Texas: We Are With You

The situation in Texas is heating up as other US states rush to their aid to protect the border. The [D]eep [S]tate is pushing for civil war. It will not be allowed to happen. Remember, you are watching a movie - everything you see is scripted. The Alliance is in full control.

Thanks to Kat for this update.


This image about Article 4 Section 4 of the US Constitution spells out the situation in Texas in clear and simple terms. [B]iden is committing TREASON. Q: 'You cannot tell the people; you have to show them...'

Elon Musk throws his formidable support behind Texas. 

An aside, in the latest James O'Connell channeling, Shoshanna let slip that Tesla reincarnated as Elon Musk. Hmmm, why not..? Please use your discernment, as always.

This is an interesting little clip. A former [O]bama supporter who worked in his caucus explains how she became a committed Trump fan (1' 39" video).

A reminder that Light Warriors snack on popcorn for a reason. Scripted MOVIE, folks (16" video).

Finally, blog reader Boo left a great comment about starship viewing. I will share it then give my own thoughts...

'...For me, seeing the ships was in the beginning a great desire to see them - then, a feeling overtook me - 'that the ships wanted to see me'. I got the feeling cause around 3AM, I would wake wanting to look outside. Not even sure what to look for but, certainly at least a light. I was confident they would get my attention. AND they did! Stars that move!' (Boo)

'Stars that move!' That is exactly how it all began for me twelve years ago. When I saw my first 'star' move, it changed my life forever. From that night onwards, I was hooked. Like Boo, I had a great desire to see my Galactic friends at every possible opportunity. And it quickly became a mutual connection. 

Six years or so ago, during mid-winter, I would suddenly sit bolt upright at 2am, wide awake. I would hear in my mind, 'Go outside'. Without hesitation I would throw coat, hat and gloves over my PJs, grab a rug, and step outside into the frigid temperatures. My Galactic friends would put on a starship display that left me in awe. This situation happened frequently. I believe they were testing my commitment to our connection. I must have passed the test because I haven't had 2am mid-winter visits for a long time.

A shout-out to my lovely friend and blog-reader Ged who popped in this morning for a welcome visit. Ged is seeing starships too. We've decided we will meet up one night and star-gaze together. It's an amazing experience sharing Galactic visits with another Light Warrior.

Keep your Sword of TRUTH raised high, Light Warriors. Our day has come. We stand by the Lone Star State and all brave Texans. We Are With You.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. The border crisis should help awaken all Americans who truly understand what is happening. Stars moving...yes have seen a lot of ships over the years .. so amazing isn't it. The Red States are behind Gov Abbott and Texas!!
    It has to be clear by now the DS want the nation invaded!!

    1. Doug, I deleted your repeat comment. Yes, you summed it up in a nutshell: The DS/Democrats want to invade USA. Red States are coming out in support. The people will start to wake up in droves. Love, Light and hugs to you.

    2. Let’s stand with Texas and join and/or support the Convoy!
      Patriots, for more information and updates on the Peaceful Border Convoy, please visit


    3. Great, thanks for sharing that link Possum. This massive Texas convoy is going to be a major game-changer. Maybe the shot heard around the world..?? Go truckers...!!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I have read intel that has stated that all ds governors were removed a while ago and yes we are watching the movie script play out. Even Alex Jones says that there is going to be dem governors that will join the border support. This is getting good. Thanks for your support from NZ.

    1. You are very welcome, Possum. It is getting exciting, as promised...!

  4. I have seen stars move several times, so perhaps I have seen the ships after all!! As an aside --- one night I was in my living room - my guides shouted at me "go outside right now and look up at the sky". I ran out, looked up and saw round white lights coming one after another in the night's sky at least 20 all in a straight line. I was in awe, I thought they were UFO's. Later while searching the Internet to see if anyone else saw them....I found out they were they first launching of Elon Musk's ( I wouldn't doubt that he is the reincarnation of Tesla) satellites. What a thrill. I felt so honored to see that first launching. Several other times they have gone over again....a magnificent sight. Now to see more of my space brothers!

    1. Very cool seeing the Starlink line of satellites. I have seen it too and it's an impressive sight. And yes, Betsie, 'stars' don't move - you saw starships. Good luck seeing many more...!

  5. "we are the 9" "expect the unexpected"... current Q clock

    1. Doug, it has changed again to '13 Timelines'. Always intriguing, especially when viewed with detachment from the 60,000 foot perspective.

  6. It runs out at 6PM PST .. Q always said 6 o'clock can be dangerous

  7. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thank you Caroline, lovely to see your cheery purple hearts.


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