Four Year Anniversary Of First NZ Lockdown
I am opening this post with a personal share.
This morning my lovely Light Warrior hairdresser came to my house to cut my hair. She reminded me that yesterday was the four year anniversary of the day New Zealand went into the first lockdown.
At the time every person in the country was only given 48 hours notice (deliberately short notice to ramp up the fear) and most people immediately went into deep shock. Light Warriors were somewhat prepared but it was still a very fraught time.
Many New Zealanders stayed in that deep shock to the point of willingly submitting to multiple injections of an unknown pathogen that came with a blank information insert. I estimate that only around 20% of Kiwis held out and did not get jabbed.
My previous (jabbed) hairdresser 'fired' me because I was not jabbed. It ended up being a blessing. I found my current (unjabbed) hairdresser who does great cuts, is a lot of fun and passionate about freedom and TRUTH. We have awesome catchups every six weeks.
Today she and I talked about the appalling way we unjabbed people were treated in this country. Many of us lost careers and relationships. The tide has turned now that jabbed people are experiencing serious physical illnesses from their multiple death shots. People are finally waking up to the TRUTH.
Meanwhile, I hope the perpetrators of the NZ genocide are incarcerated in GITMO where they will have plenty of time to contemplate their evil deed before karmic balance and justice prevail.
Change of subject...
Starship Earth's latest newsletter gives an extensive summary of the Baltimore bridge collapse.
Like BP at Starship Earth, I am waiting for the dust to settle regarding the bridge collapse. We need to see concrete evidence to ascertain whether it is a [D]eep [S]tate or Alliance operation. At the precise moment I wrote those words, a huge gust of wind came out of nowhere. It had been completely calm before then. Read into that what you will...!
Thanks to Kat for this tragic but not unexpected news about P Diddy's house raid.
3-27-24 🇺🇸🪖 Ezra A. Cohen
@ Ezra_Cohen_Q
Underground tunnels found in both of Diddy’s homes.
Dept. of Homeland Security is now covering up
@ Ezra_Cohen_Q
Underground tunnels found in both of Diddy’s homes.
Dept. of Homeland Security is now covering up
bodies of little children found in the tunnels 😔
A reminder that Putin is a friend of We The People - therefore a hated enemy of the [D]eep [S]tate.

Some light relief, directly from our Commander-in-Chief. Enjoy (20" video).
Kerry K's latest video makes sense of so much that is happening for Light Warriors right now, including me. It explains why small triggers are creating a big reaction, far greater than the triggering event. I have read that every trigger is a gift - it is one less emotional release you have to endure. I am using this perspective to guide me through the rollercoaster days. Kerry is an excellent spiritual teacher. Recommended (20 minute video).
Jenny Schiltz is another great spiritual teacher. She talks about the eclipse corridor, from 25th March to 8th April (9' 45" video).
Following on from Jenny's video - where she talks about tiredness - there is really just one word for how I am currently feeling...Tired. So tired. I am sleeping over 8 hours a night, thank goodness, but I am still deeply weary during the day. Last night I had a lucid dream about being tired. I was aware of being tired in my dream...! It doesn't get more tired than that, friends.
I am grateful for this amazing blog community. It is a pleasure to check out the comments and catch up with you. Keep popping in regularly. We are in this together...and The Best Is Yet To Come.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
ReplyDeleteThanks Possum, always lovely to see your cute emojis...!
DeleteHi Sierra, I learned about your blog on I check your site every night here in the Midwest of the U.S. Thank you very much for the hard work you do to share information with the world. I also really appreciate and applaud your authenticity. With that said, I'm inspired to share with you a lyric from a song by a Canadian rock and roll band called "Triumph," which had some measure of commercial success back in the 1980s. The following lyric is from an album called "Allied Forces," and the name of the song is "Ordinary Man." I am sharing this because I think you, and many others in the red-pilled world, will relate to this: "Once I thought the truth, was gonna set me free, but now I feel the chains of its responsibility. I will not be a puppet, I cannot play it safe, I'll give myself away with a blind and simple faith. I'm just the same as you, I just do the best I can. That's the only answer, for an ordinary man." [or woman :-)] One more thing, I can surely relate to the "tiredness" of late, even after a lengthy sleep. Me thinks the incoming Light energies are pretty strong. Please excuse the lengthy post. I'll be shorter in the future if I choose to post again. Thank you again.
ReplyDeleteHi there...Thank you so much for the lovely feedback, I appreciate it a great deal. I would love to know where in the Midwest of US you live - I have a huge soft spot for USA, particularly the Midwest area. Many past lives in that part of the country...!
DeleteThank you for sharing those lyrics. Those words speak to our mission. We really are just (fairly!) ordinary men and women who stepped forward to take on an extraordinary mission. Love and Light to you, do post again.
What happened during lockdowns and mandated jabs really does show me how easily fascism can take over a nation and how literally less than 20% of the people will resist. It's said less than 15% of the colonists would fight the British for their independence. Of course we now know we never really gained that independence due to the US Republic being subverted by the US Corp in 1871 but nonetheless the level of programming and hostility the vaxxes demonstrated toward the non vaxxed even considering placing us in camps is exactly why I strongly believe in our 2nd amendment. 😉
ReplyDeleteYes ship hitting bridge was intentional now the ? Is for what reason? ♥️🕯️🆕🌎
America has a strong advantage over the rest of the world, Doug. Your 2nd amendment is a powerful tool in your FREEDOM arsenal. We here in New Zealand are much more vulnerable, hence why people immediately jump when the government says to jump.
DeleteLet's wait and see what develops with the bridge incident...Love and Light!'s amazing to us Australia handed over their "muskets" over considering the British used Australia as a prison if you will right taking dropping off convicts and the like is the story anyways.. yes that's always step 1 disarm before a dictatorial form of rule creeps in. Stand strong my NZ friend we have to be close I can see the Lights!😉
DeleteRegarding the collapse of the Baltimore Bridge caused by the Dali ship: The famous artist Salvador Dali painted the famous painting "The Broken Bridge and the Dream, 1945 by Salvador Dali"
Thanks Peter, I saw that somewhere. Absolutely fascinating...! I will include the link in tomorrow's post, thanks for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteLove, Light and hugs Caroline. Happy Easter!
DeleteI’ve been feeling that groundhog day sensation extremely intensely for the past few days, it’s a huge blow to my morale. I just hope it passes soon.
ReplyDeleteHang in there Anael - I am sending you a big hug. The groundhog day sensation can be very unsettling. Remember there are millions of us worldwide going through the same are not alone. Much Love and Light to you.
DeleteSierra - Good Morning from high up the Rocky Mountains! I want to express my gratitude for your newsletter - your publication is one of the few I read with my morning coffee. I like to see if you're feeling what I am feeling/sensing on those unusual days. The energies where I live are especially enhanced. (I am not on any social media site) Greatly appreciate you each and every morning!
ReplyDeleteGood morning to you Aspen Leaf high up in the Rockies...! I love the Rocky Mountains and look forward to returning after this crazy war is over. Thank you for your lovely feedback. I enjoy chatting to blog readers every day in my posts - which is how I see it. Love and Light to you, my friend.
DeleteI so resonate with your whole post. It's really uncanny how parallel our lives are, I even have a lightworker hairdresser come to my house every six weeks to style my hair and to catch up. Can't wait to listen to Kerry and the other links you gave us. Again, thank you for all you do. Love and Light, Betsie
ReplyDeleteBetsie, that is delightful that you also have a LW hairdresser coming to your house. Isn't it the best...?? I feel very fortunate. Who would have thought that lockdown and mandates would have come with silver linings. Love and Light to you.
DeleteDavid Wilcocks latest update video he says history is repetitive and repeats every 2160 years or so...let's hope we can get off the hamster wheel 😂
ReplyDeleteDoug, I am confident that this is the last 2160 year spin on the hamster wheel. More people are waking up to the TRUTH of their enslavement. Thank goodness...!!
DeleteStatement Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 22 03 2024 English
Just so you know, I haven't been receiving comment notifications in the last two days. I also notice that even though I have already left a comment on the same post that I had already clicked "Notify Me" it shows to click it for every comment now. I doubt you can do anything, so just a heads up.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know, Possum. It's an uphill battle with blog posting and comments, but we persevere...