USA Attorney General Merrick Garland Arrested

I am opening this post with a Real Raw News story about the arrest of US Attorney General Merrick Garland. It is a long article but worth reading for reasons I will explain below...

This MSM news clips confirms the cover story mentioned in the RRN article - 'Garland is going into hospital for minor back surgery'...' That should read...'Garland is going to GITMO to be hung for treason...'

I took the time to read the whole RRN article because it is a snapshot of the enormous struggle faced by the Alliance to take down the [D]eep [S]tate. There are multiple DS clones everywhere. As the article said, FIVE Merrick Garland clones appeared in different locations in USA on the same day. Zip from the MSM about this bizarre occurrence. 

The general public experiences deep cognitive dissonance when it comes to clones. Whenever I mention clones to someone who is waking up to the truth, their eyes glaze over and they turn away. They are not ready to accept that TRUTH. However, the MSM is being PAID not to talk about it. Big difference. 

That RRN article puts into perspective our own personal frustrations over what appears to be a delayed timeline. In reality, the Alliance is moving heaven and earth to take out the dark forces while facing obstacles we cannot begin to imagine. Remember all the Smith characters that kept popping up relentlessly in the Matrix movie...? 

We must support the Alliance with all our positive patience energy. That is our mission role right now, Light Warriors. Put yourself in the shoes of a soldier in the tunnels fighting against 10 foot tall reptilians to rescue sex-trafficked children, many of whom are already dead. It makes it easier to find the patience.

Here is PROOF that the corrupt MSM is paid to tell lies. A MSM talking head accidentally tells the TRUTH about [B]iden on hot mic. I totally agree with General Flynn's assessment (16" video).

On a much happier note...President Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the Abraham Accords in the Middle East. Awesome news.

Kid Rock describes his friendship with President Trump. This is well worth watching (1' 37" video).

Still with our Commander-in-Chief, here is a little video with so much Love and Light, it brought tears to my eyes. I watched it three times. Enjoy (18" video). 

A five second clip from a Simpsons episode - 'Independent Republic of Texas'. Interesting that the gate number is 23 which is the Q number for PAIN (5 second video).

Finally, thanks to blog reader Maria for this great meme. Mel Gibson is a fine Light Warrior.

Can you smell VICTORY....? It is palpable now. That amazing sense that humanity's liberation is in the bag. Yes, there will be some difficult moments ahead, but please be reassured they will be short-lived. Today's post offers plenty of evidence that the Light is WINNING. Well, in my opinion, the Light has ALREADY won.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I hear you about normies not believing things like human cloning. (Even though it's been around since at least the 70s). I get incredulous responses from people when I say things like: "Biden's own granddaughter said he's been dead for 4 years." Then I tell them he's replaced with an actor wearing a mask. We all have our crosses to bear. I would rather battle physical evil in tunnels then be constantly assaulted by non physical darkness all night every night for years on end. It's gotten better with Chimera mostly gone now, but still have fun with Archons, demonics, and dark magic practioners nightly... The long battle of attrition has been exhausting. Let's hope this really is the home stretch!πŸ₯³πŸΎπŸ˜Ž

    1. CC, I am so sorry to hear about what you endure at night. I have had some bizarre dreams lately, bordering on nightmares. If I sleep solidly all night without experiencing a crazy movie, I am grateful.
      I do believe this is really the home stretch. Hugs to you.

  2. Agreed...many who are awake a bit can't fathom clones are real. They are real...hrc glitching what in 2016? Yes the reptoids in the tunnels...the children who were saved and those who transitioned it's really almost unfathomable that this all has been happening how can those soul responsible ever be healed..I assume they must be sent back to the GCS.
    It's just that each day that passes more are abused and killed..Ukraine up to what 500k or more..Gaza who knows..
    Really could use a catalyst that unites humanity and raises our collective vibration to usher in 5D.

    1. Yes, Doug, the footage of Killary clone glitching is quite something. It happened right in front of a gaggle of MSM reporters and apart from nervous giggles, no reaction.
      I believe the souls of those children will be cared for with such infinite compassion.
      A catalyst/event/flash would certainly be welcomed soon...!

  3. πŸ‘

    1. Thanks Caroline, I so appreciate your loyal support.


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