Excellent Alexander Quinn Telegram Post

Stephen forwarded me this excellent Telegram post from Alexander Quinn. 

We both resonate with the message.

Telegram: @alexanderquinn1

On Wednesday we are due another large influx of energies pouring into the vicinity of space that our blue and green planet inhabits. Within this first quarter of 2024 many of the collective have undergone quite large cellular upgrades, but especially in the last 4 weeks. This can produce an array of physical results, mostly with the most overwhelming consideration being fatigue as the solar flooding takes off her mask and shows us what ascension is really about energetically. It is the awakened that will feel the most tired because your encoding is happening at the fastest rate now and it is you that needs to be ahead of the curve in order to hold the light frequencies for 2027 plus years now with 2025 being a rest year, and 2026 being a restructuring year. And so you will see now that these waves incoming are increasing in frequency. There is less latency in its incremental approaches, and therefore even the smaller waves will now have you feeling tired as less recuperation time has been available. 
On Wednesday we will have a medium strength wave hit us, however it will feel much bigger. Whilst scientific measurements of these energies exist, try not to get caught up into them initially because they will now start to feel stronger than the number in the run up to October now. This is why I urge you all to begin the practice of self care in a way you have not done before. You are not here to save everyone around you. You are here to prime yourself, upgrade, encode and get ready for the years 2027 onwards, but it will be difficult if you hit these marker points not having acclimated the correct downloads arriving at these way points in a state of unpreparedness due to exasperating your energies elsewhere trying to save those around you, many of which will be unsavable. Some of you will have contracts to help these people and some will not. Your battery power, especially until the end of this year, is very important. Use it sparingly and carefully. We are close to some wonderful cosmic markers, however your physical body still has a very long way to go. Decide carefully how you want to use it whilst inhabiting peak cosmic energy. Much Love. AQ

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. I´ve been extremely tired for a few weeks and last week it escalated so much that I slept for 2 days and 3 nights almost without a break. I had to make a call to work and tell that I´m sick. Just could not get out of bed and my head felt blurry, thick. Still feeling a bit tired all the time, have to get a 2-3 hour sleep after work every day and a full 9 hours of sleep at night. Nothing else, no flu symptoms or anything else to blaime, so it must be the energies. I also got Bernadette von Dreien´s book Christina from our local library last week and it gives me so much hope that everything is getting better. The darkest moment is just before sunrise. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing Omat. Many blog readers will relate to your story about being extremely exhausted and needing so much sleep.
      Everything IS getting better. I am walking around all day saying out loud: 'The Best Is Yet To Come...' I love the sound of it! Love, Light and hugs to you.

    2. My extreme tiredness has been bulding up for months now. Sometimes I need to sleep between 9-13 hours and I still wake up tired. I Called in sick the other day as well. Just coudn't get myself to do anything. My body ached, blurry vision, nausea, you name it. Damn tough day. other than that, ringing in the years and repetitive numbers throughout the day since 2012. Just hang on there...

    3. Lovely to hear from you Greg. I too am experiencing body aches, blurry vision and bouts of nausea from out of nowhere. The ringing in my ears is loud. Thank goodness we can share these experiences so we know we are not going crazy...!

    4. An awakened friend of mine described the ringing in the years like our old TV sets we had in the late 60's and early 70's. Is yours something like that as well Sierra?

    5. Yes, Greg, that is a great description of the ear ringing. That piercing high pitched sound. And often I get morse code type signals in my right ear. That one is disconcerting...!

  2. This is a very interesting read and more realistic as to what to expect. I know some think a “flash” is going to save us and change our world but it is us who have to do the work. I like the sounds of 2025 being a rest year…and this means we will be gearing up to get to work. Interesting about 2026 being a restructuring year as I was told in a reading that I was going to volunteer to do charity work that year. I already know many that are having health issues and I am already feeling the sadness around that.

  3. The Q website says "SOLAR FLASH 2024: THE LAST BLACK SUN"

    1. Indigo, I like the idea of a rest year too. We Light Warriors really need it. It has been an arduous loooooong mission. And yes, we need to be our own saviors, aided by Upstairs.

  4. I agree with the super tired sentiments said by many. My throat, heart, and solar plexus chakras all feel very staticy and ornery today. At least the high energies blasting in are making me more aware of the blocks...🙄🤷‍♂️🤣. Still having to consciously make myself breathe.

    1. Love your emojis, CC...! It is such a rollercoaster ride at present. Remembering to breathe, indeed. Take care of yourself.

  5. Yes tired but I keep pushing myself to exercise and keep going. It's ironic no pain (discomfort) no gain I guess that applies to DNA repair as well 😉
    Not sure I agree with all of the dates
    sure hoping the solar flash arrives this year and we are celebrating as EBS is initiated and then documentaries role. As long as we are freed from debt slavery and all are informed the truth so humanity can unite and prepare to ascend I will be very happy indeed ♥️🕯️

    1. Doug, I find that exercise helps when I feel wired. It calms me down. And it is soothing to be outside walking in nature.
      Humanity in Unity Consciousness will be heavenly. Bring it on...!


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