USA Military Personnel Killed In Jordan

Opening with a post from President Trump about the senseless deaths of three US military personnel and thirty injured in a drone attack in Jordan. We add our own prayers to his.

Tucker Carlson dropped a massive TRUTH bomb about the [D]eep [S]tate agenda for the southern border illegal immigrants. Please pass on this video - it is a must-watch (57" video).

This is appalling. Official stats prove there were over 130,000 illegal votes in Nevada in the 2020 election - and so far not ONE arrest. Wake up, people! (one minute video).

Meanwhile in the fake White House, with the fake President - yet another reminder that we are watching a movie. Listen to what the actor says about President Trump (17" video).

This is literally one second of fun. Thanks to Maria for forwarding it to me. It is on Telegram but can still be viewed if you are not on Telegram. Enjoy.

Coach Jerry sent me a heartening email about the current situation. I want to share this little excerpt with you. Remember, if you are looking from the 60,000 foot perspective, you can SEE the subtle changes that Jerry is pointing out.

'...My discernment suggests that the Alliance is a lot more in control than we may realize. For example, perhaps the good military has, long ago, captured and gain control of Facebook, You Tube and other social media platforms.

I just know that mass shootings here in the US are way, way, down. Plus there is virtually zero talk of individuals being radicalized via the internet to commit acts of domestic terrorism....or police waiting an hour while grade school children are being gunned down in their classrooms.

We are winning this war, my friend...' (Coach Jerry)


Finally, Jaci's meme for today. I idolized Joan of Arc when I was a child. So fearless and so young.

All eyes on Texas, Light Warriors. We cannot underestimate the importance of this massive stand against the [D]eep [S]tate. We are now witnessing in real time the manifestation of Q's expression: 'NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING...'

Texas, you are just the beginning...


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Feels to me the U.S. military personnel killed in Jordan is a distraction for something else.
    In recent news reports, it is said that Princess Catherine is in a coma. Not much of a fan of Kate and the family, but something is really wrong.

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Pat. Yes, I think something is up with the royals too. Rumors are swirling that King Charlie is already dead - imagine if something happens to Kate at the same time. Watch this space.

  2. Peter: "Last night I had an extremely deep sleep. I know I was somewhere else last night. I am not allowed to remember where or why; being at a transit point on the underground maglev system, the Transamerica Underground System. It is a deep tunnel system in a vacuum tube. I remember sitting down, the doors close, and this train took off. It is the fastest I have ever travelled."

    "1/27/24 Peter answers questions and gives his own Experiences with ET's"

  3. I did view a video of a woman talking about her contacts with the guard on the border in Texas. According to her nothing is happening it's a psy op...which makes sense right if it's all a movie.? Movies aren't real but the perception is if you don't know it's a movie. If Biden is fake and I believe he is ..played by actors ..intentionally falling down and saying random things ..then I assume he is controlled by the alliance ??

    1. Doug, I believe [B]iden is controlled by the Alliance, absolutely. As for the border issue, time will tell - very shortly.

  4. I too saw a video from a man who drove by the border wall in TX and the Eagle Pass entry point. and it showed nothing going on. I also remember when Derek Johnson drive w the length of the entire wall, proving it was virtually all completed and no big immigrant crowds on the other side. So what is the truth here? Janine and JC on Beyond Mystic did some readings, and I think they nailed it. Janine keeps telling us we are watching a movie, and the Alliance really is in control. Thank God for that.

    1. Very interesting indeed. My question is who are all of these illegals being flown and bussed into Chicago, NYC, etc? Maybe secret flights James O'keefe and others are exposing and doesn't involve climbing a wall. I have watched citizen journalist's showing and interviewing crowds of illegals in the big cities that are very real. Watching from the 60,000 foot prospective is key as Sierra says. We could be looking down through different individual's movies. IDK

    2. Very interesting Alice, re the movie optics. I think when we finally see behind the curtain at the enormity of the Alliance operation, it will blow our mind. Thanks for sharing...!
      And yes, Possum, staying at the 60,000 foot perspective allows us not to get drawn into every detail of the unfolding movie/optics, which is draining and futile.

  5. I have noticed very scary and dangerous experiences in the news and on social media of people turning on their family members in murder suicides quite a bit, etc. My take is that the light is withdrawing more and more from the satanic system and it's parasites. The parasites have less and less light to siphon and they are pissed. Just like Q says, "it had to be this way."

    1. Possum, I have also noticed events like that in the MSM. The jab may have contributed to this situation. People are definitely more aggressive, less tolerant. And a lot more vehicle accidents, too. You are right - the dark forces are running out of Light and it shows. It's not pretty to observe, but unfortunately Q is correct: It had to be this way.

  6. This morning my family went to the grocery store and stocked up on essentials - toilet paper, etc. Because if that many truckers are going to be in this convoy to Texas, that's how many WON'T be delivering goods, for who knows how long. This may actually lead to martial law. I'm ready for it - I think. PS I thought the number of illegals was 6 million.... not 22. YIKES!

    1. Good thinking and planning, Deb. And yes, 22 million is a HUGE number. How can anyone ignore that scale of corruption...??


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