Today's Feature Movie: 'The Miami Mall Aliens'

Introducing the latest show screening at your intel theatre: The Miami Mall Aliens. And yes, that does read like the title of a bad C grade movie. Here is supposed footage of one of the Miami mall 'aliens'. It is grainy, black and white and lasts for all of 3 seconds.

Here are tweets about the 'alien' sighting.

Before I get into a discussion about this latest distraction, some light relief from my friend Emma...

Okay, on with the discussion. This morning Emma and I shared a couple of phone calls and a text conversation as we un-picked this latest distraction. Here are our thoughts...

It is POSSIBLE this could be the start of the fake 'alien invasion'. It started in the first week of 2024 in Miami which is one of the 13 cities on the list of 17 cities and sites. We know that the [D]eep [S]tate had always plotted a fake alien invasion as their final parting shot for humanity. Instead of Project Bluebeam, which is holographic space ships that appear to invade the world, they may have gone for on-the-ground fake aliens to really scare the punters to death.


It is POSSIBLE this could be an Alliance operation. They could use it as an excuse to bring in martial law, keeping the frightened citizens off the streets while they do the mass arrests. Q promised a scare event. Emma and I both feel that a nuclear scare event is now unlikely, which leaves an 'alien' scare event. The question is...which side is it coming from..?


My friend Stephen just emailed and said the 'aliens' could just be a big psyop to distract from...well just about everything that is on the cusp of taking down the [D]eep [S]tate. Take your pick from multiple scenarios that are about to bust wide open.

Change of subject...

This sobering Tucker Carlson interview excerpt discussing 17 million jab deaths worldwide is so sad, no other word for it (1' 50" video).

Distractions upon distractions upon distractions. That is the nature of intel at present. You have two choices...

You dive down every new rabbit hole, making yourself dizzy, confused and overwhelmed...

...Or you stay at the 60,000 foot perspective, munching on your popcorn, enjoying the end of the movie. Chatting to Light Warrior friends helps you keep it light and breezy.

I choose the latter.

Emma and I talked for almost three hours yesterday afternoon. It was a wonderful catch up and debrief. We shared how exciting this last part of the Earth liberation is, and how fortunate we are to be Light Warriors taking an active part. 

However, the most important thing that Emma and I both agreed on - daily intel is 'fluff' (our exact word) compared to the awesome prospect of the Galactic landings. Emma and I have regular starship sightings and we are just biding our time until we step forward as two of many ambassadors to greet the Galactics. Emma and I do intel, but we live and breathe the Galactics.

And on that note, after a Skype with a USA Light Warrior friend, I am off to enjoy this beautiful summer day with a swim followed by a chat at a beachside picnic table with a local Light Warrior friend. Life is good, my friends.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. The "aliens in Miami" stuff seems very strange. When I first heard about it I thought "Project Bluebeam". The pictures are either from a distance or obviously from a video game. A test run to see just how freaked out the public would get? But why the "fight at the mall" cover story? If a dark opp, why not stoke more fear and leave it unexplained? Why the kid asking his Sheriff dad about it and being told he can't comment? I like your advice Sierra, I'm gonna make some 🍿on the stove with olive oil and 🧈and πŸŒŠπŸ§‚πŸ˜‹

    1. Oh, I like the sound of your popcorn, CC. I will be over shortly...!!

  2. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks for your lovely purple hearts Caroline, I always appreciate them.

  3. Lol Sierra what about being so jaded you just continue on with your day without a care in the world. I wouldn't doubt that video was phoney baloney it was horizontal not vertical and a tail. I know of the komodo dragon that fits that description but it didn't even pass for a alligator.

    1. I hear you, Scott, hence my rather cynical take on the incident in the post. It is a giant yawn for those of us who have been awake for a while. Watching less aware people around us freaking out as the TRUTH emerges is going to be an interesting experience, to say the least. Lovely to hear from you.

  4. Hi Sierra, just for your guidance; in the aftermath of the Miami Mall alien incident there has now appeared more footage and also a detailed explanation :
    (Description in the second half of this channeled article).

    - Makes you wonder doesn't it.

    1. Thank you Finn, I look forward to checking this out, much appreciated. Love and Light to you!


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