Bridge Video: Where Did The Birds Go...??

This is very odd. Watch the birds in this Fox News footage of the Baltimore bridge collapse (50" video). There is no doubt that we are watching a movie.

My friend Lance has an astute take on the bridge collapse. He describes it as a 'soft start for the Black Swan event...' I agree with him. It has seriously weakened the infrastructure in a strategic port city. The equivalent would be destroying the Sydney Harbor Bridge, or Auckland Harbor Bridge. The massive fall out is highly disruptive and lasts for years.

Francis Scott Key (name of the collapsed bridge) wrote the Star Spangled Banner. The bridge attack was therefore an attack right at the heart of USA. Mountain Dew soft drink has been telegraphing false flag events with the release of their new flavors (eg Maui Burst ). Check out their new releases for 2024...

- Star Spangled Splash
- Freedom Frenzy
- Liberty Brew

Looks like the first one was to ‘commemorate’ the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Make of the remaining two flavours what you will.

Alex Jones, along with Tucker Carlson, dropped giant red pills about the [D]eep [S]tate agenda in this clip. File it to give to people when they start to wake up to the TRUTH. Highly recommended (5' 25" video).

Many astrologers are using one word to describe the impact of April: Change. BIG changes for individuals and the collective. Pam Gregory's video on the Solar Eclipse on 8th April is recommended viewing (50 minute video).

Pam suggests that we practice change in our every day life by varying our routines. I have been doing it lately. It's a great idea. Otherwise it is too easy to stay in the same groove every day which is tempting when you feel tired.

Finally, this morning I had an unexpected peek into a corner of 3D land that has become completely foreign to me. I was at my tyre shop, waiting for a new tyre to be fitted on my car. A large TV in the waiting room was playing a 'reality' cooking show. Oh. My. Goodness. This inane rubbish passes for entertainment...? This is what keeps people distracted for hours every day - look here not there...?? I cannot believe how low it has sunk since I last watched television around 13 years ago.

Anyway...there is plenty to celebrate about the incoming 5D energies, even if we Light Warriors do feel weary much of the time. It's a productive weariness, like after working hard on a deeply satisfying project. The current Light Warrior project/mission is humanity's liberation, and it does not get more satisfying to be involved in something so worthwhile.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. πŸ‡³πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’—

    1. Awesome Possum, NZ/USA. Love it...! I feel very connected to your amazing country.

  2. What is real? What is the truth? What is a distraction? Maybe we are at the point when we finally realize it’s all an illusion. It’s all a movie. It’s all stories. Always has been. We get to choose what is real in our realities. I’m studying non-dual spiritual awareness, and I’m realizing that waking up isn’t just recognizing the evil of the elites. It’s also that the movie is not just literal elite actors in an Alliance script, but our awakening to everything is a movie of our own making, individually and collectively. It’s mind blowing in so many ways.

    1. Alice, your comment is so astute regarding the illusion. It echoes my own current thoughts. What is real...? I keep asking myself the same question. Recently I watched an episode of 'Deep Space Nine' where the colonists on a remote planet learn that they are holograms created by the only human on the planet, using a machine. When they learn that they are holograms, they are surprisingly calm about it, and they just continued as before. It made me think how attached we are to our meat suits here on Earth. Interesting times...! Love and Light.

    2. That’s trippy… to keep doing what doing while knowing you are a hologram. Yet that’s probably exactly what we are experiencing, as we attempt to fully wake up and remember who we really are. Love and light to you too Sierra πŸŒŸπŸ˜‡

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Look up Qnewspatriot on Rumble SGanon audio file 73 for a very good analysis of bridge collapse and path ship took!

    1. It's annoying when there are typos and you have to redo it...! John, thanks for the heads up about the SG Anon video. BP at Starship Earth also highly recommended it. Love and Light to you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. BP's website is another definite goto website. I get her updates emailed as I get them before they appear on her blog!

    4. John, I am on BP's email list too. She is my definite go-to every day. I love her newsletter...!

  5. Who filmed the bridge collapse it was very professional πŸ˜‰πŸ€”
    All is illusion we know that but all is planned ..the ? Is always does it serve the dark or light? A lot of expectations for nesara THIS Easter not in 2025...I still check in with cobra always another reason the event can't happen and nesara only happens after solar event which makes sense!
    Who needs $$ in 5D ...nesara right now would be a game changer ger NOW! Imagine people releasing money fear and imagine how fast collective vibration of earth rises!!
    If nesara happens in 2025 wtfrick.
    Storm rider on telegram keeps stating it's going to happen now not a year from now.. the dang band-aid off now no more soap opera. People are really dying and I don't buy it's their timeline BS...innocent people die in all wars. The longer it goes the more who won't experience this amazing Ascension. Hard stop now.

    1. Doug, I agree with Storm Rider, we are in the heart of the storm right now. Remember, the Light has ALREADY won on the continuum, we are just mopping up. Love and Light, my friend.

  6. Awaken the sheeple...might be like walking in on a spouse in a compromising situation but its crystal more speculation. πŸ˜‚ sorry best analogy I could think of...

    1. I am just a little speechless re your analogy, Doug - but I know what you mean...!

    2. LOL yah a bit direct but people need cold water thrown on them to wake up! Oregon is banning gardens for residents

  7. Thank you for your blog! I visit everyday, and living downunder [Australia] is relevant for me. Your government was as draconian as ours.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. John, great to have another Down Under blog reader, awesome...! Where in Aussie do you live...??


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