Ascension Thoughts Update

I want to comment on excerpts from the uplifting Sophia channeling (link here).

'You'll know what to do and when...' (One)

I have always believed this to be true. If you have stayed calm and positive, as much as possible, you WILL know exactly what to do the moment the Shift/Event occurs. Yes, even we Light Warriors will be stunned by it - many channeled messages make this point - but we will recover much quicker than the 'sleepers', and we will be in position to help them.

'What may assist in these moments before the onslaught, is a review of not only who you are, but also why you are here now...' (One)

This morning I did a quick mental review of my life and realized that I have let go of people and situations that are not a vibrational match. There is a smooth path ahead of me with only the usual 3D challenges (at the precise moment I wrote those words, a giant bumblebee flew in the window and I had to shoo him out!). This clear path has come after years of intense healing of deep childhood and past life wounds. My journey was not for the faint-hearted. I owe a great deal of this healing to my AA program (and UTube videos).

'It could (also) look like miraculous recoveries of those who were harmed by various lethal methods of the corrupted ones...' (One)

I have always felt that many people will be healed of jab (and other) injuries when the Shift/Event happens. However, some people will also leave the planet because they have chosen not to ascend into 5D Earth. I believe that most people will ascend, but that is just my opinion. Everyone will be exactly where they need to be, with the right support people in place. 

'What approaches will be breathtaking in its speed and finality...' (One)

Blog reader Cosmic Custodian included this quote in a comment. I absolutely agree with him. This is one of the most profound uplifting statements I have ever read about the Shift/Event. We have waited such a long time. We can handle breathtaking speed and finality. We are READY.

So, take this last opportunity to do a life review. Have you dealt with your emotional 'baggage', to the best of your ability...? We won't have a completely blank slate while we are still in 3D - that comes after the Shift/Event. But if you are aware you have unresolved issues with certain people, use this time to make peace, even just etherically.

Years ago, Master Hilarion channeling this advice about Ascension: 'Feel your way through it, moment to moment...' I will add my own advice: 'Listen to your heart at all times and you cannot go wrong...'

Finally, s...l...o...w down. Find moments of peace throughout the day. This intense last part of Ascension can be exhausting. Do less, not more. Allow yourself to frequently take your foot off the pedal and cruise for this last bit. You deserve it. You have already done so much, Light Warriors.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thank you for your lovely comments and updates on us going Home.

    1. You are so welcome, Pat. The thought of going Home is wonderful. Love and Light to you.

  2. Cruise Control is ON! I Am The Love, I Am The Light, I Am The Way, I Am I Am I Am! 😉♥️♥️♥️
    Thanks everyone your love and support mean more than you will ever know!

    1. Awesome comment, Doug. Thank you...! We are in this together, to the VICTORY parties. Love and Light to you.

    2. I think you also follow Allison Coe, I recall her video where the client describes being with his brother or son, and the solar flash arrives and all are stunned on the ground but he describes how he and I think his son are able to recover pretty quickly and begin helping others and explaining to them what has happened.
      I also think same client explains how months prior large ships (arks) arrive and those not able to handle the energies will be taken off planet they are out in a trance so they willingly board.rhe galactic ships. A few months after early summer for us as I recall the solar flash arrives changing everything. ♥️🕯️

    3. Yes, I do follow Allison Coe. I really hope she puts up a new video soon, I miss her regression videos.
      My own vision of the solar flash was similar, except in my vision everyone around me was frozen in place and I was the only person who could move.
      Hopefully soon, Doug...!

  3. Thank you! Great information to have at this key moment as it keeps our vibe high with excitement. My soul is dancing in my body!

    1. Indigo, what a gorgeous image - your soul dancing in your body. Thank you...!

  4. Google finally let me in - gotta think some reason but clueless. 3 weeks ago I started having symptoms similar to a cold - have been very tired and sleeping more than normal. My dreams are vivid and I'm usually in a teacher role with lesson plans drifting down and ideas offered to help and how to help. I keep hearing I have all I need and will know what is needed at the exact right time. Still I have moments and when they come on me - I go into gratitude and prayer. I read this morning from St. Germain (book written in 1937) that all darkness is dissolving and it is similar to a gray fog - almost transmuted. I imagine the Power of God's Light and the accumulation of centuries upon centuries of the good humans have done and the legions of helpers that are here for us. My mind can not comprehend the greatness of this Victory and yet, somehow I know I will know it cause I've known it before. As with Doug, I say I AM, I AM and I AM to send the Mighty I AM Presence both ahead and behind us ALL. The protection from God's Light surround us ALL and connect all humanity.

    1. Lovely to hear from you again, Boo. You are not clueless and it's not personal - many blog readers have trouble leaving comments. It is very frustrating but unfortunantely there is nothing I can do about it.
      Like you, I have a strong sense that I have everything I need and I will be in the exact right place at the exact right time. And yes, I have moments too. We are doing such a magnificent job, Boo, but this is a super hard mission. We are Light Warriors working during The Great Awakening on Earth, while most people around us are still 'sleeping'. Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed it. Love and Light to you.

  5. Thanks for the very uplifting post Sierra and comments as well.
    Not sure where to post this but it is very telling...
    We are watching a movie...

    The guy playing Joe Biden posted this on X before his State Of The Union.

    This attachment plays for 3:44,

    They are straight up telling us that we are watching a show.

    Central casting anyone?

    My TS channel

    1. It was the oddest SOTU he was having a conversation with the Republican members present...saying openly how illegals have killed 10s of thousands and how the vaccines are curing cancer...of course we know causing. It was like listening to a mad man and on cue the small group in front would keep standing and applauding no matter how absurd the statement was. 🤔🤔

    2. You are very welcome re the post, Possum. Thank you for the link, will check it out now. I always appreciate readers sharing links. It takes a village to assemble these posts...!


  6. 🤩💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thanks Caroline, I love your cute emoji...! Hugs to you.

  7. Thanks for sharing, Possum - I look forward to checking out this link. Love, Light and hugs to you.


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