P [D]iddy's LA Mansion Raided

P [D]iddy's Los Angeles mansion was raided in connection with sex trafficking. Dramatic video footage (1' 11" video).

This article gives details about the raid on P [D]iddy's homes. QTSR has been posting for months that P [D]iddy is a powerful pivotal figure in the music sex trafficking industry.

President Trump's bail has been reduced - from 455 million to 175 million. He gave a press conference after the ruling (20 minute video).

At the same time, his personal wealth has grown exponentially. Remember, this is the man who never took a pay check in his entire Presidency.

Here is the preview for Benjamin Fulford's latest newsletter. Please use your discernment, as always. There is interesting information that is worth considering as we view events from the 60,000 foot perspective.

The link to the short video of [K]ate's disappearing engagement ring mentioned in the newsletter. When slowed down, the famous cancer announcement video clearly shows her engagement ring disappearing and reappearing again. If anyone can be bothered, show this to an 'asleep' royal fan and ask their opinion.

Please use your discernment with this [K]ate 'coincidence'. I seem to recall that Diana wore a similar dress after giving birth to William.

This Tucker Carlson interview with Roseanne Barr is a breath of fresh air. Roseanne is delightful. Tucker is rivetted! She is a tiny woman with a huge warm patriotic heart - she is one of President Trump's biggest fans. The interview is fun to watch. Enjoy (36 minute video).

Candace Owens speaks out against the MSM. She is one gutsy Light Warrior (1' 30" video).

Many people in the world still believe these four characters are the real deal. They are in for one heck of a shock.

Light Warriors, each day the 3D illusion shatters further, never to be reassembled again. [K]ate's disappearing engagement ring is a highly public glitch in the matrix that cannot be explained away. It's a line in the sand.

Stay calm and positive. Find balance in your life every day if possible. We Light Warriors are hunched over our phones or laptops for hours at a time, following the fascinating events as they unfold. However, sometimes we need to step away from the intel and get a change of scenery. I try to do it every day. I call it 'de-fragging'.

The research IS fun, though, isn't it...??


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Possum, I so appreciate your input and support.

  2. Hi Sierra. I met this lovely la

    dy at an anonymous rally in Denver, years ago. She tells it like it is and NAILS IT! I would like to share...


    1. Mr E, am I reading this correctly, that YOU are sober again...?? If so, congratulations...!! Keep up the great work, one day at a time. And I look forward to watching the video, thank you.

  3. Thank you Sierra for your effort. You're my favorite morning coffee read.

    1. Thank you Greg, I am so pleased. I enjoy my post research and writing. To be your favorite coffee read is a great honor...!

  4. And Harry is named in a document regarding and photographed with Rapper Ditty. I would love to see where this endgame goes.

    1. Everything is being exposed at the same time, Pat - Hollywood, music industry, royalty. It's all linked and people will finally see that it is all rotten to the core.


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