Re: Carlson/Putin Fake Interview Transcript

It has come to my attention that the Tucker Carlson/Putin interview transcript currently going viral is fake. I apologize for posting it without due diligence. I have deleted it.

Emma and I have just been talking about it - she posted the fake transcript too. Here is our joint statement...

'Usually we both wait until we get confirmation on intel. It is our policy not to rush in and publish - we prefer to wait and see. 

However we are online journalists and we also want to get a great story out there as soon as possible - that is the nature of journalism. Occasionally we get it wrong, as in this instance. It is very unusual for this to happen because we are usually very careful. It is a good reminder to always hold off for at least 24 hours.

There is a huge amount of disinformation floating around out there - the fake Tucker Carlson/Putin interview is an example. However, TRUTH always prevails in the end...' (Sierra and Emma)

Where We Go One We Go All

Love and Light



  1. I had posted it to a group chat on messenger...still it fits with what I would expect Putin to say. We are fools for allowing open borders while sending billions to Ukraine but we know it's all being used for homes and cars for the Ukraine leaders who are DS.

  2. It did seem kinda funny that certain parts of the interview were numerously repeated... Also I would expect Putin to answer a little more bluntly about why the war in Ukraine. (Ex: The US funded bioweapons labs, Ukraine killing Russian citizens in Donbass region, all the organ/adrenochrome harvesting, child trafficking, gun and drug running, etc...)


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