solution by re-moving the “reaction” through the intention of re-maiming in the First Cause of the light of pure Awareness (works for me :-)

    I am reminded of a bit from the late great Bill Hicks: “It’s Just a Ride”

    1. Oops! re-MAINING, not maiming ☺️

    2. Thanks tru3, I really appreciate your feedback - and the link...!

  3. Hope everyone reads the Mom's comment next to her child's alien/other Mama clip on the Instagram post. Awesome! 🛸
    Thanks Emma and Sierra! 💜

    1. You are welcome, Possum - I will pass it on to Emma. Thank you!


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