It takes a global village to collate these posts.
US blog reader Jaci sent me this important article about NZ jab nurses who now 'fear for their lives'. They should have thought of that when they were zealously injecting people of all ages with an unknown substance that came with a BLANK information sheet.
US blog reader Maria shared this intel.
BREAKING: Texas AG Ken Paxton says that Biden is “clearly in partnership” with human trafficking cartels at CPAC.
Aussie blog reader Anthony received an interesting download about the BIBLICAL element of the Divine Plan. Here is the abridged version.
'...I received a download that what is taking place in Rafah Gaza could lead to a replay of a Biblical moment – the famous parting of the Red Sea. The ancient Israelites fled the Egyptian army, they were forced to the edge of the Red Sea and faced the point of no return - the prospect of mass death by drowning (in the Red Sea).
God stepped in, via Moses, and the Red Sea parted. The water dispersed in a miracle moment that allowed the Israelites to walk on dry ground, and cross the Sea. Once they had safely crossed, Moses dropped his staff, the sea closed, and the pursuing Egyptians drowned.
In my download, I saw all the Palestinians currently living in Rafah, Gaza pushed up against a wall (an analogy of the Red Sea), some sort of miracle happening and, somehow, the Palestinians are freed.
The parting of the Red Sea is important because it provides a picture of a biblical act of salvation to a people. Could there be a similar destruction to the dark enemy in one fell swoop? Will there will be a sudden escape and miraculous saviour moment, where the Palestinians will be divinely rescued?...' (Anthony)
President Trump won the South Carolina primary in just ONE MINUTE. Alliance in full control.
An Italian television excerpt mercilessly mocked [B]iden. Note the latex head gear. Are they alluding to him being FAKE...?? (1' 53" video).
I watched this excellent NDE interview last night (1.25 speed). Usually I am too tired to get through an hour long video at that time of day, but I was rivetted. Recommended viewing for a perspective on the 'Earth game' WAY above the 60,000 foot perspective. He discusses the unfolding Earth situation 2024 into 2025 (at 30 minute mark). I will definitely watch more of his interviews.
Finally, Norwegian blog reader Finn shared this message in a recent comment. We must remember this point, Light Warriors. It might be tough now - we feel isolated and lonely - but our endeavours are not going unnoticed Upstairs.
'...Sharon Stewart's conversations with her mentor Ivo; with the following definition of Light Warriors: "We're the ones whose names will reverberate throughout the future's history lessons. They'll look back to this time in history and see us as some of the ones who moved this earth out of darkness"...' (Finn)
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
I sure hope there is some kind of "Divine Intervention" soon. I think we've all been pushed way beyond what we thought was our breaking points! (I forgot to mention in the comments on your last thread. My wording may be a little confusing, but I'm a guy not a lady.)
ReplyDeleteAaah, I am SO sorry, CC...! I assumed you are a woman, please don't ask me why...! Thank you so much for clarifying it. It's funny but when I go to quote blog readers and I am not sure of their gender, I am usually very careful with pronouns.
DeleteGood to know, thank you...!
And yes, I absolutely agree with you about being pushed way past what we thought we could handle. I was Skyping a friend in USA just now. I said to him that we were expecting the action that we are seeing now YEARS ago. Thank goodness we didn't know back then how long it was really going to take. Hard journey. Love and Light to you, CC.
No worries Sierra. I was a woman in my recent past lives. I even had a random stranger say: "You're a man this time?!". He seemed very amused🙄🤣. Keep on shining, much❤️!
DeleteLo scherzo televisivo italiano, lui è Crozza. Premetto che non guardo TV ma recentemente prendeva in giro Red Ronnie un presentatore italiano con un grande canale Youtube . Red è abbastanza informato sul piano di ascensione ma come ho detto in passato su Youtube siamo ancora limitati nel dire le cose come stanno davvero, il punto che vorrei dire e che in un modo in un altro Crozza ha incuriosito milioni di spettatori a controllare il canale di Red, anche se lo prendeva in giro , in TV scherzando sono passate molte informazioni. E il libero arbitrio di ognuno a fare il passo verso la luce anche se la verità purtroppo viene detta scherzando. Le vie del padre sono infinite per raggiungere tutti, nessuno potrà dire io non lo sapevo. Ciao Sierra infinite grazie, un abbraccio grandissimo. 🛸❤ The Italian TV joke, he is Crozza. I preface this by saying that I don't watch TV but recently he was making fun of Red Ronnie an Italian presenter with a great Youtube channel. Red is quite knowledgeable about the ascension plan but as I have said in the past on Youtube we are still limited in telling things as they really are, the point I would like to make is that in one way in another Crozza has intrigued millions of viewers to check out Red's channel, even if he was making fun of him, on TV joking a lot of information has passed. And it is everyone's free will to step into the light even if the truth is unfortunately told in jest. The ways of the father are infinite to reach everyone, no one will be able to say I didn't know. Hello Sierra infinite thanks, a big hug.
ReplyDeleteLovely to hear from you AndreA. Your information about Crozza is very interesting. Like you, I believe that the Light uses people and situations in unexpected ways to wake people up. If Crozza has led millions of viewers to check out Red's channel, we can trust the process. Humor is a gentle way to help wake people up.
DeleteBig hug back to you, AndreA. Ciao...!
Grazie Infinite Sierra Ti voglio bene.
DeleteSierra, the NDE fella is resonating with this cookie over here too. Makes it easier to turn off the outliers & reinforces many thoughts I already had. No food! Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteAnyone else have a doozey of a lunatic full moon on the weekend? Mental & physical health Phewww, glad that's over.
Shine on :^)
Pip, I am so glad you like him. Me too...! He is a breath of fresh air for me. I feel he is completely genuine. I watched another of his videos last night that I will link in today's post. Some of the new video is slightly repetitive but there is a lot of new stuff. I am thrilled to find new interesting material, after years of research. He mentioned Dolores Cannon so he and I are on the same page.
DeleteAnd yes, I too had a craaaaaazy Full Moon weekend emotionally and mentally. Oh, and physically too, some new aches and pains.
Shine on, my lovely friend...!