[D]eep [S]tate Agenda For Jab Injured

I am opening this post with a chilling little video about the [D]eep [S]tate agenda for making money from treating the jab injured (1' 14" video).

A reminder that the Alliance operation against the [D]eep [S]tate is very dangerous, hence the slow progress. No hints, just watch, thanks (1' 47" video).

Australian Sky News relentlessly mocked Kamala Harris in a live broadcast. So refreshing. (1' 47" video)

MSM opinion piece about the Kate and Will saga. As the writer notes, it is highly significant that Kate is not wearing her engagement and wedding rings in the now infamous photo-shopped pic. A royal is never seen without those rings.

Strange news from MacDonalds. Watch this space.

This is an interesting theory - NPC (Non Playing Characters) on 3D Earth possibly don't have an inner monologue. I can assure you, my inner monologue is alive and well and very chatty...! Please use your discernment as always, I am only the messenger.

Thanks to Kat for re-posting this message about TikTok/FB.


It is spreading, Light Warriors.

Finally, I want to share some Ascension 'symptoms'. The bizarre little accidents continue - and they are also happening to my local LW friends. They are not serious incidents, more little irritations than anything. I am always very careful not to injure myself so it doesn't make sense.

Also over the last two days, maybe because of tiredness, I found myself hesitating over small decisions, eg what to eat or wear. It is unlike me. I am usually confident and well-organized in that respect. 

Do share your own experiences in the comments - it helps us all.

I am taking a little break over the weekend so tomorrow's post, and the following day, will be a few hours later than usual. It is time for a much-needed change of scene.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I have broken things and left a pot on the stove on high for hours. Someone was looking after me for that one. It was a copper bottom and some how saved. The pot is not the same though. Many days dizzy and tired. I watched MrMBB333 and Gina's videos on the wild stuff with the sun on NASA's site. Gina's intuition says it's a galactic message. Thanks again Sierra, always look forward to your posts.

    1. Possum, I forgot to mention about breaking things. Yep, me too. When I add it all up, you would say 'dementia' - but this has all just started happening in full strength in recent weeks. And my brain is still sharp in every other way. I think it's the lack of a toehold in the 3D world. We are not in our bodies enough anymore to have the same level of spatial awareness we used to have.

  2. I find when the energy gets very strong like it has been I feel like I am high or kind of spaced out. It seems to take days to assimilate. I am getting that “I am taller” feeling again. I misjudge space when putting my dishes away and end up banging them and I am very careful normally. I take more breaks now as well between tasks because it feels like a lot of time has passed and I get tired. I do love the strong energy, feels like home is approaching.

    1. Lovely to hear from you Indigo. I am also getting that 'I feel taller' experience again. I had it a few years ago but not for a while. And I am now constantly misjudging space and banging objects, or banging into furniture, door handles etc. I feel clumsy, yet I know I am not a clumsy person. It is so odd. Isn't it great to feel home approaching..?? Yay!

  3. I'm not sure if it's one of those ascension symptoms but I've been dreaming almost every night, mostly of mundane stuff. At times I also feel sudden heat coming up in my body. Have been seeing numbers like 44 or 144 whenever I look at the time. Sometimes when I walk in the garden in the early morning the scenery around me looks beautiful, but plasma-like & unreal to me. I would think the most common one with everyone is the feeling of time speeding up.

    1. Great share, thanks JN. I frequently experience sudden heat coming up in my body, from my feet. And I have also had that surreal experience outdoors where the scenery looks like a holograph. Absolutely about time speeding up, yes indeed.

  4. Definitely seeing lots of number synchronicities (111, 1212, 333, etc). Breathing is tough. I have to keep reminding myself to take deep breaths. Not like there is anything physically wrong with me, more like it feels I'm breathing water...

    1. That is very interesting about the breathing, CC. I think we are less and less in our bodies and almost have to remind ourselves to do basic things, like breathing.
      I am having to focus on previously automatic actions, eg, which way do I turn the tap for hot water...? It's like I have lost the instructions manual for how to operation on the Earth plane.

  5. Tired and general unwell that ebbs & flows, breathing issues too. Some days right as rain. WTF. Spring is arriving in the nick of time for me, the nettles & sticky willy are sure to help.
    Shine on Sierra, you are the best.

    1. Thanks for your share, Pip. I agree about the ebb and flow - some days I feel great, and others I wish Scotty would just beam me up and away. Shine on, my friend. We are in this together to the VICTORY parties...!!

  6. Today is very unusual our skies are full of c trails. What's odd is they are not blocking the sun so I have to think they are intentional to awaken the rest?? Huge Xs in the sky to our east while sun is almost overhead as it's 11 am here now.
    Yes it's spreading 2 Mr Macrons

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Well heck sky is covered now . Worst day I have seen in ao g time for c trails ..I do wonder why WHs are allowing

    1. Doug, there are many mysteries regarding this end phase of the Alliance operation. The continuation of chemtrails is one of them. It seems we must wait for the Big Reveal to understand even a fraction of what is really happening at present. Love and Light...!

  9. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thanks Caroline, love your happy purple hearts...!


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