[D]eep [S]tate Agenda On Display For All To See...

The [D]eep [S]tate agenda is on display for all to see. 

[B]iden is using federal employees and taxpayer money to register THREE MILLION new Democrat voters this year, focusing specifically on 'people of color'. Q: 'You cannot tell the people, you have to show them...'

A short clip of actor [B]iden. Years ago I worked in a secure dementia unit for a brief spell. This is exactly what the patients in there looked like, sadly - the darting confused eyes and hovering hands. He's doing a fine acting job (17" video).

President Trump's new election add is a stirring emotive call to action. Brilliant artwork (3' 40" video).

Starship Earth's latest newsletter is well worth the time to read. BP covers in depth the current global internet and power outages, especially in USA.

Here is the link to Benjamin Fulford's full latest newsletter. Lots of great information.

A US TV news anchor confessed live on air that she got periocarditis after getting the jab - and she will be 'doing some research' (35" video).

Watch this short video to understand how MSM celebrity culture has devastated family life (1' 30" video).

There is an F bomb in this meme but it's very cute (you may have seen it before).

Are you enjoying the view up here with me at the 60,000 foot perspective...? It's very interesting, isn't it..? As long as we stay detached from the details - step away from the details...!! - we can enjoy the unfolding liberation of humanity. 

Meanwhile, down at ground level, sanity is to be found outdoors. Drought conditions mean that I am watering my garden most days which is soothing soul food. Twice daily walks beside the ocean are my other source of serenity during this crazy time. Laughter with like-minded friends helps too.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


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