President Trump Won Supreme Court Decision 9:0

In a delicious touch of irony, I will let a [D]eep [S]tate news source announce that President Trump unanimously won the Colorado Supreme Court decision 9:0 (30" video).

The Colorado decision effectively rules out any other states from trying to remove President Trump from the ballot. Watch closely for [D]eep [S]tate pushback. We have entered dangerous territory where the cornered DS has nothing to lose. Maintain situational awareness at all times.

On that is a screen shot that points to the next few days being potentially critical in the final battle to destroy the DS. Use your discernment. Remember, I am only the messenger. Please do not use the comments section to vent or endlessly speculate over these messages. Stay at the 60,000 foot perspective and TRUST the Divine Plan.

My only comment on that screenshot is a message from the Q drops (paraphrased): 'POTUS (President Trump) is 100% safe and insulated.' Now we understand why the Q drops were sent to us. The Alliance knew we would need this reassurance when SHTF. It appears to be imminent, Light Warriors.

Stephen sent me these two posts along similar lines. Plenty to ponder on here.

Meanwhile, the Australian Prime Minister has been referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for being an accessory to genocide in Gaza. Hopefully this is a precursor to many other world leaders being charged with genocide. You can see why many [D]eep [S]tate leaders jumped ship, including the former Aussie PM and our former NZ PM.

It is quite surreal sitting here in a sleepy rural town in New Zealand, contemplating the imminent occurrence of major events on the other side of the world. We can imagine that the next BIG move could have a global impact, hence our need to be prepared with food, cash and gas in your vehicles. It is only sensible to be ready for any eventuality.

Thanks again, lovely blog readers. Your recent supportive comments were gratefully received. 

Let's maintain our complete TRUST in the Alliance, both on and off planet. If my latest sighting of a brilliant flash of Light from a passing starship is anything to go by, we are in safe hands.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I think it's impossible to predict exactly when or how the BIG happenings will transpire. It's probably important that any remaining bad guys are caught off guard too. Thanks for your diligent work and great posts Sierra! Much❤️!

    1. You are very welcome CC. Love, Light and hugs to you...!

  2. "Two Black Horses were spotted with a ‘captured’ White Horse and Black Flag outside Buckingham Palace. The custom of royal riders is to never bring a white horse without the presence of the king and queen. The presence of a white horse means the presence of the king. Since this happened when the death of Jacob Rothschild was announced it implies he was the real king of England. We have also been informed by Polish intelligence that Prince William is really the son of Jacob Rothschild. Look at the photos below and decide for yourself."

    1. Great sharing, thanks Wayne. This intel about the horses outside Buckingham palace is very important - and fascinating. As is Prince William's identity. No wonder he has been seen recently in English pubs downing a few pints...!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, always a pleasure to see your cheerful purple hearts.

  4. Agreed! Feels close, the Ben F update today was quite direct seemingly prepping the public for the fake nuclear scare event is how I read it. The 2 black horses and 1 white was a huge comm wasn't it..The King is Dead!

    1. Doug, thanks, I will check out Ben's update. I cannot believe how fast the week goes - his updates always seem to arrive in no time.

  5. I find it difficult to bring myself to stock up on weeks of food, I always believed that the Galactic Federation would have their members put on human disguises and help deliver food that was taken from the underground cities to anyone that needed food. Maybe it’s foolish of me to depend on that outcome, but that’s how I’ve felt for a long time.

    1. Dear AnaelTheRoseAngel, No one will go hungry, no one will suffer, everything is planned and ready to go!. Remember Q said it will be a smooth transition!!

    2. What happened in 2020 with all the panic buying during lockdown, retailers being stripped bare, is proof positive that it is a good idea now to have a back up of essential supplies in case of another similar situation That is not fear based - that is sensible!

      This doesn't mean hoarding nor gluttony. Prepping ISN'T panic buying. Perhaps you already have what you need - good for you and well done! 👍

    3. I agree with Aidan. I always have several weeks worth of food at any time anyway. We are not expected to hoard many weeks/months worth of supplies. Just enough basics if you can't get out to the shops for a week in case of martial law. It is about being sensible and practical, and not going overboard.

  6. Thank you, Sierra.

    Eliza over at 'Sunny's Journal' has posted the following announcement.

    I have absolutely no idea if this is true.

    Peace, Love & Light to ALL.


    1. Thank you Aidan. Good to know 💗

    2. Thanks, Aidan. I believe that all Light Warrior material is backed-up Upstairs in the Akashic Records. Like food prepping, I have not been concerned about saving everything on this blog (although a friend is backing it up for me). My instincts tell me that we will have enough food, our money in the bank is safe, and everything online is being 'saved'.

  7. I love it... there were 17 replies. well, until I wrecked it.

    1. Tee hee..!! You are always welcome to 'wreck' the stats with your comments, Tim. Great to hear from you.


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