White House Fencing For SOTU Address

[B]iden is clearly not feeling safe ahead of his State of the Union speech today - a security fence has been set up around the White House. Funny (26" video).

This RRN story details the arrest of Victoria Nuland and hubbie. I admit to enjoying the over-the-top comedic writing style in some of these arrest stories.

An interesting look into Bohemian Grove, the highly secretive [s]atanic site in a Californian redwood forest where world leaders and celebrities meet to perform evil [s]atanic rituals (10 minute video).

These two photos show younger (original) Prince William on the right, and the new version on the left. I clearly remember what Prince William looked like as a child.  Princess Diana's first visit to NZ with Prince Charles was extraordinarily popular. She brought baby Prince William with her. Kiwis have always been fascinated by UK royalty.

Thanks to Maria for this cool meme.

Finally, I resonate with this channeled message from St Germain via James McConnell.

I do believe that many more people are awakening than we realize. They might not be showing outward signs of that awakening but they are now questioning their reality. Karmic marriages and friendships are ending. People are walking away from soul-less jobs, or being made redundant. The old programming is not working for them anymore.

Trust signs in your own life that your loved ones are okay during this accelerated Great Awakening process. I have had several dreams that reassure me all is well with those close to me. It allows me to focus on my own Ascension.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Felt some major energy waves/releases last night, I was wide awake. Today feels like I have radiation poisoning (sorta like after a sunburn...). Even normie folk are feeling it today too. Wouldn't it be wild if bidin pulled his mask off during the SOTU addressšŸ¤£. I'm sure the actor playing him is getting pretty tired of the role! Much ❤️ all!

    1. CC, I was awake during the night too. I usually sleep through every night so I was very tired today.
      Wouldn't it be awesome if one of the DS body doubles freaked out and ripped off their mask during a big public event...??? I have never considered that as a possibility. Go you...!

    2. CC, last night as well as certain times today, I feel a warm energy & tingly sensations around my neck & upper spine. This is unusual for me. Not sure if it's related to the energy waves.

  2. SOTU is like a fairy tale...it's all BS! Crime rate is down...borders are secure, economy is great!
    It's sickening how people are standing and cheering this actor. Waiting for the special forces to enter any moment now

    1. Doug, the SOTU was to show the people just how much BS there is in the Biden admin. Very few people are being fooled now. Hang in there....!!

  3. Oh so good to read your newsletter that aligns with what we are experiencing ~ old programming coming to an end and karmic marriages also. The lying everything must end soon. Awaiting the big event to move on from those no longer of same mind or heart to see how all turns out. Meanwhile earth is glorious...thanks.

    1. Thank you Siri. Many karmic marriages are ending now - it has become a common theme of Ascension. Time is up. Only genuine love connections move forward into 5D. Love and Light to you.


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