Two Starships Cruised By Last Night...

I am opening this post with a very intriguing line from a blog reader's comment...

'...I wonder what year it really is? When and where are we? Hmmmm...' (Unknown)

Absolutely. Where are we, REALLY...? Such a cool question.

Last night I received visits from two starships. I love my Galactic family. When they cruise by and flash brilliant white light in response to my call, suddenly nothing else matters. Intel...? Meh. All the details of 3D life become meaningless in the face of direct connection with our star brothers and sisters.

If you haven't yet established a practice of going outdoors at night, I recommend it. I go at the same time every clear night and sit outside for around 15 minutes. I don't get a visit every night. But at this time of year they are often around, much to my great delight.

Remember, First Contact could be as early as this year. If you have set the intention of being an ambassador liaising with the Galactics when they land, get into practice now. I set my own intention twelve years ago.

Change of subject...

Fox News story about Bill Clinton and the infamous [E]pstein client list release due any day. The sleepers are about to get a rude awakening (1' 36" video)

Prince Andrew, aka 'Randy Andy', is also in for a very uncomfortable start to 2024 because of his [E]pstein connection. I bet you're finally sweating now, Andy.

Thanks to Kat for sharing these quake stats from California. The Alliance started 2024 by cleaning out the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases). Notice the depth of the 'quakes'.  Go, Alliance. We Are With You.


I am sharing a message that just came through to me from blog reader, Maria. I am keeping a casual eye on the Q clock but not running my life by it. Seen from the 60,000 foot perspective, the Q clock is a bit of harmless fun...although there are certainly elements about it that are intriguing.

Finally, on New Years Eve, my friend Emma and I were discussing how we are feeling in general. The word that we landed on is...edgy. We feel edgy. As if we are waiting for something BIG to happen at any moment. I am sure many Light Warriors can relate to this state of heightened awareness. We might appear to be doing 'business as usual' to those around us, but that is far from the case.

Hang in there...! We have come a long way to arrive at this crescendo point - the first day of 2024 in the northern hemisphere. Let's get ready to buckle up and ride the storm when it arrives.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Big happenings are definitely here! Dark attacks in Astral and Physical pretty heavy the last few days. Most I've seen in a long time. Like darkness is throwing all it has left at us to drag us back into 3D turmoil and despair. Nice try evil, not falling for that nonsense! Stay strong Light family!💪😎♥️

    1. Hi CC. I identify with your share. I have been working to fight off astral attacks that leave me feeling emotionally and physically weary. Like you, I know them for what they are, so I have the capacity to stay strong. The Light has ALREADY WON.

    2. I have felt the same dark attacks since New Year's eve....bringing out my arsenal of ways to turn that around. I appreciate reading you both have felt it, too. I thought it was just me. Very comforting to know. I also agree with feeling "edgy" YES the light has ALREADY WON. Now, I'm going to go look up at the sky to call in my Galactic Family.

    3. Oh, Betsie, let us know if you see any of our star brothers and sisters. You have to be patient, it can take a while. And yes, great to have company in this crazy time re dark attacks. I have worked diligently yesterday and this morning to 'right my ship' after the pyschic 'attacks' on New Years Day. Feeling much more balanced now. Love and Light to you!

    4. CC, I meant to say 'Happy New Year...' And to you, Betsie. It is so lovely to have you both onboard and sharing comments.

    5. After I wrote that comment, I did look the west. I saw a "star" kind of pulsing but not moving. I tried to look through my binoculars and when I did I could see different colors coming from the object. I sure hope it was my star family! Today, I went to a clients house to smudge the whole place as I was taught by a shaman. She said she had felt "edgy" and those dark attacks New Year's Day. I'm glad we were smudging today.

    6. Betsie, I find binoculars make it more difficult. It's hard to hold them still - the image is all blurry. Believe me, when you see a starship travelling across the sky flashing brilliant white light at you, you don't need binoculars or even glasses (I need glasses for most things). It is SO obvious. Keep looking...!

    7. Funny you should say that. YES it's all blurry with the binoculars. YES I need glasses, too! OK I will keep looking!!! THANKS

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Caroline, love your purple hearts.

  3. Feeling excited for it to start happening! Let's go!

    1. Let's go indeed, Doug...Love and Light to you...!

  4. I'm feeling both, some exhilaration and some edgey. I think this is showing me it's time for BALANCE in ALL things. Thank you Sierra. I most often feel I am right in line with you😍

    1. Happy New Year KatLou...! Oh yes, that Balance word is paramount right now. I am about to go outside and walk barefoot on the grass before brekkie. And I am in line with you too, KatLou.

  5. Interesting blog. I share your optimistic spirit. Writing poetry. Plan to return and be supportive. D

    1. Hi David. Lovely to hear from you. Thanks for popping by to say hello...!

  6. I was the unknown questioner at the top of this thought provoking blog. In my view we are in our stasis pods experiencing our individual hallucinations as we are handled with care to wake up out of this fake space and into the real world. We will have more work to clear from PTSD once we leave the fake space. Thank you Sierra for creating this safe place to communicate and share your inspiring thoughts and intel.

    1. Thanks for sharing your name, Possum. Your theory is very interesting. I have been drawn to rewatch all my Star Trek: Next Generation seasons, particularly the latter ones where the technology is more advanced. We are SO close to the revelation of all this technology.

    2. Next Generation has always been my favorite. The one called "Fear" is close to my view of things. Another one that I cannot remember the name off where at the end the guest that was being persecuted by his planet's so called authorities turned into light at the end. I like the one where the hollow-deck Moriarty gave the illusion that he had taken over the ship and in turn Captain Picard tricked Moriarty to step into a hollow-deck box that had endless programs and he would never know he was in the box and instead think he was exploring the universe. That one really hit me when it first came out. I thought "bingo."

    3. Oh, I have to look those two up. Some particular favorites of mine are when Captain Picard is captured by the Borg and is partly assimilated...when Data clones a daughter...and when Dr Beverley Crusher is stuck between dimensions alone. The last one is a real thriller.

    4. Oh, I remember the Borg one and the the clone one. I will have to look up the good doctor's dimension one. Thank you!


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