...So Where Is The [E]pstein Client List...?

I am opening this post with a reminder that the [D]eep [S]tate is still holding on tenaciously even though their defeat is assured. Candace Owen, talking about the stalled [E]pstein client list release. Pass on this important video (58" video).

An [E]pstein victim tells her tragic story about rape and child sex-trafficking on [E]pstein Island (44" video).

The powerful famous [s]atanists who committed these heinous crimes walked around smugly in public all those years, knowing what they were doing behind the scenes. Millions of children were raped, tortured and murdered for [a]drenochrome. 

The tables have now turned. Justice WILL prevail. Justice has been taking place for several years at GITMO where the tribunals will have been filmed. Some of that footage will be shown to humanity at the right time - hopefully very soon. Much of the [s]atanic evil is so horrifying, it will not be shown in public. 

Q drop 142 (Nov 12, 2017 12:16:24 PM EST)
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

President Trump did NOT fly to [E]pstein Island on the 'Lolita Express'. The MSM will try to link President Trump to [E]pstein Island. I have looked through the comprehensive [E]pstein flight logs - President Trump did not go there. Thanks to Kat for this re-post.

🇺🇸 Qtah
Remember these FACTS about Trump:
- He barred Epstein from Mar-a-Lago
- He assisted FL police in their investigation of Epstein
- He protected one of Epstein’s victims when they were on the run
- There is NO EVIDENCE he flew on Lolita express 💥

A thought-provoking meme. 

Many of us Light Warriors risked losing relationships with friends and loved ones as we desperately tried to warn them about the deadly jab. Some of those relationships never recovered, and sadly some of those people are now injured or dead because of the very jab we tried to warn them about.

I begged a close friend not to get the jab, to no avail. I asked him, 'After weeks of me explaining the dangers and pleading with you not to do it, why did you go ahead and do it...? His reply: 'Because all my friends got it...' Correlation: If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too...?

It is still hard to fathom the shocking stress and heart-break we experienced during that time. Maybe that is why daily life appears surreal to us now. Going 'back to normal' for the awakened was never an option. Our lives have changed irrevocably forever.

Finally, there has been discussion in the comments section about 'psychic attacks' around New Year. The dark forces use whatever means possible to upset Light Warriors. I experienced it myself during that time. I took most of yesterday and this morning to re-group. I wrote an inventory, did some grounding outdoors and generally re-stored my equilibrium. I feel peaceful again, thank goodness, but it was not fun at the time.

So if you are experiencing a few wobbles at present, please know that you are not alone. We Are With You. And we always welcome comments sharing your experience in this blog community.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Caroline - Love, Light and hugs to you. Purple hearts rock...!

  2. Sierra it was truly frustrating trying to warn family and friends about the jab. Heck, I tried telling people the whole scamdemic was BS right from the start... All we can do is make the right decisions for ourselves. It's tough, but we have to let loved ones take their own path even if it's harmful or fatal.

    1. I agree CC. We tried our very best to warn them but there came a point where we had to step back. The repercussions belong with the individuals who made that choice. Tough to watch though...

  3. The plandemic was a great way to learn who would follow the herd and who were willing to break away and warn anyone who would listen. Like all of you I tried even spoke in front of our city council that made the local TV opposing their illegal mask mandates, warning them the next phase would be mandatory vaccines they wouldn't listen. It was surreal how grown adults had lost the ability to think critically. But also the blind trust so many had in the govt, media and elite owned medical system.
    It showed us all how a nation can be taken over with fear propaganda the absurdity of a cotton mask stopping a nano sized virus. We all learned a lot though all have their own personal timeline in this crazy 3D matrix but it's hard most a brother who believed in the medical system so it hits close to home. ❤️

    1. Good on you Doug, for speaking out publicly about the mask mandates. Go you.
      And yes, your brother paid the ultimate price, which is so tragic. Hugs to you, my friend.

  4. “It is still hard to fathom the shocking stress and heart-break we experienced…”. Exactly what I felt. The harsh backlash was traumatizing because it was so unexpected and the deep state had it all planned already to target us. A few years before the pandemic I dreamt of a very large colourful spider. I knew it was poisonous so when everything went down my dream images appeared in my mind and I had no doubt. I admit that I did feel a lot fear at the time for family members and friends not knowing if they would leave us immediately or be sick and unable to heal.

    1. Try reading about CHIMERA .chimera group spider sculptures and symbolism ,Herry Potter,etc
      Arachnid Chimera Group Disclosed in TV and Movies?
      Posted on August 5, 2018 by truthearth
      Since I have my laptop back I will be able to compile the several possible references to the Chimera Group who we have just learned are Arachnid beings incarnated into humanoid bodies. After Cobra revealed this just recently my mind went back to several shows and movies where a spider or something similar to a spider was depicted as being the very top of the control structure, which is the case for this planet.

    2. Thank you and yes I am aware of the Chimera, that info was mind blowing.

    3. Indigo, your prophetic dream was literally a life-saver. I also experienced a great deal of fear for my loved ones during the initial jab nightmare. Since then I have learned to let go and trust their soul contracts. At the time though, fear took over.

  5. Good Day and LUZ...LUZ e mais LUZ em 2024
    Gostamos da analogia e correlação de causa e efeito:"'Because all my friends got it...' Correlation: If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too...?"
    Pois usamos costumeiramente de tais expedientes para nos fazer compreenderem .Mas, a aridez e compreensão do "gado"humano é muito grande!
    PESTE SUÍNA AFRICANA The outbreak of African swine fever which ocurred in 1978 in the county of Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-(https://www.scielo.br/j/pvb/a/LrS5JvszZ8nb5GYxVxq4gMB/) Foi uma grande mentira (fake) .Impuseram o abate de todo o nosso rebanho. De concorrente no mercado internacional passamos a consumidor.Muito conveniente para os que perpetraram o experimento, além de ser triplamente significativo.1-Dizimar um rebanho concorrente.2-Impor pânico e medo e 3- monopolizar o comércio de medicamentos e obrigar aos governos ,os calendários vacinais. Mas todas as demais inoculações que vieram a posteriori sempre desconfiei e sempre me abstive e sempre combati.HN1,Influenza e muitas outras que amedrontaram e quiseram impor não nos submetemos. Desde essa época desacreditei da farmacologia (DS)que suplantou a medicina holística. Infelizmente vacinei os meu filhos ,pois a matricula escolar exigia.
    Fazemos parte de um grupo onde tem alguns profissionais da saúde que foram vacinados e querem justificar a inoculação dizendo que os familiares obrigaram(KKK) E ,acreditamos que em todas essas inoculações ,desde as mais antigas, eles colocaram em alguns lotes elementos contaminantes para causar pânico e estudar efeitos e reação da população diante de uma Pandemia planejada(onde até registro e patente configuram)Eles( DS) planejam baseado nessas amostragens .Temos sidos, aos longos dos anos , um campo de prova e experimentos
    Quanto ao CosmicCustodian “All we can do is make the right decisions for ourselves. It's tough, but we have to let loved ones take their own path even if it's harmful or fatal” Penso que quem tem uma laterna, independente da vontade dos demais, têm a função de iluminar o caminho, quem quiser seguir no escuro ...siga. Não podemos apagar a nossa lanterna nem abdicar desse direito de ser solidário com os que não vêem!
    Happy year 2024 with LIGHT, LIGHT and more LIGHT

    1. Happy New Year JAT from Brazil....! So lovely to hear from you. I was thinking about you yesterday and hoping I would hear from you. Regarding your message, yes I vaccinated my daughters too when they were younger. We felt powerless to do otherwise in the face of intense fear campaigns, particularly around meningitis.
      Here is the translation of your comment for all to enjoy...

      UZ...LUZ and more LUZ in 2024
      Mountain range,
      We like the analogy and correlation of cause and effect: "'Because all my friends got it...' Correlation: If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too...?"
      Because we usually use such devices to make ourselves understand. But, the aridity and understanding of human "cattle" is very great!
      AFRICAN SWINE FEVER The outbreak of African swine fever which occurred in 1978 in the county of Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-(https://www.scielo.br/j/pvb/a/LrS5JvszZ8nb5GYxVxq4gMB/) It was a big lie ( fake). They imposed the slaughter of our entire herd. From a competitor in the international market we become a consumer. Very convenient for those who perpetrated the experiment, in addition to being triply significant. 1-Decimate a competing herd. vaccination schedules. But all other inoculations that came later I was always suspicious and always abstained and always fought against. HN1, Influenza and many others that scared us and wanted to impose us, we did not submit. Since that time, I have disbelieved in pharmacology (DS), which supplanted holistic medicine. Unfortunately, I vaccinated my children, as school registration required it.
      We are part of a group where there are some health professionals who were vaccinated and want to justify the inoculation by saying that their family members forced it (KKK) And, we believe that in all these inoculations, from the oldest ones, they placed contaminating elements in some batches to cause panic and study the effects and reaction of the population in the face of a planned Pandemic (where even registration and patent configure) They (DS) plan based on these samples. We have been, over the years, a field of testing and experiments
      As for CosmicCustodian “All we can do is make the right decisions for ourselves. It's tough, but we have to let loved ones take their own path even if it's harmful or fatal” I think that those who have a torch, regardless of the will of others, have the function of lighting the path, whoever wants to follow in the dark... follow. We cannot turn off our flashlight or give up this right to show solidarity with those who cannot see!
      Happy year 2024 with LIGHT, LIGHT and more LIGHT

  6. Matriculei os meus filhos nos anos '90 contra rubeola/sarampo/difteria etc... As demais "modernidades" exploradas HPV/HN1.etc entre tantas, suspeitamos que todas são proposições opostas ao que propõem .Ao invés de proteger, inoculam e provocam a doença.

    1. Translation of JAT's postscript...
      I enrolled my children in the '90s against rubeola/measles/diphtheria etc... The other "modernities" explored HPV/HN1.etc among so many, we suspect that they are all propositions opposite to what they propose. Instead of protecting, they inoculate and provoke the disease.

    2. Good Day.Sierra
      I am always very happy with your posts
      Thank You so much

    3. You are very welcome, thanks for letting me know...! Love and Light to you, my friend.

  7. Latest Q Clock "The World Is Over." Hmmmm...
    I wonder if means it's time to shake off and wake up out of the old world we thought was real?

    1. Hi Possum...I will be honest with you, I have let the Q clock site go. They have put up a pay wall. I am a BIG believer in free intel. Information is Light. I am sticking with the original Q drops...! But yes, I think your interpretation is accurate re 'The World Is Over...'

    2. The link I went to doesn't have a pay wall and I have not encountered one. https://qofficial.net/password
      I wonder if team dark is interfering as per usual. Good to know about the pay wall one. Thanks

    3. Oh never mind, I see the membership request button. Makes it un-legit.

    4. I agree, Possum. It is a shame - it changes everything.


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