Tucker Carlson Confirms Putin Interview

Here is Tucker Carlson himself stating that he is in Moscow to interview President Putin. The interview will be THE most important journalistic scoop in world history. Tucker Carlson is one amazing Light Warrior (4' 28" video).

I have been analyzing why I didn't follow my own advice about using discernment - or even include that advice in the post as I often do - over the fake Tucker/Putin transcript. It has been many years since I have been caught in that way and had to publish a retraction/apology.

Why did it happen...? 

Firstly, there was enough supporting background evidence, eg Tucker Carlson IS in Moscow, and we had footage of what appeared to be his vehicle heading in and out of the Kremlin.

Secondly, the 'excitement' factor. I leapt out of the starting gate in sheer excitement, ignoring a few red flags, eg repetition and spelling errors in the transcript. 

Thirdly, we are all desperate for GOOD news, and that desperation caused me to act with irrational haste.

We are all vulnerable to attack by the dark forces at present. I am still doing battle with my inconsiderate loud neighbors. Another neighbor is joining me to visit the rental property manager this afternoon to seek resolution to this on-going problem.

That's why it is important to seek connection with like-minded friends. We are in this together, Light Warriors. NO ONE is fighting this battle alone. Reach out, even if it is in the Comments section.

More Ascension thoughts...

I am fascinated by how quickly I have lost interest in things that seemed important a short while ago. A good example is clothes - I couldn't care less about them anymore. I used to regularly go clothes shopping as a distraction. For the first time in a long time, I actually NEED certain items and I really can't be bothered.

Dolores Cannon said that the people who are not a vibrational match will fall out of your life, and you won't bump into them any more. They are gone. It's absolutely true. I live in a small town yet I never bump into people who have fallen out of my life. It's as if there is an invisible layer separating the vibrations.

Food preferences have become quite pronounced. There is no more wishy-washiness around eating. I either want to eat it, or not. And my choices have changed quite noticeably in recent weeks.

Finally, fake transcripts and noisy neighbors aside, one aspect of my life is shining brightly every clear night without fail - visits from my Galactic friends. I am so grateful for their steady support. They appear at precisely the same time every night, 10.25pm, in exactly the same part of the sky. Their commitment to me is matched by my commitment to them. I am there every night.

Light Warriors, it is a testament to our tenacity how we bounce back from setbacks. This morning I had a set-back - the fake transcript. It was not fun. However, this one event does not have the power to upset the rest of my day. It is now only 3 hours since I learned about it, and I have moved on...

Thank you for continuing to support me, through all the disinformation out there. We online journalists are doing our best with analysis, one piece of intel at a time. 

Channeled messages indicate that the global situation will get extremely challenging for a short while. We just need to walk each other through that phase - one day at a time.

Finally, a meme from Jaci that says it all.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Right now it can be quite challenging to walk between worlds. Lots of things like old family/friends, hobbies, interests, etc... just don't seem interesting (or even visible like you said). I'm not following world events as close either. Been putting my focus on connecting back with my heart space. (boy has that been a long time!). Being an empath was always such a curse on this planet, it was hard to not shut down. Time to feel good emotions!♥️♥️♥️

    1. CC, being an empath on this planet has often been a very painful experience for me. Finding my soul tribe has made a huge difference. I don't feel isolated anymore. Love, Light and hugs to you.

    2. I feel exactly the same way, Cosmic. People keep telling me to go back into publishing - the business I owned for 20 years - but I no longer have any interest in it. I used to love to read, to swim, to go to movies. Those passions have all died.

  2. 😘

    1. Thanks Caroline, hugs to you. I am very grateful.

  3. Even the best sources are fed disinformation to keep the baddies off balance so it's expected now. Heck .. I hope the channelings are accurate now as let's be honest we all expected the solar flash already via qhht Intel starting back in 2018 for me and again in 2023 same source who I still follow as it's not her fault ..that was.th4 best Intel at the time.. we will keep punching !

    1. Thanks Doug, I really appreciate your support. And yes, very true about disinformation being fed deliberately. Thanks!

  4. I totally agree Debi that dark entities are active and desperate right now. Sage does help, but I've had a REALLY hard time sleeping and I'm getting pestered a lot the last few nights. Cats have been really active and probably are chasing off dark spirits. Old stuff from my past and family patterns coming up to cleanse. Almost like evil is trying to find any remaining weaknesses...🤔. Yes, I'm exhausted too but feel like after this "chapter review" we'll experience some AWESOME things!😄

    1. Yes, CC, I am also experiencing old family patterns coming up to be cleared after years, in dreams or coincidences. I am seeing each experience of it as one more clearing, one less to do...

  5. Deb, it is quite bizarre living in a small town and not bumping into ANY of these people - like you, sometimes it has been years.
    Very interesting about the cat dream.
    And yes re feeling upbeat and almost excited at times, but also very wired/tired. It's quite exhausting going through this rollercoaster of feelings all within one day.


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