Global Social Media Outages

Today there were global outages with Instagram and Facebook - and this could be the reason for it.

White Hats have now taken down Instagram and Facebook.

Child trafficking reasons.

Join: Ezra A Cohen (

This is an interesting theory re future outages. Obviously use your discernment - I am only the messenger.

Great summary from Kat of the current situation in the Alliance operation. Tired of winning, yet...??


Besides the recent ‘public’ death of jacob rothschild
+ the πŸ’― disappearance of the 4-top UK royals
+ the abdications, deaths & illnesses of various EU royals
+ the resignations of CEOs & Presidents of DS corporations
+ the cargo shipping lines halting
+ the DS demon's MULTI BILLION DOLLAR SELLOFF of assets

Today we have

Under SoS Victoria Nuland “retiring” [#Gitmo]
Senator Bob Menendez charged with obstruction [#Gitmo]
Cuomo Subpoenaed re Covid Nursing Home deaths [#Gitmo]
AZ Senator Kyrsten Sinema NOT running for re-election

Big Mike [Michelle Obama] verifies he isn’t running for POTUS.

The MSM is starting the narrative of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT πŸ’₯

Not even kidding πŸ™ƒ

Thanks to Maria for forwarding me this wonderful message that was published on the Q drops website. 'R' is widely believed by Q followers to be John F Kennedy (Not Jr).

I relate to this message from BP at Starship Earth. Like BP, I have been in warrior mode every day for years, and it has become difficult to switch off and relax after all this time. Also, like BP, I am not concerned about a thing either.

'...You know what kind of a day it's going to be when you put on the Solitudes meditation and nature sounds and it just isn't working; all you want is Battlestar Galactica. So how do we soothe the savage beast? I can only say what works for me; I put on the Battlestar Galactica.

I guess I've been in battle mode for too many years to just switch it off like that. I'm in warrior mode every day---but not worrier mode. I'm not concerned about a thing...' (BP Starship Earth).

I resonate with this quote too.
'...Continue standing for truth but know what is within your control to change and have peace about what you can't change. Focus on the big picture and ignore the daily noise. Go within to connect with your Higher Self to find peace. Never be afraid, just be prepared....' (Taygeta)

I love this channeled message - there is such freedom in releasing the need to 'save people'.

Thank you to blog reader Celeste for sending me this long article about Ascension symptoms. I was amazed by how many of the symptoms I am experiencing myself.

I will close with a personal Ascension symptom update...

Ear ringing is even louder, if that is vision gets blurry at times even though my glasses are adequate...weird (and I mean WEIRD) dreams...extreme tiredness (even though I am sleeping well), but too wired to nap so I go for a walk instead.

Recently I have had several instances where I had less than pleasant interactions with people and immediately I felt nauseous. It's as if my vibration simply cannot handle unpleasant interactions anymore.

I am focussed on maintaining balance in my daily life - equal measures of solitude, social time, property maintenance, exercise etc etc. I find myself frequently adjusting my schedule if I suddenly become overwhelmed.

On a positive note, my psychic abilities are ramping up and there are many fun synchronicities. When it happens, I thank the Universe for reminding me that I am on track. I am doing a good job on this Earth mission - and so are you...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Sure feels like a test run for it all going dark doesn't it. Telegram and X stayed up and truth social correct? Let's go! Nesara EBS Arrests Documentaries ♥️πŸ•―️πŸΏπŸ“½️

    1. Doug, I thought the same as you - so Telegram and X stayed up...?? Hmmm.
      Love and Light to you, my 'Let's Go...!' friend.

  2. It is really tough to let go of "warrior mode". We've been at this so long and battled sooooo much darkness. Tons of channeled material and my own intuition say super big happenings by the end of this month. Sure hope this is really it! Gotten my hopes up many times before. It's difficult to not just be the grizzled veteran with the thousand yard stare... 😳

    1. Aaah, CC, thank you for my giggle for today - I love that phrase 'grizzled veteran with the thousand yard stare...' Heck, yeah! Like you, I have had my hopes up too many times in the past only to have them dashed over and over. That is why I am working hard to stay at the 60,000 foot perspective, Like you, I am SO hoping that something big happens this month. Love and Light to you, my friend.

  3. Thanks again Sierra. πŸ’œ

    The Saving Of Our Children
    - Freedom Force Battalion (on Telegram)

    The Seized Assets Page on Treasury dot Gov is now 2453 PAGES!!!!

    Make sure to save and share this link... These are the SEIZED ASSETS since President Trump signed the Executive Order in December 2017 that if anyone was involved in Human Trafficking or Corruption, their ASSETS WOULD BE SEIZED.

    1. Awesome share, thanks Possum. Will check it out and post. Love and Light to you.

  4. Thanks for talking about ear ringing. I experience changing intensity of ear ringing in accordance to the Schumann resonance.

    1. You are welcome - and yes, the change in intensity is most likely linked to the SR. Good point!


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