Ascension Thoughts: Sierra And Emma

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with my friend Emma and we co-wrote this message about what it currently feels like to be ascending/awake in the 3D world...

'...Our new reality/frequency is now more real than the illusion that was created for us by the dark forces. The longer we stay in our REAL reality/frequency, the more comfortable we get there. We get acclimated to being serene and feeling no fear.

There are multiple signs that we are inhabiting our REAL reality/frequency. Time passes so quickly - three hours can feel like one hour when you are hanging out with a like-minded friend. There are feathers, coins, number sequences and synchronicities galore. It's a joyful peaceful state. Spending time with loved ones, whether 'awake' or not, can bring a similar feeling of joy.

When our REAL reality/frequency is suddenly interrupted because we are thrust back into the old illusion, it can feel quite shocking. We are back there again and it feels so foreign. When we have to interact with that old illusion, we feel edgy, overwhelmed and easily triggered. The old frequency feels more and more alien.

The interruptions explain the emotional rollercoaster we experience. We cannot fully settle into our real reality/frequency - YET. But we will. We WILL...' (Sierra and Emma).

Emma and I agreed that there is no vocabulary to properly describe our REAL reality/frequency, and what it is like to be constantly popping between the old and the new. 

Stephen came up with a brilliant word to describe that 'between worlds' state: betwixt. It's a lovely old fashioned word and it is perfect. We are betwixt two different frequencies.

Speaking of synchronicities when you are in the REAL reality/frequency - Emma and I experienced some extraordinary synchronicities within our three hour visit (that felt like one hour). And she topped it off with a mind-blowing synchronicity on the short drive back to her place (15 minutes).

We are pretty amazing, Light Warriors. Never forget it.

Finally, just two links today.

A recent poll indicates that 53% of Americans know that the jab caused 'a significant number of unexplained deaths'. This statistic telegraphs a huge awakening in humanity this year to the TRUTH about the deadly jab.

Here is the Q clock link for those who are interested...


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thanks for the link ❤️
    Yes "44" all day.. 2:22 yesterday .. Nesara wld be so amazing right now! 🕯️🌎

  2. I totally agree with your description of the two worlds. I don't like to think about things like money, health, or politics anymore. They just drag me back into the fake totally unsatisfying illusion again. So ready for the real creation we truly deserve and have fully earned! 🥳🍾🎇🎆

    1. CC, it is fascinating the number of material things that don't appeal to me anymore.These are things that even a few short months ago I was interested in. Change is coming very quickly now.

    2. Lovely to hear from you Betsie. How's that star-gazing going...??

  3. Interesting how regular folks have lost interest in college, career goals, buying things, dating, marrying, having kids, participating in the old crumbling system. Thanks Sierra for sharing your visit with Emma.

    1. That is so true about people losing interest in the old crumbling system, Possum. An article in our local newspaper where the college principal stated that the number of students going on to university is declining every year. Not surprising. And my daughters talk about their peers not wanting to get married and/or have children.

  4. I'd love to hear about a few of those synchronicities you and Emma experienced, if you care to share.

    I totally understand what you mean by feeling the "crash" when you land back in 3D. I have people trying to encourage me to get back into the work force, namely back to working online. And my whole being rejects that idea, because it'll immerse me back into 3D. Unless I'm doing something that specifically moves toward improving life in 5D, I cannot even fathom wanting to get deeper into having to use technology and do all those 3D things to make money - like marketing, etc. I prefer to wait for my NEW purpose in this world to be revealed. Is that weird or crazy?

    Also, I'm sure by now you've heard that King Charles has cancer. So next in line is the Pope. Do both of them have to officially pass away for the financial system to crash, or just be out of commission for long enough?

    1. Hi Deb...Emma and I discussed sharing the synchronicities on the blog but they are quite complicated. Condensed version: We were playing a word game Quiddler where the card with letter X appeared in every hand, twice in one hand. Only 2 Xs in 98 cards. At one point it flew out of the deck when I shuffled! We think X could be X/Twitter, or 'Disease X'.
      And Emma had an amazing song synchronicity while driving home - it came on the radio.
      I resonate with your complete unwillingness to go back into the 3D workforce.
      I believe King Charlie's death might be enough on its own to crash the financial system. Add the Pope and Biden and you have a major slam dunk...!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, Love, Light and hugs to you.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @Doug, I agree! My understanding is that the child trafficking, sexual abuse, adrenochrome harvesting and sacrificing has been going on long before earth and beyond earth still to this day. I am reminded of the Galactic society called Lyra. The Lyrians lived like what we like to envision of as heaven. Very high vibe and naive to the dark forces that totally destroyed their system and society. The Lyrians that were able to escape have been working with other benevolent Galactic beings to end these nasty of nastiest beings that ever existed. It's good to be aware of new age fluff and have a more balanced perspective.

    2. Good summary, Possum, thank you. Yes, unfortunately the universal scale of evil is horrific. Thank goodness the tide is turning and the Light will win out in this multiverse. Imagine how long it has been. And how amazing that we are here to participate in the final liberation of Earths' humanity which will have a ripple effect out to the entire multiverse.Go us...!!


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